
Tell you: the symptoms of patients with kidney disease are not the same.


Tell you: Chinese medicine can treat kidney damage and improve kidney function.


Tell you: A healthy life helps you stay away from kidney disease.

For Patients

Tell you: Kidney disease patients from different countries.


Tell you: Different characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy for the health of kidney disease.


What fruit can people with diabetes eat

With the improvement of people's quality of life and the deterioration of the environment, health problems are frequently appearing in people's lives. Diabetes can be seen everywhere. So, diabetes can eat what fruit? As diabetes diet needs to be very exquisite, the patient's most basic diet principle is based on the patient's activity, weight, and blood sugar to estimate the total heat needed for a day, scientific and reasonable To develop a daily diet plan.

Diabetes can eat what fruit

Diabetic people can eat fruits: pomelo, cherries, apples, lychees, oranges, pears, kiwi, strawberries, pomegranates.

1, pomelo: 
Cold, sweet, sour, with the next Phlegm Phlegm, stomach digestion, edema and pain, Li Yan anti-inflammatory effect. Some people think grapefruit fresh juice, contains insulin-like ingredients, can lower blood sugar, protect the cardiovascular.

2, cherry:
Warm, sweet, with Qi tonic, spleen and stomach dysfunction, sweating, expelling wind rash, detoxification, skin beauty and other effects. Because it contains pectin, can increase the amount of insulin secretion, blood sugar can be decreased.

3, apple:
Sexual cool, sweet, and some species slightly acid, with nourishing Qi, fluid cough, stomach and spleen, Chufan, Jieshu, hangover and other effects. Due to the slow and uniform absorption of sugar in apple, which can lower blood sugar, especially postprandial blood sugar, have a better effect on diabetes. The chromium contained in the apple peel is the "nemesis" of diabetes, which can increase the sensitivity of diabetic patients to insulin and is an important blood glucose regulator. However, malic acid can stabilize blood sugar. Therefore, patients with diabetes suitable for eating apples; the same time, apple is rich in potassium, blood pressure and cardiovascular protection, can prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications.

4, lychee:
Sexual warm, sweet, sour, with qi and spleen, nourishing the liver and yi, thirst quencher, puzzle, Tong Shen, detoxification, diarrhea and other effects, can be moderate consumption.

5, oranges:
Fruit pulp cool, Pickle, with Sheng Jin heat, Phlegm saliva, and appetizers, hangover thirst and other effects, you can eat.

6, pear:
Cold, sweet, slightly acidic, with fluid, lungs, heat, cool heart, Phlegm, fire, heat cough, detoxification and other effects, but less sugar, people with diabetes can eat.

7, Kiwi:
Sugar and fat content is low, but also high-fiber foods, prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications have a good effect. Kiwi rich in sugar alcohols inositol can regulate glucose metabolism, thereby reducing blood sugar.

8, strawberry:
Low in calories, and rich in vitamin C and trace elements, consumption of blood sugar will rise slowly, which can reduce the burden of insulin and stabilize blood sugar.

9, pomegranate
Sweet, sour, warm, with insecticidal, astringent, astringent intestinal, dysentery and other effects. Nutritious pomegranate fruit, vitamin C content than apples, pears to be one or two times higher.

Diabetes to people more harmful. It is not just simple treatment, usually also need to pay attention to the patient's diet. To understand what diabetes can eat fruit, what fruit is good for diabetes in order to develop scientific and rational diet plan for each day of diabetes for better treatment and prevention.


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What is the effectiveness of Lactuca sativa

Lactuca sativa is one of the more common vegetables we usually enjoy because it belongs to very healthy green vegetables and meets the dietary standards of our modern people. Therefore, it is more popular with all people. Nowadays, we are not very fond of eating meat, Eat green vegetables became the first choice, then we look at the effectiveness of Lactuca sativa.
The effectiveness of Lactuca sativa
Lactuca sativa, also known as Lactuca sativa, is one of the commonly used vegetables, Lactuca sativa edible stems and leaves its leaves, the taste is very tasty, by the majority of people like it.
First, the role of Lactuca sativa
1, appetizers digestion
Lactuca sativa and Lactuca sativa leaves contain a component - Lactuca sativa prime, with a refreshing taste, slightly bitter, edible after can stimulate the stomach, increase saliva, gastric juice, digestive enzymes and bile secretion, appetizers Jianbu, promoting digestion effect .
2, blood
Iron content in Lactuca sativa is very high, and Lactuca sativa in many organic acids and plant enzymes, Lactuca sativa in the iron is more easily digested by the human body, edible Lactuca sativa has a good role in iron, can promote the synthesis of hemoglobin , A variety of anemia treatment efficacy, suitable for pregnant women, the elderly, bedridden people eating.
3, lower blood pressure
Lactuca sativa contains a large number of potassium, sodium content is very low, the ratio of 27: 1, is truly a high potassium and low sodium diet, after eating can act on the myocardium and blood vessels, can make the heart systolic function enhanced and enhanced Vascular flexibility and tension, lower blood pressure.
4, diuretic
Cold Lactuca sativa, and contains large amounts of potassium ions, making Lactuca sativa has a very potent diuretic effect, Lactuca sativa juice can increase urine, commonly used in clinical treatment of edema and ascites and other kidney disease also have a therapeutic effect.
5, protect the teeth
Lactuca sativa contains a certain amount of fluorine, these elements are very low in many foods, but Lactuca sativa content is much higher than other plants, Lactuca sativa can be fed with fluoride, can maintain the health of dentin, enamel and bone . It can also help prevent rickets.
6, make up iodine
The content of iodine in Lactuca sativa is also very high. Iodine mainly acts on thyroid hormones, which can regulate the basic metabolism of the human body, promote mental and physical development, relieve emotional stress, and can be used clinically to help treat goiter, Atherosclerosis and so on.
7, lower blood sugar
Its own low sugar content, and contains a mineral element zinc and a certain amount of insulin activator niacin, after eating it can promote the normal pancreas activity and enhance insulin activity, blood glucose has a certain reduction effect, suitable for diabetic patients.

The above is some of the effects of Lactuca sativa presentation, the efficacy of Lactuca sativa is very good, such as it contains a lot of nutrients our body essential, in addition, it also contains a very special Lactuca sativa prime, This kind of nutrients to our body appetizer has a very big help in that we usually can eat more.

