
Tell you: the symptoms of patients with kidney disease are not the same.


Tell you: Chinese medicine can treat kidney damage and improve kidney function.


Tell you: A healthy life helps you stay away from kidney disease.

For Patients

Tell you: Kidney disease patients from different countries.


Tell you: Different characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy for the health of kidney disease.


Treatment For 5 Stages Of Diabetic Kidney Disease

Diabetic kidney disease is common complication of diabetes and it is caused by microvascular lesions in the whole body due to high blood glucose level. At the early stage patients can have bubbles in urine and gradually develop renal damages, high blood pressure, swelling and in the end stage develop renal failure.

Diabetic kidney disease can be divided into 5 stages according to the amount of albumin in urine and severity of renal damages.

5 stages of diabetic kidney disease

1. Glomeruli and kidneys are enlarged. Patients can have foams in urine which can be recovered after insulin treatment.

2. It occurs 2 years after the onset of diabetes and some patients can stay in this stage for years without progressing into the 3th stage. If blood sugar is not well controlled or after strenuous activities, patients can have microalbuminuria which is still reversible.

3. It is high-risk and also very crucial period for diabetic kidney disease patients. Typical diabetic kidney disease develops into this stage after 10-15 years with continuously worsening bubbles in urine. Patients will begin to have high blood pressure. Well control of high blood pressure can alleviate proteinuria, slow down illness progression and protect kidney functions.

4. It is called clinical diabetic kidney disease characterized by massive albumin in urine, swelling, high blood pressure. It takes about 15-25 years to progress into this stage and daily protein leakage in urine increases to more than 0.5g. Effective anti-hypertensive treatment can slow down decline rate of GFR and protect kidney function.

5. It is the end stage of diabetic kidney disease with severe hypertension and serious uremic states and advanced renal damages.

Treatments for diabetic kidney disease

Diabetic kidney disease can also be divided into early and clinical diabetic nephropathy in clinic. Early stage is microalbuminuria and clinical stage is obvious albumin in urine. Monitoring and treating protein in urine is very crucial for diabetic kidney disease patients. Once there is clinical proteinuria, renal functions will experience irreversible and continuous decline and the average life expectancy after proteinuria is about 10 years.

Well control of high blood pressure is also effective at reducing proteinuria and protecting kidney functions.

ACEI and ARB drugs are commonly prescribed to treat proteinuria, lower high blood pressure. However when illness has progressed into the end stage, dialysis, kidney transplant, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and immunotherapy will be offered.


How to Improve the Prognosis of Diabetic Nephropathy

Improve the Prognosis of Diabetic Nephropathy Diabetic Nephropathy is described as the kidney disease caused by long-term diabetes. At present, no specific treatment is able to cure this disease completely, so the only we can do is to improve the prognosis of Diabetic Nephropathy. The following aspects are able to help improve these patients’ condition and prolong their life span.

◆ Control high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a main cause of the onset and development of Diabetic Nephropathy. Researches have proven that high blood pressure and kidney disease interact closely. If uncontrolled effectively, it will accelerate the process that Diabetic Nephropathy developing renal failure. Therefore, a low-salt diet and hypotensive agents such as ACEI and ARB are necessary to help these patients lower their high blood pressure.

◆ Keep blood glucose in the normal level

High blood glucose is the leading cause that diabetes leads to kidney disease, so keeping blood glucose in the normal level is vital to improve these patients’ prognosis. In most cases, a healthy diet and moderate exercise is able to correct blood glucose, but sometimes insulin is required to help lower high blood sugar.

◆ Repair the damaged kidney function and protect the residual kidney function

Herbal medicines, compared with western medicines, have a remarkable effect in protecting kidney tissues and repairing damaged kidney function. We call the combination of these herbal medicines Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Different from traditional oral herbal medicines, this treatment is an external herbal therapy. It can make the pesticide effect reach kidney lesion directly and play its role quickly. After a period of treatment, part of damaged kidney function will be repaired so patients’ condition will be improved largely.

The last thing we need to note is to use the medicines strictly according to the doctor’s order, because any incorrect medicine may increase the workload on the kidney. You still have some follow-up questions about how to improve the prognosis of Diabetic Nephropathy? Feel free to tell the experts online.


