
Treatment Characteristic of Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ⅰ. What is the characteristic of Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine compared with similar hospitals in the treatment of kidney disease?
The most distinctive characteristic is the innovative creation of a set of effective methods for curing Chronic Renal Inflammation.

Ⅱ.What is the Chronic Renal Inflammation?
The pathogenesis of kidney disease is generally divided into four stages:Acute Inflammatory Stage (stage 1); Chronic Inflammatory Stage (stage 2); Renal Failure Stage (stage 3); Uremia Stage (stage 4, also known as End-Stage Renal Disease).
The uniqueness or the most therapeutic feature of Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is finding out a radical cure in the second stage of kidney disease- Chronic Inflammatory Stage.
Ⅲ .What is the significance of the Treatment of Chronic Renal Inflammation in the four stages of kidney disease?
The Treatment of Chronic Renal Inflammation has two special meanings in the four stages of kidney disease: Firstly,The Treatment of Chronic Renal Inflammation is the key point in curing radically Renal Failure Stage (stage 3)and Uremia Stage (stage 4). The reason is that if the second stage (Chronic Inflammatory Stage) can be cured radically, it will not develop into the third stage (Renal Failure Stage)and forth stage (Uremia Stage).Therefore, we can conclude that the Treatment of Chronic Renal Inflammation is the most effective way to cure Renal Failure and Uremia.Secondly,in the worldwide medical field (including Chinese medicine and western medicine), there is no effective cure for Chronic Renal Inflammation.That is to say, there is no effective cure in the treatment of the second stage. This is an important reason why Chronic Renal Inflammation is classified as Chronic Difficult and Complicated Disease.Meanwhile, it is also the reason why all western medicine doctors tell patients no need to treat Chronic Renal Inflammation.
Ⅳ.Why can Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine have a unique knack in the treatment of Chronic Renal Inflammation?
The most important reason is Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has found out the root cause of Chronic Renal Inflammation.
Ⅴ. What is the root cause of Chronic Renal Inflammation?
The root cause of Chronic Renal Inflammation is the accumulation of excess substances in the body that causes Chronic Renal Inflammation. These excess substances include hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, various extrinsic antigens, drug residues, heavy metals, etc. That is to say, the excess nutrients that people ingest in the daily diet and the harmful substances that are not excreted in the body, together constitute the pathogenic factor of Chronic Renal Inflammation.
The finding of the above theory can effectively explain why some patients who suffer Acute Inflammation in the first stage can be healed quickly, while some cannot.The root cause is that the effect can come out quickly when there is not too much accumulation of nutrients and harmful substances in the human body,while patient can not be cured completely when there are excess accumulation of them even with same medication. Simply speaking, the accumulation of excess nutrients and harmful substances in the body not only seriously reduce the effect of medication, but also trigger Chronic Renal Inflammation.
Ⅵ. How does Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine treat Chronic Renal Inflammation effectively?
Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the illness by removing excess nutrients and harmful substances effectively.
The whole treatment process is divided into two parts: the first part is to remove the excess substances (excess nutrients and harmful substances) accumulated in the body. The second part is to use targeted treatment for the removal of renal inflammation.
Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has named this unique treatment as "Detoxification Therapy", whose core is to treat Chronic Renal Inflammation by eliminating excess substances out of body.
The reason why it is called "Detoxification Therapy" is based on the theory of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).
Traditional Chinese Medicine thinks the excess is toxic. In other words, whether it is nutrient or harmful substance, as long as it accumulates in the human body and exceeds the human body's ability to consume or expel it, the excess substance will become toxin.
Large amount of toxins not only inhibit the effectiveness of drugs, but also worsen inflammation in the body.
Therefore, the removal of large amount of toxins accumulated in the human body becomes an effective method for the Treatment of Chronic Renal Inflammation in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This also constitutes the theoretical basis for the Treatment of Chronic Renal Inflammation by the "Blood-Cleaning Therapy" in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Ⅶ.How does Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine remove toxins?
Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine removes toxins through Traditional Chinese Medicine, and realize the removal of toxins continuously through the following three aspects:
1. Dissolving toxins: dissolve toxins by tonifying Qi and clearing heat.Here Toxins dissolved are mainly heat toxins.The main method is to balance anti-inflammation and induce-inflammation of cells through clearing heat. The essence is to relieve the inflammatory state of the kidney inherent cells by removing heat toxins, to dissolve the toxins inside and outside cells, and to control the development of the disease.
2.  Dispelling toxins: dispel toxins by reinforcing kidney and activating blood. Here toxins dispelled are mainly stasis toxins and wind toxins. The main method is to restore cells’ normal metabolism function, correct the dysfunction of renal inherent cells and remove the old and new toxins inside and outside cells through improving blood circulation and dispelling wind,so as to eradicate protein,occult blood and edema.
3. Discharging toxins: discharge toxins by promoting Qi circulation and removing obstruction in the collaterals. Here toxins discharged is mainly damp toxins.The main method is to clear detoxification channel of renal inherent cells through dredging the channel and meridian, making the toxins discharged from the cells into the tissue fluid, from tissue fluid into the blood, and then out of the body through sweat, urine and bowel movement, to prevent relapse in the future.
Ⅷ. What are the advantages of Detoxification Therapy?
1. No harm to kidneys.The therapy is mainly to restore the human body's self-detoxification ability, rather than “combating poison with poison”.So it does not harm kidneys. The detoxification process is mainly by restoring the cell's own detoxification function.
2. Fast response.The therapy targets medicines to right point so as to achieve quick effects. The method is to get the drug directly to the renal lesion through the drug administration of kidney channel tropism and specific acupoint.

3. No relapse.The main reason is that the detoxification is thorough, so there is no relapse. Once toxins inside and outside cells are cleaned up, the cause of relapse can be eliminated.

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