Online doctor:008615931093124


What symptoms can tell you about which stage of kidney disease

With the exception of individual secondary kidney diseases such as purpuric nephritis and lupus nephritis, the appearance and development of most kidney diseases are "quiet" and can easily miss the best timing of treatment.
However, nephrologists say there are some external manifestations at different stages of kidney disease that allow us to seize the timing of treatment.
stage of kidney disease
The first stage: inflammation stage
In fact, most of the common external manifestations of renal disease, have emerged at this stage, such as foam urine (proteinuria), hematuria, edema and so on.
Because this stage is precisely when the kidney unit began to be destroyed, the performance is more intense.
Like a cold, early, cough, fever and other symptoms of the most intense. Really developed to middle and late, but a smooth cough, fever also sustained low-grade fever.
Therefore, many doctors for urinary protein and edema did not show too urgent, because at this time although it looks "dangerous", but the treatment is relatively easy.
As long as the inhibition of the inflammatory response, basically can receive a good effect.

The second stage: before and after renal failure, mid-term
Mainly refers to the serum creatinine 130-500μmoI / L between the stages.
This stage, the nephron has been damaged more than 50%, can not fully meet the needs of the body, in addition to the various symptoms in front, but also the tendency of azotemia.
At this stage, those early external manifestations have gradually converged, such as edema, although the quantitative urinary protein did not significantly improve, but the edema is much better than before.
This is due not only to early treatment but also to the "tolerated" pattern of the kidneys because of the body's self-regulating mechanism.
However, although early external manifestations have eased, many patients at this stage may experience increased feelings of dizziness, nausea and fatigue, mainly due to azotemia.

The third stage: end-stage renal failure
Is uremia period.
At this point, the kidney showed significant atrophy, diffuse renal damage, azotemia is very serious, water, electrolyte imbalance.
The main external manifestation of this stage, one is dizzy and weak, the other is dark complexion, which are related to changes in the blood.
We know that with the decline of renal function, serum creatinine, urea nitrogen and other metabolic garbage in the blood continuously increased concentration, resulting in azotemia, so that other organs and systems have also been "contaminated."
The main source of this "pollution" is inadequate blood supply. Coupled with renal damage caused by decreased erythropoietin, anemia will be more serious.
Therefore, the development of renal disease to uremia stage, the external appearance of the performance has basically disappeared, replaced by a variety of uncomfortable feeling, such as sleep, physical weakness, easy to commit lazy, looking black and so on.

From the external manifestations to determine the stage of development of kidney disease is very inaccurate, only as a rough adjunct to judge.
Moreover, these external manifestations vary widely depending on each person's condition and on the various pathological types.
But one thing is the same: the physical patience is strong, and if it signals "uncomfortable," do not ignore it.


Online doctor:008615931093124

How can we choose Chinese or Western medicine with kidney treatment in the end

Specific treatment of kidney disease, Chinese medicine and Western medicine are adhering to different treatment methods for the treatment of patients with kidney disease caused by the choice of treatment difficulties, in response to this problem, the treatment of kidney disease in the end we choose Chinese or Western medicine?
The advantages and disadvantages of Western medicine
Western medicine as the current mainstream of nephropathy in the treatment of kidney disease has an undoubted status.
Western medicine is inquiry medicine, pay attention to experimental evidence of all things, in the specific treatment process, the emphasis is on the changes in the inspection indicators.
From the Western point of view, the treatment of nephropathy is to continuously inhibit or eliminate various clinical symptoms, so that the various laboratory indicators back to normal.
The concept of Western medical treatment, mainly through the use of external force to force the body back to normal, such as the secretion of adrenal hormones impaired function, oral hormones will be replaced; such as renal filtration dysfunction, dialysis machine will be replaced.
The advantage is that, quick, the treatment effect is obvious.
The downside is that not only is it hard to sustain, but the treatment itself can cause damage to the body and is "destructive."
The advantages and disadvantages of Chinese medicine
In recent years, the treatment of kidney disease, there is a gradual rise of the trend.
Chinese medicine is the experience of medicine, the doctor's past experience in treatment play a decisive role in the specific treatment process, the focus is on the patient's physical condition changes.
From the Chinese point of view, the treatment of kidney disease is to restore "harmony between man and nature" to achieve the balance of the human body yin and yang, five elements in an orderly manner.
The treatment concept of TCM is to eliminate the disease mainly by restoring the body's own functions, such as eliminating urinary protein by improving blood circulation, and improving anemia by improving the qi of qi and enriching blood.
The advantage is that the body function recovery, the treatment effect is stable and lasting.
The downside is not only slow and hard to grasp.

Nephropathy treatment trends
Nephropathy treatment more and more tend to combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine.
Western medicine to eliminate various clinical symptoms at the same time, with Chinese medicine to restore human function. For example, the use of hormones to eliminate urine protein, will lead to decreased human immunity, and Chinese medicine just good at improving immunity. Especially long-term use of hormones in patients with kidney disease, with traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, can improve the frequent cold condition.
Even into the stage of uremia dialysis, the use of dialysis machines to clean blood toxins, but also can use traditional Chinese medicine qi and blood treatment concept to enhance physical fitness, so that patients get a better treatment experience.


Online doctor:008615931093124

What is the treatment of kidney disease edema you can not think of

Many types of nephrotic edema, especially nephrotic syndrome. In the end what is the harm of renal edema? How to treat it?
Causes of renal edema
The causes of edema in patients with kidney disease can be divided into the following three categories:
1, decreased renal function
One of the main functions of the kidney is drainage, the blood through the glomerular filtration, the formation of the original urine, and then reabsorbed through the renal tubules to form urine. When the glomerular damage is serious, a serious decline in filtration function, resulting in water can not be normal metabolism, there will be oliguria or even no urine, and accompanied by edema.
2, colloid osmotic pressure imbalance
This is mainly caused by protein loss. Large numbers of patients with nephrotic syndrome leak protein, resulting in lower plasma albumin, while plasma albumin is the key material to maintain the balance of colloid osmotic pressure. Once the colloid osmotic pressure imbalance, the blood vessels will flow into the blood vessels, causing edema.
3, crystal osmotic pressure imbalance
This is common in patients with kidney disease, "Shuinazhuliu", when the electrolyte imbalance, abnormal metabolism of sodium ions were forced to stay in the body, will lead to imbalance in the crystal osmotic pressure, the intracellular water flow into the cell, causing edema.

Treatment of renal edema
Once the cause of renal edema is established, the treatment can be determined.
① edema caused by decreased function, in addition to restrictions on drinking water and the use of diuretics, some patients in severe cases also need dialysis drainage;
② a large number of leaky protein-induced edema, to find ways to improve the plasma albumin level in order to fundamentally solve the problem of edema;
③ water and sodium retention caused by edema, to find a way to balance the electrolyte, mainly through the regulation of drugs and diet, while diuresis.