Diabetic Nephropathy Stage 3: Can I Avoid Dialysis


I am a type 2 diabetic for 12 years and recently, I was told my kidneys are failing. I am in stage 3 Diabetic Nephropathy and I’d like to know whether dialysis can be avoided?


Diabetes is one of the two leading cause of kidney failure, so you are at high risk to suffer from end stage renal disease (ESRD) which always need dialysis or kidney transplant to deal with. However, this does not mean you will suffer from dialysis definitely. You are in stage 3 Diabetic Nephropathy now and you have chance to avoid dialysis with right treatment and comprehensive nursing care.

According to the characteristic of Diabetic Nephropathy, stage 3 kidney problem caused by Diabetes actually is the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy. In this stage, more and more albumin leak out (usually ranges from 20 to 200ug/min) and blood pressure begins to increase. Clinical studies show that if blood pressure can be controlled well with medication, progression of Diabetic Nephropathy can be slowed down greatly. Besides, since Diabetes is the real cause of Diabetic Nephropathy, having a control about high blood sugar is also of great importance. With stage 3 Diabetic Nephropathy, aside from controlling these abnormal symptoms, another thing you need to do is to repair kidney damages. You know in stage 3 diabetic kidney problem, dilapidated glomerulus have appeared and your other glomerulus are bearing high burden and this may lead to the necrosis of them. To reduce the burden of them and avoid further kidney damages, we need to repair the injured glomerulus and make them work again. As long as much more glomerulus display kidney function, the burden of other glomerulus are reduced and further kidney damages can be avoided. In this way, end stage renal disease (ESRD) and dialysis can be avoided.

Lastly, although we can repair injured glomerulus and make dialysis get far away from dialysis, we can not cure Diabetic Nephropathy, as we can only repair these injured glomerulus and can not bring these dead glomerulus back to life.


A Healthy Diet for Diabetics with Kidney Disease

Diet for Diabetics with Kidney Disease Whether you are a diabetic or kidney disease patient, diet is always one of the most important treatments in managing your diabetes and kidney disease. If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease caused by long-term diabetes, you had better abide by a healthy diet for diabetics with kidney disease.

A healthy diet for diabetics with kidney disease combines the principles of a diet for diabetes and a diet for kidney disease. The diabetes portion of the diet focuses on keeping blood sugar in the normal range, while the renal portion aims to reduce the workload on kidney. Generally, there are several aspects these patients need to note.

1. Avoid high-sugar foods

Since the patients’ kidney disease is caused by diabetes, lowering blood sugar is the central of the whole treatment. Therefore, controlling the intake of sugar is quite necessary. Candy (candy bars, hard candy, chocolate, jelly beans, gum drops), regular sugar, molasses, ice cream, honey, etc, all contribute to high-sugar foods.

2. Limit the intake of sodium

Because high blood pressure is a big risk for further kidney damage and high-sodium diet can raise patients’ blood pressure, limiting the intake of sodium is an important part of a healthy diet for diabetics with kidney disease. High-sodium foods include canned foods, salted chips and snacks, condiment, pizza, processed foods, salty cheeses, etc.

3. Take moderate amount of protein

When kidney is damaged, excessive protein will increase the burden on the kidney. Moderate intake of high-quality protein rather than high-quantity protein is recommended for diabetics with kidney disease. Generally, a glass of milk, one egg white and 0.6g of lean meat can meet patients’ protein need.

The above is an overview of a healthy diet for diabetics with kidney disease, but this diet changes for different patients. If you are suffering from both diabetes and kidney disease, you can consult online to ask a more detailed diet.


How to Lower High Creatinine in Diabetic Kidney Disease

Long-standing diabetes can attack many other organs. When the diabetes cause changes in small blood vessels in the kidney, diabetic kidney disease occurs without any expectation. As kidney function loses gradually, patients’ creatinine level may be elevated. Then, how to lower high creatinine in diabetic kidney disease must become one of these patients’ biggest concerns.

High creatinine in Diabetic Kidney Disease

The kidney is responsible to filter blood to remove wastes from the body, keep electrolyte balance and make some hormones. When large part of kidney function is lost, many wastes will build up in the blood, so will creatinine. Generally, serum creatinine won’t be higher than the normal (0.5mg/dl~1.1mg/dl for female, 0.6mg/dl~1.2mg/dl for male) until more than 50% of kidney function has been lost. In view of this, elevated creatinine level in diabetic kidney disease is due to damaged kidney and low kidney function.

