
How to lower creatinine level more than 3

Kidney is an important organ of the human body and has the function of producing urine, discharging metabolic waste and toxins, maintaining moisture, electrolyte and acid-base balance and endocrine function. Any damage to kidneys leads to excessive accumulation of waste and various obstacles and imbalances in the body. Nephropathy is often difficult to treat, and easy to relapse, if untreated or inappropriate treatment will gradually develop into renal failure and cause a series of sometimes life-threatening symptoms and complications, very early and appropriate treatment for disease progression slowing, reverse kidney damage and restore function Kidneys.
What if creatinine is more than 3?
Level of serum creatinine reflects severity of kidney damage. In clinic, creatinine more than 3 means at least 70% kidney function loses and patients’ kidneys are severely damaged. There are five stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and patients are at Stage 4 CKD with creatinine level more than 3. Without immediate treatment, it can progress to Kidney Failure which requires dialysis. Our doctor on duty will reply you within 24 hours.
How to lower creatinine level more than 3?
As you know, the root cause of high creatinine level is kidney function damage. Therefore, to lower creatinine level from the root, I recommend Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
TCM has been used for thousands of years. Since traditional Chinese herbs may take long term to take effects, we innovate several herbal therapies that make Chinese herbs more fully reabsorbed and more safe.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a commonly used method for kidney disease patients. “Micro” means Chinese herbs are super-finely shattered. “Osmotherapy” means Chinese herbs can permeate into kidney lesions directly, under the help of penetrant liquid and osmosis device. There effective ingredients of Chinese herbs have the function of dilating blood vessels, reducing inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading extracellular matrixes. Therefore, the whole blood circulation increases, and kidneys can get enough blood volume and oxygen to function adequately. As long as kidneys can work normally, creatinine can be filtered naturally with urine.
This therapy is just one of therapies used for kidney disease patients. Other therapies like Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Steam Therapy, etc may be also chosen by our doctor for patients. Any questions, please be free to contact with us!
Here you can find traditional and up-to-date treatment, Chinese and Western therapy, conservative  treatment, and medical trends in the treatment of kidney disease. You can choose the most appropriate treatment based on the specific disease and physical condition, if you are interested in our natural remedies for traditional Chinese medicine, please leave your contact information in time , or add our whatsapp/viber/wechat :008615931093124. Send your correct contact (country code + phone) and your question to us , We can help you improve kidney function recovery and I am Dr. Leo.

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