First swelling, or eliminate urine protein?
For patients with nephrotic syndrome, a large number of urinary protein and high degree of edema exist, which should be solved?
Generally think that, since this edema is caused by a large leak of protein, is it right? Urinary protein should be used to eliminate hormones, and then solve the edema ah?
Because the hormone will cause sodium and water retention, so that patients swollen swollen on the swelling, and high edema easily lead to acute heart failure and acute pulmonary edema, which are deadly threat, it should be the priority of swelling.
The swelling method is not simply the use of diuretics, but the importation of artificial protein, the first restoration of colloid osmotic pressure balance, and then to use diuretics.


Online doctor:008615931093124

Why the misunderstanding of creatinine is the key to uremia

I found that many patients with kidney disease although very aware of elevated creatinine, but do not know exactly how serious.
Today we are going to say, what does serum creatinine mean in the end?
Causes of elevated serum creatinine
Creatinine is a small molecule substance that is a product of muscle metabolism. Creatinine produced on a daily basis is also essentially fixed due to the relatively constant amount of muscle in our body.
Creatinine flows through the kidneys as it passes through the kidneys, is filtered by the glomerulus, enters the original urine, but does not reabsorb the tubules, so creatinine excretes with the urine.
There are two main reasons for the rise of serum creatinine:
First, eating too much meat or too much exercise, resulting in glomerular filtration of all creatinine too late, so that part of the creatinine back into the blood, causing serum creatinine increased;
Second, the glomerular damage is more serious, inability to filter through all creatinine, will make part of creatinine back into the blood, causing serum creatinine increased.
We often say that patients with renal serum creatinine increased, referring to the second case.

What does serum creatinine mean?
Some people say that although their serum creatinine beyond the normal, but just beyond a little bit, should be okay?
This is a misunderstanding.
Unlike creatinine and occult blood creatinine, mild renal damage does not cause elevated serum creatinine, and only more than half of nephron damage, serum creatinine began to rise.
Therefore, serum creatinine more than 110μmoI / L, does not mean that you can sit back and relax.

Serum creatinine increased how to do?
Many patients with early stage renal failure are confused: more than 700μmoI / L can choose dialysis, but before that? In particular, serum creatinine 500μmoI / L below the kidney disease patients, do not know how to treat.
Currently there are three main ways to reduce creatinine:
First, drugs, such as carbon tablets (love West), proprietary Chinese medicines (uremic clearance), the general effect, better than nothing;
Second, dialysis, here refers to the colon dialysis, that is, traditional Chinese medicine enema, the main method is to use colon decontamination creatinine, the effect is better than the drug;
Third, Chinese medicine treatment, for Chinese medicine, creatinine is "poison evil", Chinese medicine is the way to clean up the evil of qi and blood to improve the body's own ability to detoxify, especially sweating and urination, known as "ghost gate, clean House ". The effect varies from person to person, mainly to dialectical treatment of Chinese medicine is relatively rare.
In addition, should also be combined with diet and lifestyle adjustments, such as reducing meat intake, reduce physical activity and so on. The idea that some patients with kidney disease try to enhance their physique through exercise is good, but exercise produces a lot of creatinine, which is not worth the money for patients with renal insufficiency.


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What problems should be kidney disease patients must know

Question 1: Why do I get kidney disease?
Kidney disease, is due to genetic mutations, genetic or living environment, habits and other factors, leading to kidney damage, decreased renal function, will have kidney disease.
This is a vague answer! Did not explain the specific causes of kidney disease it!
Do not blame the doctor because they do not know ...
Although, most of the time, most of the nephropathy is closely related to the deposition of immune complexes or elevated intrasplaral pressure, we still do not know the specific process and the reason.

Question two: kidney disease can be treated to what extent?
This is a lot of kidney disease patients are concerned about the issue: I spent so much money, you can give me treatment to what extent ah?
The answer is: do not know.
The judgment of the doctor on the condition of the kidney disease mainly comes from the description of the medical history of the test book and the patient, but both have a large probability of error.
Even if there is no error, doctors can not predict the degree of treatment, because the role of various drugs in patients with, but also vary widely.
Therefore, the doctors can only general answer: the vast majority of patients with inflammatory response can be cured, half the chance of early renal failure can be cured, to uremia, can only be maintained.

Question three: kidney disease genetic it?
There are indeed several nephropathies with more obvious genetic or familial aggregation, but these can not be used as evidence of "genetic inheritance of kidney disease."
As for the "high heritability of kidney disease" and the like, even more do not know.
In the area of ​​big data statistics, it is indeed possible to come up with a heritability number, but this number is not meaningful to the individual patient.
For individuals, the heritability is only one: 50%.

to sum up
Kidney disease is a very complex disease, we know it very limited, everything is just groping.
In fact, we can not even control the level of handyness even with a cold.
Therefore, really got kidney disease, relief treatment, peace of mind is the best choice.


Online doctor:008615931093124

What does it mean for nephropathy with Urinary occult blood and occult blood 2

Nephrotic patients please note: Urinary occult blood 2+ is the legendary "Buddha's treatment"
Some patients with kidney disease found that urinary protein plus sign, the doctor will think of a variety of ways to treat. Urinary occult blood has a plus, doctors do not seem to be aggressive treatment ...
urinary occult blood
Urine occult blood doubts
User small hair private letter asked: I have two years history of kidney disease, the beginning of urinary protein 2+, urine occult blood 2+, the other normal, after several treatment, urine protein negative, but urinary occult blood 2+ has not changed, but The doctors did not take any measures. Until now, they still only ate several kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines. They felt as if they had taken medicine to take medicine. The doctors did not seem to intend to solve the problem of urine occult blood.
Is urinary occult blood 2 really does not matter?

Urinary occult blood occult status
There are many reasons for urinary occult blood, such as kidney disease, urinary tract infection, cancer or even leave.
Urinary occult blood caused by nephropathy is a manifestation of the renal inflammatory response.
In other words, one of the main causes of urinary protein, but also inflammatory response caused by the deposition of immune complexes. Logically speaking, urinary occult blood should be at least as important as urinary protein, urinary occult blood is not as valued as urine protein?
There are two reasons for the embarrassment of urinary occult blood:
① lack of effective drugs for urinary occult blood;
Urinary occult blood damage to the nephron is not as large as urinary protein.

How to treat urine occult blood?
Zhang Xiao back to the above example, kidney disease for two years, urine protein negative, only urine occult blood 2+, everything else is normal, and almost in the withdrawal state, be more successful treatment.
The current treatment of urinary occult blood, mainly in the following ways:
① conventional medication, can be anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory, can not, give priority to the elimination of urinary protein;
② unless gross hematuria, or do not do too aggressive treatment.
In general, the so-called "Buddhist treatment", the treatment of urinary occult blood is just the incidental elimination of urinary protein, the success is not important, unless there is a serious infection.