How to lower high creatinine in diabetic kidney disease?

There are mainly three methods that can help lower high creatinine level: oral western medicine such as ketosteril, dialysis and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

In some cases, ketosteril can help lower high creatinine level through improving the protein synthesis and inhibiting the decomposition of protein. However, it easily causes some side effects and can’t stop the progression of patients’ condition.

Dialysis has a quick and obvious effect of lowering high creatinine level. It is a kidney replacement therapy but does nothing to the damaged kidney. Long-term dialysis can cause some life-threatening complications.

Compared with the above two treatments, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy aims to repair damaged kidney so as to improve patients’ kidney function, with the help of traditional herbal medicines and western medicine technologies, but it requires the user to be more patient because it may need a little longer time than the former treatments.

Choosing correct treatment can guarantee to correct patients’ abnormal creatinine level effectively. If you are suffering from high creatinine level in diabetic kidney disease, make sure you are taking the right treatment.


How Barley Helps Reduce Creatinine for Diabetic Kidney Disease

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney damages and chronic kidney disease. For diabetic kidney disease patients, the very root cause of high creatinine is renal damages and renal dysfunction due to long term high blood sugar levels.

Therefore to reduce creatinine levels effectively, it is necessary to control diabetes, repair renal damages and improve renal functions so as to enhance the renal excretory ability to discharge excess creatinine and other wastes from the blood.

Barley has been found to be a kidney-friendly and diabetes-friendly food. It can help control diabetes and kidney damages so as to help reduce high creatinine levels to a certain degree.

Barley contains rich fibers which can help prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high so as to prevent further renal damages and control high creatinine levels. These fibers can also help to treat digestive and gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhage which are very common among kidney disease patients with high creatinine.

Renal dietitians have advised that diabetic kidney disease patients should avoid refined flour. It is better to replace refined flour and foods with whole grains like barley, whole wheat, oats, etc.

Besides, barley has many other health benefits to diabetic kidney disease patients. Barley is a good kidney cleanser and it can help cleanse the kidneys and at the same time flush more wastes and toxins from the kidneys. This can to a certain degree help reduce creatinine.

Barley can help lower cholesterol level, prevent the formation of stones in the gall bladder, prevent heart diseases, cancer and relieve the symptoms of asthma and arthritis, etc.

Though barley can help reduce high creatinine levels and it has so many benefits, it is not a cure for diabetes or kidney disease, therefore patients should not put all the hope to barley and more effective treatment is needed. High creatinine means that renal functioning tissues have been impaired and renal functions have been affected, therefore more effective treatment such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotic therapy is needed to help repair renal damages and recover renal functions so that excess creatinine can be discharged and high creatinine can be reduced.



you should control the root cause of your kidney disease

A patient told me that he is a 69 years old man and he has a diabetic kidney disease from 2010. Now his creatinine level is 177 umol/L. High creatinine level results from kidney function impairment and it also causes further damage to the kidneys. How to lower creatinine 177 is really a question.

First, you should control the root cause of your kidney disease.

As we can see that your kidney disease is caused by diabetes. Now diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease in the world. In the diet, you should lower the intake of sugar and increase the intake of fiber. There are also some effective medicine to control sugar level and improve blood circulation, such as insulin. Stem cell therapy is also a good way to repair the betta cells and other response-to-insulin cells.

Second, you should know how to repair the damaged kidneys.

When your damaged kidneys are repaired, your creatinine level decreases. Therapies such as medicated bath, circle therapy and enema therapy are often used to remove stasis and cleanse waste from the blood so as to provide a good blood environment for kidney self-healing. There are also other therapies to eliminate inflammatory factors and immune complexes in the blood, degrade extracellular matrix to prevent kidney fibrosis and supplement essential substances for kidneys. And then your damaged kidneys can gradually recover their function.

Creatinine 177 means you are in stage 2 kidney disease. If you can take measures as early as possible, it is likely that your kidney disease can be reversed. If not, your kidney disease may develop to kidney failure quickly. We are glad to help you exclude the difficulty and anxiety.