Online doctor:008615931093124

Why kidney doctors say urinary protein 1 + and serum creatinine 200 without treatment

"No problem, pay attention to rest, drink plenty of water."
Sometimes we obviously have a very uncomfortable feeling, but why did the doctor say so? What is going on?
kidney patient
Urine protein 1 + without treatment?
The patient found urinary protein 1+ in a physical examination, and with a little general medical knowledge, she immediately realized that she had a problem with the kidneys and came to the best hospital in the city.
Unexpectedly, a few checks to do down, the doctor told her not to treat, go back and pay attention to rest, eat less protein, two weeks later to review.
Patients do not understand is that leakage protein does not mean kidney damage? Do not let it go?

Nephropathy that "no treatment" problem
Urinary protein 1 +, occult blood 2+, renal cyst 3 cm or less, serum creatinine 200 μmoI / L or less
Common abnormalities in these kidney diseases, doctors are always treated with "no treatment."
The reason is that these "abnormal" levels too low, those commonly used drugs, because they have some side effects, it seems a bit "overkill."
Of course, you can also use proprietary Chinese medicines, such as gold Shui Po, urine poisoning and the like, but the results are difficult to satisfactory, it seems "not cost-effective."
More important reason is that these "anomalies" affect the progress of the disease is not large, do not need to "go a long way."

No treatment ≠ no attention
Although no treatment, but all doctors will remind review of things.
As a nephropathy patient, we can also do these things:
1, urinary protein 1 +
Usually 24 hours urinary protein less than 1 gram, in addition to using gold Shui Po, but also began to pay attention to diet, this stage, daily intake of protein, try to control less than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight.
2, urine occult blood 2+
If it has been determined that renal occult blood, in addition to maintaining a light diet, there is no good way, so regular review and attitude adjustment is more important.
3, renal cysts 3 cm below
Have not yet reached the surgical standards, so we need to pay attention to protect the waist, do not do violent bending action, do not mention heavy objects.
4, serum creatinine 200μmoI / L or less
In addition to uremic clearance, Love and other drugs, colon dialysis is also a good choice. In addition, elevated serum creatinine, it is not suitable for exercise, and can play Tai Chi or take a walk.
In short, please try to maintain a state of loose inside the loose, neither panic, nor contempt, to pass this "blank period of safety."


Online doctor: 008615931093124

Chronic nephritis long cure we how to do

It is called nephritis because we have long thought that the cause of primary nephropathy is the inflammatory response caused by the deposition of immune complexes. 1, chronic nephritis treatment difficulties where? 2, the new treatment concept is like?
Therefore, clearing immune complexes is at the core of treatment.
However, the current conventional treatment, there is no way to clean the immune complexes, it is usually based on the elimination of urinary protein and urine occult blood for the treatment of purpose.
The problem is that this is not easy either.
We know that the best elimination of urinary protein is the use of hormones, but for those with a quantitative urinary protein less than 1 gram 24 hours urinary protein excretion of the hormone is obviously "overkill", and its possible side effects do not offset the treatment of urinary protein The positive effect brought about, that is, hormone is not worthwhile.
Urine occult blood it? There are currently no drugs that can eliminate occult urine, plus urine occult blood is not as easy as urinary protein cause serious kidney damage, it is usually conservative treatment.
So, for only chronic proteinuria and occult chronic nephritis, only rely on the compensatory function of the kidney itself in the maintenance, treatment and no substantive help.

Another treatment idea
Attempts to clean immune complexes have been ongoing.
Chinese medicine "Tong Fu Huayu" treatment concept, just can be used to solve the deposition of immune complexes, which include the following two aspects:
The first is to clean sediments, rubbing, medicated bath, supervisor moxibustion and other methods to direct the efficacy of lesions, to avoid the waste of metabolic processes. Drugs acting on the lesion, mainly to activate cells, improve its own cleaning function, that is, the metabolic function of the kidney itself.
The second is to improve the microcirculation, the kidney itself is two capillary groups, blood flow conditions are very important. Immune complex deposition is easy to cause immune inflammation, the second is likely to cause blockage, which will lead to necrosis of the nephron. The Chinese medicine in the dredge, the unique role of conditioning, can help improve the microcirculation of the kidneys, both to help the immune complex smoothly discharged, but also to improve the nephrotic units due to blockage and ischemic hypoxia.

Complete treatment concept
Is it the treatment of chronic nephritis that cleans immune complexes and improves kidney microcirculation?
Of course not, there is "rule" there "cure" be considered complete.
Chinese medicine foot bath, Governor moxibustion and other renal dredging and conditioning, can significantly improve the body vitality, improve immunity, to prevent the recurrence of the disease has an important role.
Of course, "treatment" and "treatment" and there is no strict sequence, there is no primary or secondary points, the two are a complete integration process, for chronic nephritis, the integrity of this process is the most important.


Online doctor: 008615931093124

The true role of hormonal treatment of kidney disease, and hormone-dependent causes

Mentioned kidney treatment, people may first think of hormones, which is an important drug to eliminate urinary protein, it is time-tested.
But the problem is, some patients will appear "hormone resistance", what is the reason?
from google
The true role of hormones
In the treatment of nephropathy, we often say that the hormone is actually glucocorticoid, which is secreted by the adrenal hormones, but due to kidney damage in patients with kidney disease, resulting in their own lack of secretion, so need to be supplemented by drugs.
The main role of hormones is to regulate sugar, fat, protein synthesis and metabolism, and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
In the treatment of kidney disease, the real role of hormones is anti-inflammatory.
We know that most types of nephropathy are caused by inflammatory reactions. The persistent inflammatory reaction in the kidneys will lead to the damage of renal cells and the leakage of proteins and other substances, thus forming the urine protein, occult blood and other symptoms. Therefore, the treatment of early nephropathy, The point is to control the inflammatory response.
A lot of kidney disease patients with urinary protein after the use of hormones on the negative, because inflammation is suppressed live, renal cells are no longer sustained death, coupled with the kidney itself compensatory strong, so filtration was restored, so urinary protein Will disappear ,But by no means does this mean that the cause of the inflammatory reaction is also eliminated by the hormones, not to mention that the dead kidney cells are revived.

Why does it produce "hormone dependence"?
Some nephrotic patients said that after the reduction or withdrawal of hormones, urinary protein soon appeared again, what happened?
This is actually a "rebound phenomenon", referring to reduction too fast or sudden withdrawal, resulting in reversal of the condition.
We know that glucocorticoids itself is secreted by the adrenal glands. Our long-term use of hormonal drugs causes misunderstandings in the body, thus "ordering" the adrenal gland to reduce the secretion of hormones. When patients who are unknowingly reduce their dosage, the amount of adrenal hormone secretion Did not increase, leading to rapid decline in plasma concentration, there is no power to continue to suppress the inflammatory response, so the recurrence of kidney disease.
The response is to resume the dose again and to reduce the rate of drug reductions.
Do not stop medicine!

Correct understanding of hormones
Use hormone treatment of kidney disease, we must have a correct understanding of hormones:
① hormones to eliminate urinary protein through anti-inflammatory, and for those high blood pressure, diabetes or tubular proteinuria caused by urinary albumin, hormone effect is not good;
② hormone-dependent causes of their own lack of secretion, so slow down the speed of medicine, but also find ways to improve their own secretory capacity;
Although hormones will cause full-moon face, buffalo back and other body changes, but the withdrawal of one year after the basic side effects will disappear, only a very small number of repeated many people difficult to recover;
④ Most doctors have their own unique hormone reduction program, please follow the doctor's advice. If you change the attending physician, please be sure to inform before the reduction program.


Online doctor:008615931093124

The efficacy and role of hawthorn and its edible method

Hawthorn, edible plants, stone fruit, hard, thin flesh, slightly sour. Deciduous shrubs. Branch dense, with fine thorns, young branches with pilose. Branchlets purple brown, old branch grayish brown. Can prevent cardiovascular disease. Hawthorn is endemic to our country
Hawthorn has beauty slimming, women's weight-loss tablets Hawthorn contains vitamin C, carotene and other substances can block and reduce the formation of free radicals, can enhance the body's immune system, anti-aging, anti-cancer effect; women eat hawthorn can eliminate Body fat, reduce the effectiveness of fat absorption, beauty for women can achieve the effect of weight-loss beauty.
The efficacy and role of hawthorn and its edible method
Hawthorn has antihypertensive, lipid-lowering, anti-oxidation, enhance immunity, remove harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, but also to prevent liver cancer. Men have fatty liver, it is necessary to Liver and Liver, liver Liver, devaluation Hawthorn. Hawthorn, can help digestion, with Liver Liver fat effect.

The efficacy and role of hawthorn and its edible method
Hawthorn can significantly reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, effective prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis; hawthorn but also by increasing myocardial contractility, increase cardiac output, coronary artery expansion, increase coronary blood flow, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption To cardiac and prevent the role of angina. In addition, the total flavonoids in hawthorn have the effect of dilating blood vessels and prolonging blood pressure.
The efficacy and role of hawthorn and its edible method
Hawthorn has the role of promoting blood circulation, blood stasis type of dysmenorrhea in patients with diet Jiapin. Dysmenorrheal dysmenorrhea patients often manifested by the first day or 2 days before or 1 to 2 days before the occurrence of abdominal pain, menstrual discharge to be smooth, the pain gradually reduced or disappeared, and the dark color of blood, accompanied by blood clots.
The efficacy and role of hawthorn and its edible method
Hawthorn ripe fruit can be used or fried yellow coke medicine. Hawthorn fruit is widely used in the manufacture of candied fruit, fruit skin, hawthorn cake, hawthorn cakes and other sweet and sour food. Hawthorn is a combination of both trees and fruits, most of the fruits are red, hard, thin flesh, slightly sour taste. Ripe fruit can be used or fried yellow coke medicine. Hawthorn fruit is widely used in the manufacture of candied fruit, fruit skin, hawthorn cake, hawthorn cakes and other sweet and sour food. Place in a ceramic container or wrap in a fresh-keeping bag and put in the refrigerator.

Online doctor:008615931093124


Creatinine more than 100 in the end or not to be treated

Nephrologist: Creatinine in patients with kidney disease more than 100, do not rush to treatment, pay attention to these things
We all know that elevated serum creatinine usually means that renal function problems, but those creatinine more than 100, just beyond the reference standard of renal disease patients, in the end to be active treatment?
high creatinine
Why does serum creatinine rise?
Creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism. Creatinine produced daily is essentially constant and metabolized by the kidneys, excreted with urine. If creatinine is not excreted, it will return to the blood, causing elevated serum creatinine.
In general, the rise of serum creatinine for the following reasons:
① renal failure
Creatinine relies almost exclusively on the metabolism of the kidneys, so serum creatinine increases when the renal filtration is impaired.
② body dehydration
Strenuous exercise, continuous diarrhea, drinking too little, there will be dehydration, leading to blood concentration, but also may appear elevated serum creatinine situation.
③ too tired
Long-term work overload, so that the body is over-consumed conditions, may also lead to elevated serum creatinine.
kidney test

What should I do if I found a rise in serum creatinine?
Found that serum creatinine increased, the first thing to do is to find the reason.
Renal failure is indeed the main reason for elevated serum creatinine, but other causes of elevated serum creatinine is no longer a minority, can not blindly follow the treatment of renal failure.
In fact, almost all clinical manifestations of kidney disease have this situation.
Such as urinary protein, may also be the reason of exercise, diet and even body position;
Such as urinary occult blood, may also be the cause of urinary tract infection, stones, tumors or even leave.
Therefore, doctors always take the trouble to let the patients do all sorts of examinations in order to put an end to misdiagnosis.
kidney patient
Creatinine more than 100 should be how to do?
If it is determined that renal failure caused by serum creatinine more than 100 patients with kidney disease should be how to treat it?
Divided into two levels:
① row of creatinine
Serum creatinine has just been elevated, is not to use dialysis, usually using drugs such as Ai Xit, nifedipine, renal failure rather, the common feature of these drugs is the part of creatinine excreted through the stool.
② improve microcirculation
In fact, commonly used in patients with kidney disease Jinbao, Bailin and other proprietary Chinese medicines, is to improve renal microcirculation.
No matter what type of kidney disease, there will be blocked the kidneys capillaries, renal ischemia and hypoxia, the situation further accelerated renal failure.
Improve microcirculation, the purpose is to protect the residual renal cells, delay the development of kidney disease, so that patients later enter the uremic period.


Online doctor:008615931093124

You may have misunderstood something about kidney transplants

Kidney transplant, for the vast majority of patients with kidney disease, is the ultimate ultimate means, although expensive, but there are still many patients with kidney disease holding the last glimmer of hope.

There are many "taken for granted" misunderstandings about kidney transplantation. Some of these misunderstandings are harmless, but others are more deadly.
1, on the transplant form
The vast majority of kidney transplants do not require the removal of the original kidneys but rather the presence of an extra kidneys in the body in order to reduce the risk of infection.
However, some of the more special circumstances, such as polycystic kidney disease, if the kidney is too large, or need to remove the original kidney.
2, on the timing of transplantation
Many people think that renal transplantation as a "ultimate means", of course, is the case of the last treatment hopeless, cost-effective.
In fact, the sooner the kidney transplant is performed, the better.
Because of uremia, azotemia has been very serious, creatinine, urea nitrogen and other harmful substances have respiratory system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, urinary system and other systems severely damaged, this damage is often Irreversible, so it is best to rush to change the kidney before this, but also reduce rejection.

The survival rate of kidney transplantation is still very high, such as 5-year survival rate, up to 90% or even 20-year survival rate of 20% -30%, only a small number of patients, after dialysis, severe renal function Decline, leading to re-dialysis.
On the other hand, patients who succeeded in kidney transplantation, the main battle in the future will become a confrontation with the rejection, not what some patients think "once and for all."
Therefore, kidney transplantation is only an "alternative treatment" means, and there is no essential difference between dialysis, do not be too deified, do not have to be too scared.
Of course, the biggest obstacle to kidney transplant surgery may not be the prognosis, but the cost of pressure ...

Online doctor:008615931093124

About kidney edema, the doctor may not tell you these things

The severity of nephrotic edema has been overlooked by many people, the doctor said so
Edema is one of the common clinical manifestations of nephropathy, many patients are due to the sudden appearance of edema, only to find themselves had kidney disease.
Regarding edema, a nephropathy doctor may not take the initiative to tell you these things.
Edema is actually very serious
Because some nephrotic edema early, coupled with doctors on urinary protein and serum creatinine showed particular concern, resulting in some patients with kidney disease, less attention to edema.
In fact, edema is very serious!
In the early stages of edema, there may only be edema on the eyelids and lower extremities. It seems worth noting that in addition to affecting the appearance and mobility, it is worth noting.
However, with the increase of edema, especially in other organs and parts of the water, the situation is different.
Especially pleural effusion, often can cause heart failure, and ascites can also cause a lot of visceral damage, these are nephropathy complications more serious.
So, once edema occurs in patients with kidney disease, doctors usually give priority to edema problems.
What is the priority to solve edema?
Some patients said that edema is not caused by a large number of leak protein Well, giving priority to solve the edema, is the priority treatment of urinary protein Bai!
If it is a large number of leaky protein-induced edema, the need to do is to raise plasma albumin.
Because with the reduction of plasma albumin, blood vessels in the blood ran outside the blood vessels, leading to diuretics, "water can be discharged," simple control of urinary protein, the problem of edema and not much help.
And, the rapid control of urinary protein need hormones, but hormones may lead to water and sodium retention, swelling of the patient swollen, is not conducive to swelling.
If it is caused by electrolyte imbalance edema, you can use diuretics.
But also depends on whether you need potassium or potassium row.
Edema can completely solve it?
Since the edema is so serious, there are very clear reasons, then the problem of edema can be completely solved it?
But the solution is not only the clinical treatment, but also the active cooperation of daily life.
One of the important ways to deal with edema is to use the light diet and high-quality low-protein diet that doctors are not tired of stressing.
In the development of nephrosis before uremia, due to the presence of urine, edema problem is relatively easy to solve.
To uremia, urine output dropped below 400 ml per day, may need to use dialysis to drain.


Online doctor:008615931093124

Three things you need to know about uremia

Uremia, known as "undead cancer," not only afflicts patients but also places a heavy burden on the family.
What is even more worrying is that many people misunderstand the existence of uremia, resulting in even greater damage.
About uremia, at least the following three things, you must know!
kidney disease
First, uremia can not be cured
No matter which "famous doctor" told you what sounds "tall" treatment, you have to know that uremia is incurable.
As an end stage of nephropathy, once diagnosed with a uremic phase (note that it is diagnosed, and not just serum creatinine exceeds 707 μmol / L as there is acute progression), it means that more than 90% of the kidney cells have been Completely necrosis, the remaining 10% have also been in a state of exhaustion, can not provide adequate blood purification capacity, so we need to use the machine to help.
Those who have died of renal cells, can not be resurrected, any means known to date can not be done, all under the banner of "resurrected kidney cells" therapy, are exaggerated.
That uremia period without treatment?
of course not! In fact, the treatment of uremia is like treating a cold.
When we treat a cold, most of the time it does not target the cold virus, but is relieving the symptoms of cough, fever and runny nose. That is to say, the effect of "cure" is achieved by alleviating the symptoms. In fact, the cold virus is the body itself Eliminated, that is to say the flu is self-improvement.
Treatment of uremia is the same, but for the relief of symptoms of hypertension, heart failure, anemia, bone disease, electrolyte imbalance and so on, and did not do any rescue work for renal cells.
Therefore, the treatment of renal disease uremia, just to make patients feel more comfortable, is to improve the patient's survival experience.
kidney disease
Second, dialysis is a technical activity
Hemodialysis is the most important treatment of uremia at present, and even in most hospitals are treated as the only treatment.
Many people think that dialysis is very simple, not lying on the bed, hanging on dialysis fluid, dialysis machine, dialysis chant.
In fact -
Nephrosis to uremia, residual renal cells have been very small, blood purification has been unable to complete the work, so the need for machinery to help.
The problem, however, is that while a dialysis machine helps to purify the blood, it also depletes the remaining kidney cells and accelerates their death.
This fact, like hormone therapy, long-term use of hormones, make the body mistaken for the body's normal hormone levels, leading to their ability to secrete hormones, the formation of hormone-dependent.
Dialysis will also form a dialysis dependent, it is because of long-term dialysis, the residual renal cells can not work properly, and gradually lost their ability to work.
Therefore, the duration and frequency of dialysis are very important. In the same illness, some patients did not deteriorate after a few years of dialysis. However, some people did not deteriorate after a few years of dialysis. All kinds of complications have come a long way and are very painful.
Therefore, dialysis is a technical activity.
kidney disease
Third, kidney is not the ultimate means
Kidney transplantation has almost become the greatest hope of patients with kidney disease.
Uremia and how? How about kidney cells leaving less than 10%? I changed the kidney, all start again, not OK?
Unfortunately, it is not ...
It takes a long time to develop nephrosis to uremia, and those who arrive in the uremic period in only 35 years only cause acute progression for some reasons, causing the serum creatinine to rapidly increase to 707 μmol / L More nothing, no matter urine volume, renal volume or endogenous creatinine clearance, are relatively good, simply can not be considered uremia.
The true uremic phase is not just excessive serum creatinine, but also anuria (less than 100ml of urine per day), atrophy of the kidneys and a significant drop of endogenous creatinine clearance, all of which lead to one thing: blood contamination.
Long-term blood serious pollution, the cardiovascular system and other organs have long been deeply affected, so those who really enter the uremic patients with kidney disease, urinary protein and occult blood has long been not a problem, but those heart failure, hypertension, Anemia and other issues really need to be resolved.
Kidney can make these problems be solved?
Does not.
Even if the kidney is successfully replaced, the blood can not be purified immediately, so dialysis is also needed. Impaired organs and cardiovascular problems can not be recovered. Therefore, various complications still exist.
So, kidney completely useless?
Nor is it
In fact, as long as the timing of kidney replacement earlier, before the system, organs have not been severely damaged before decisive replacement of the kidney, on the line.
Those who survive more than ten years after kidney transplantation, two decades of cases, are the case.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of patients with kidney disease as the ultimate means of renal transplantation, less than the last moment, do not change the kidney, missed the best time, even if the operation is successful, the new kidneys in such a harsh in vivo environment will be very Quickly destroyed, re-emergence of renal failure ... ...
Therefore, kidney transplantation is not impossible, but we must pay attention to the timing.

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What is a routine examination of kidney disease must be carried out

The causes of kidney disease have a variety of clinical manifestations of renal disease have edema, normal or increased blood pressure and oliguria or hematuria. For kidney disease, in daily life, should be vigilant.

Nephropathy patients should go regularly to the hospital to be a kidney examination, in order to better understand their own health.
kidney test
1, blood pressure measurement: kidney disease and hypertension have a very close relationship, often "inseparable". High blood pressure itself can cause kidney damage. Kidney is mainly composed of glomeruli, glomerular capillary network is actually a group, if the long-term high blood pressure can cause damage to the capillary wall and sclerosis, causing renal ischemia, leading to renal dysfunction, so gradual development, It will cause all of the glomerular sclerosis, eventually resulting in renal insufficiency.
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2, urine routine examination: abnormal urine is one of the main manifestations of kidney disease. In most cases, routine urinalysis tests can explain the problem and are cheaper to provide useful clues to the diagnosis of kidney disease.
kidney test
3, renal function tests: a lot of kidney disease onset is more hidden, no obvious symptoms early, routine renal function tests can reflect the patient's renal function status, to determine the development of disease and correct treatment provide valuable basis.
renal B-ultrasound
4, renal B-ultrasound: is a well-known inspection project, through which we can understand the size of the kidney, shape, with or without stones, water and cysts and so on. Patients who are often referred to as "people at high risk for kidney disease" if they have the following conditions. ① suffering from hypertension, diabetes, hyperuricemia, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, cancer, stroke, hepatitis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic diseases; ② have kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Family history; ③60-year-old or older; ④ repeated urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis; ⑤ long-term use of certain antibiotics, analgesic antipyretics, chemotherapy and other nephrotoxic drugs. On the "high risk of kidney disease", according to the circumstances at any time discretion check blood pressure, urine, renal function and renal B-ultrasound, if necessary, according to the condition of specialist examinations such as urinary albumin, intravenous pyelography, renal ECT.

If you want to know more about kidney disease inspection, you can send your information to Or call the Online Doctor:008615931093124 . When we see your information, we will reply you in time.

One popular and most common drink-coffee is not allowed on renal diet

When a person is diagnosed with kidney disease, a diet including foods and drinks plays an important role in aid in alleviating kidney disease symptoms. One popular and most common drink-coffee is not allowed on renal diet. Do you know the reason? If not, follow us to find the answer.
The main component of coffee is caffeine. Caffeine can bring the following bad benefits for renal disease patients.

1. Raise blood pressure

Caffeine consumption may raise blood pressure in those already suffering from hypertension. People in kidney disease with hypertension are more likely to get worse and worse caused by caffeine.

2. Caffeine may cause insomnia

Kidney disease patients are possible to suffer from poor sleep quality. In this condition, if they still drink coffee, caffeine can cause insomnia and worsen sleep quality.

3. Caffeine can cause headaches

Patients with kidney disease often complain their headaches. The overuse of caffeine can lead to headache to worsen medical conditions, while occasional doses of caffeine can relieve headache symptoms. If you do not know the proper dosage of caffeine, you had better avoid drinking coffee.

4. Caffeine may be bad for type 2 diabetes.

A study done by the American Diabetes Association showed that caffeine impaired glucose metabolism in those with type 2 diabetes. If your leading factor of kidney disease is type 2 diabetes, drinking coffee is allowed by kidney disease patients with type 2 diabetes.

The top four aspects has proven that coffee is not allowed on renal diet. In addition, caffeine in coffee could also reduce fertility in women, cause allergies and indigestion. In a word, kidney disease patients had better not to drink coffee so as not to worsen kidney conditions.


Online doctor:008615931093124


Chinese traditional festivals - What are the benefits of eating Laba porridge

Laba porridge is not only custom and food, it is health products.

Qing Dynasty nutritionist Cao Yanshan essay "porridge spectrum", Laba porridge fitness nutrition features exhaustive, clear, conditioning nutrition, easy to absorb, is "diet" to share, and stomach, spleen, nourishing the heart, clearing the lungs, Yishen, Liver, Diabetes, eyesight, laxative, the role of soothe the nerves. These have all been confirmed by modern medicine. For older people, Laba porridge is also good food, but should also be careful not to drink. In fact, more than Laba, usually porridge, is also of great benefit to the elderly. Porridge varieties are quite large, vary, depending on the choice, as appropriate consumption.
 "Laba porridge," the main raw material for cereals, commonly used in rice, rice and barley. Rice with protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients, with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, spleen and stomach, and the five internal organs, Chufan thirst quencher, Yijing and other functions. Glutinous rice with the role of warm spleen Qi, suitable for people with spleen and stomach dysfunction, for Deficiency cold Lee, imaginary thirst, urine and some other adjuvant therapy adverse effects. Chinese medicine that barley spleen, lungs, heat, wetting function, regular consumption of chronic enteritis, dyspepsia embolism also have good effect. Rich in dietary fiber barley have the effect of preventing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.
Beans are "Laba porridge ingredients, commonly used soybeans, red beans. Soy contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotenoids, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc., is very nutritious and has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases, A variety of malignant tumors, prevention of osteoporosis and other health care functions. Chixiaodou contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and other Chinese medicine that this product has spleen dampness, benefits of water swelling, for spleen diarrhea and Edema has a role in adjuvant therapy.
Can not be underestimated "Laba porridge" in the therapeutic effect of nuts, peanuts and walnuts is an indispensable raw material. Peanut has "long fruit" reputation, with lungs, and the stomach, cough, diuretic, breast milk and other functions. Walnuts have kidney qi, brain puzzle, strong gluten and bones of the role, but also to increase appetite, Ukraine must germinal, walnut contains vitamin E is more recognized pharmaceutical anti-aging medicine.
If in the "Laba porridge" plus lamb, dog meat, chicken, etc., even more nutritious value of Laba porridge doubled. For hypertensive patients, may wish to add white radish in the porridge, celery, for patients with insomnia, if you add some longan in the porridge, Suanzaoren will play a very good heart and soothe the nerves, Polygonum, medlar with longevity The role of blood lipids also have an adjuvant role in regulation, is the elderly diet Jiapin. Oatmeal has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol level. After eating oatmeal, the blood sugar level can be slowed down. Adding oat to carbohydrate foods can inhibit the increase of blood sugar level. Therefore, for patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular diseases, Put some oats in it. Jujube is also a Qi nourishing, spleen diet Jiapin, the spleen and stomach, blood deficiency chlorosis and lung cough embolism have a certain effect.
Hypertension: barley to prevent high blood pressure
Commonly used rice, glutinous rice and barley. Rice with protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients, with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, spleen and stomach, and the five internal organs, Chufan thirst quencher, Yijing and other functions. Glutinous rice with the role of warm spleen Qi, suitable for people with spleen and stomach dysfunction, for Deficiency cold Lee, imaginary thirst, urine and some other adjuvant therapy adverse effects. Chinese medicine that barley spleen, lungs, heat, wetting function, regular consumption of chronic enteritis, dyspepsia embolism also have good effect. Rich in dietary fiber barley have the effect of preventing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.

Kidney loss: chestnuts can kidney Qi
Peanuts and walnuts are the indispensable ingredients for boiled Laba porridge. Peanut has "long fruit" reputation, with lungs, and the stomach, cough, diuretic, breast milk and other functions. Walnuts have kidney qi, brain puzzle, strong gluten and bones of the role, but also to increase appetite, Ukraine must germinal, walnut contains vitamin E is more recognized pharmaceutical anti-aging medicine. For patients with frequent insomnia, add some longan meat in the porridge, Suanzaoren will play a very good heart and soothe the nerves; lotus can qi and spleen; medlar has the role of longevity, but also have an auxiliary regulatory role in blood lipids , Is the elder's diet Jiapin; jujube is also a Qi nourishing, spleen diet Jiapin, on the spleen and stomach, blood deficiency chlorosis and lung deficiency cough embolism have a certain effect; pine nuts can nourish the heart and lung, through the large intestine , Chestnuts can kidney qi, governance waist and leg soreness.
Diabetes: Oats lower cholesterol levels
Oatmeal has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol level. After eating oatmeal, the blood sugar level can be slowed down. Adding oat to carbohydrate foods can inhibit the increase of blood sugar level. Therefore, for patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular diseases, Put some oats in it. Laba porridge in a variety of beans is good, make the protein complementary, and higher cellulose. Many studies have confirmed that food rich in dietary fiber can lower blood sugar, especially soluble fiber contained in oats, barley and some beans, can form viscous substances in the stomach, affecting the absorption and utilization of glucose, will not lead to postprandial blood glucose Suddenly rise. Some nuts, such as peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, dietary fiber content is also higher, but also contains adjustable blood lipids, lipid-lowering unsaturated fatty acids. Even with more starchy chestnuts, lotus seeds, real dietary fiber content are also between 1.2% -3%, the glycemic index is also far lower than the refined rice. Buckwheat contains chromium, insulin to enhance the role of the clinical treatment of diabetes for nutrition. Therefore, diabetic patients can choose more oats and buckwheat as the main ingredient. Diabetes patients eat Laba best not to put sugar, if you want to eat sweets, you can put some stevia sugar, xylitol sweetener.
Cardiovascular disease: soybeans lower blood cholesterol
Soy contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotenoids, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc., is very nutritious and has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases, A variety of malignant tumors, prevention of osteoporosis and other health care functions. Chixiaodou contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and other Chinese medicine that this product has spleen dampness, benefits of water swelling, for spleen diarrhea and Edema has a role in adjuvant therapy. Mung beans have the effect of high blood pressure therapy.
Porridge oil: crush more porridge oil beauty
Many black foods are excellent beauty foods. Such as black rice, contains a variety of vitamins and zinc, iron, selenium and other nutrients. Chinese medicine believes that black rice can Yin and kidney, eyesight and blood circulation. Black beans high protein content, good quality, but also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and calcium, iron, carotene and B vitamins. The ratio of saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in edible oils has a great impact on human bodybuilding. Walnut contains beauty essential vitamin E, called the highest crown of beauty foods. The beauty of pine nuts is also very good.
Many crush like to eat laba porridge to beauty, but here there is a beauty secret, that is, do not give up porridge oil. Porridge oil is actually boiled porridge repeatedly while floating in the porridge that thick layer of liquid, also known as rice oil. Chinese medicine believes that porridge sweet sweet flat, its tonic is better than Rehmannia, daily if you can drink a bowl of rice porridge, black and thin without a hundred days to be fat.
Mothers: fragrant soft Laba best
Early pregnant women generally respond to severe early pregnancy, this time should choose easily digestible food to reduce vomiting, porridge is a good choice, not to mention fragrant waxy rotten Laba porridge. In the second trimester, fetal growth is accelerated and energy needs to be replenished. At the same time, the need for iron increases, while the third trimester of pregnancy needs to be supplemented with calcium. Therefore, for mothers and new mothers, the following foods can be considered more: brown rice contains more than 100 mg / kg of calcium, peanuts, soybeans, black beans, green beans, jujube are rich in calcium, soybeans and nuts It also contains a high iron.
Seniors: You can put more soy
The elderly should be diversified diet, eat more soybeans and their products, laba porridge meet these requirements. And Laba eat more at night, also in line with the diet of the elderly. Soy is rich in bioactive substances Soy isoflavones can inhibit lipid peroxidation in vivo, can prevent osteoporosis. Weakened gastrointestinal function in the elderly, laba porridge just soft rot easily digestible, together with the thickness with dietary fiber, can increase peristalsis, prevention of senile constipation have a role. In addition, due to porridge more water, dilute foods easily lead to hypersecretion of gastric acid, stimulate gastrointestinal pain. Therefore, people with poor stomach can put Laba congee slightly thicker, and it is best to eat Laba porridge at the same time eat dry foods, such as sesame seed, bread and so on.


Online doctor:008615931093124