
Tell you: the symptoms of patients with kidney disease are not the same.


Tell you: Chinese medicine can treat kidney damage and improve kidney function.


Tell you: A healthy life helps you stay away from kidney disease.

For Patients

Tell you: Kidney disease patients from different countries.


Tell you: Different characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy for the health of kidney disease.


Required courses: Nine magical "hypertensive foods"

Required courses: Nine magical "hypertensive foods"
Blood pressure depends on drugs, but it cannot be denied that some foods have also been proven to have the effect of assisting blood pressure reduction. Starting from eating, learning to protect blood vessels may be a required course for you.

Egg white
Studies have found that certain proteins in eggs can mimic the effects of antihypertensive drugs. Hypertensive patients can eat boiled eggs properly, but they should not exceed two on a daily basis. High temperature heating of fried eggs can cause protein denaturation and excessive oil intake, so it is not suitable for high blood pressure patients. It should be reminded that hypertensive patients must not blindly add egg whites, because eating too much of the eggs will increase cholesterol, but it is harmful to the body; not to arbitrarily stop the drug, so as not to affect the condition.

Orange juice
Orange juice is rich in vitamin C and has the effect of improving human immunity. Scientists have found that middle-aged men drink half a litre of orange juice (about 2 cups) a day for a month and their blood pressure levels drop significantly. The active ingredient in orange juice is mainly hesperidin, which is also rich in tea, fruit, soybean and cocoa, and has a variety of health effects. In addition to the hesperidin found in the study, antioxidants such as vitamin C, which are rich in oranges, help to slow the damage of free radicals to blood vessels. The abundant potassium helps reduce blood pressure.

black tea
The study found that drinking 3 cups of black tea a day can significantly reduce high blood pressure. Drinking black tea in the morning is better, it can promote blood circulation in the body. It should be noted that drinking tea in the morning must be done after breakfast. Because tea contains caffeine, drinking too much can cause caffeine to be absorbed too much in the stomach and stomach, which causes flustered, frequent urination and other unpleasant symptoms. In addition, people with neurasthenia are susceptible to alkaloids and should not drink black tea.

Beetroot juice
The new study found that drinking a cup of 8 ounces (about 227 grams) of beetroot juice a day can reduce blood pressure by approximately 7% in hypertensive patients. After 3-4 hours of drinking beetroot juice, the antihypertensive effect is best, and the effect is sustainable for 24 hours. Beetroot juice is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, dietary fiber, and polyphenols, which are beneficial to heart health. It has an effect on lipid lowering and potassium lowering.

Alcohol-free red wine
The study found for the first time that drinking 2 cups of alcohol-free red wine per day in high-risk men with heart disease reduced the systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 6 mm Hg and 2 mm Hg after 4 weeks, corresponding to a 14% reduction in heart disease and stroke risk, respectively. 20%. Scientists pointed out that alcohol in ordinary red wine will hinder the antihypertensive effect. Therefore, only alcohol-free wine with alcohol content of no more than 0.5% can play a certain antihypertensive effect.

Purple sweet potato
The study found that eating twice a day purple sweet potato can reduce blood pressure, its effect is as good as eating oats, and will not lead to body fat, suitable for hypertensive patients with overweight.

The antihypertensive efficacy of kiwifruit comes mainly from its rich antioxidant, lutein. However, two Chinese experts have warned that this study does not mean that kiwifruit is a miraculous fruit and patients should not blindly add lutein for this new study.

Capsaicin in pepper helps reduce blood pressure and blood lipids, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease as the "world's number one killer." The study found that capsaicin in pepper can make the blood vessels show a significant relaxation and achieve blood pressure lowering effect. Capsaicin can promote gastric peristalsis, blood flow, and mucus secretion, and has a stimulating effect on the stomach. Therefore, people suffering from gastritis and gastric ulcers are not suitable to eat more chili.

Eat seaweed helps reduce high blood pressure and prevent heart disease. Because seaweed contains key bioactive peptides that help to reduce blood pressure, it acts like a common antihypertensive drug.


What is the diet that can be eaten by kidney patients

What is the diet that can be eaten by kidney patients?
Patients with nephrotic syndrome show clinical signs of systemic edema, proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, and hyperlipidemia. In the face of their own condition and symptoms, the doctors more than the patient with nephrotic syndrome can not eat this, can not eat that. However, in our lives, the diet of patients with nephrotic syndrome is really the same as that of us. Regarding them, what issues need to be paid attention to after all? What are the effects of different foods on patients with nephrotic syndrome? The following is a summary of patients with nephrotic syndrome who summarize the foods that are beneficial to their daily lives.
★ melon (including melon skin): heat detoxification, diuretic phlegm; melon skin has the role of water swelling. Melon contains sodium and potassium are low, it is suitable for chronic kidney disease, especially edema, oliguria, elevated serum potassium.

★ Watermelon (including watermelon rind): It is the top grade for clearing away heat and it can dilute thirst and diuretic. This product is high in sugar and low in sodium and potassium, so it is suitable for patients with kidney disease.

★ mung bean: can heat hot weather, blood pressure eyesight, diuretic swelling. This product can lower blood cholesterol, has a certain effect on hypertension caused by kidney damage and hypertension caused by kidney disease; green sprouts are rich in vitamin C, but also have the same effect.

★ Chixiaodou: For the one, can heat diuretic, detoxification pus. This product is rich in protein, and contains a variety of vitamins, suitable for nephritis edema, hypertension and pyelonephritis and other urinary tract infections.

★ Tomatoes: There is ergonomics of cooling blood, liver and digestion. This product is rich in vitamin C and lycopene, can improve the body's immune function, and kidney disease and immune abnormalities, and its low sodium, it is more suitable for patients with kidney disease.

★ kelp: Chinese medicine called Kunbu, diuresis swelling work efficiency. This product contains high calcium content, especially suitable for low calcium.

★ Sesame: Black sesame can benefit the essence of liver and kidney, and laxative.

★ Walnut: It is delicious kidney to share. This product is rich in protein and vegetable oils, and contains a variety of vitamins; its high nutritional value, high calorie production, can reduce cholesterol, and promote the role of kidney stones.

★ fungus: the role of heat diuretic effect. This product contains a variety of vitamins. With low sodium and potassium content, it is a good vegetable for patients with kidney disease.

★ Chrysanthemum Artemisia: It has the ergonomics of detoxification and diuresis. This product is rich in β-carotene, eat it regularly to help prevent colds and induced kidney disease.

★ jujube: There is replenishing spleen Qi, nourishing the nerves and ergonomics. Jujube rich in albumin, and contains a variety of vitamins, known as "live vitamin pills", can improve the body's immune system, but also lower cholesterol, anti-allergic, beneficial to patients with kidney disease, especially for allergic purpura Nephritis patients.

★ Astragalus: There is yang yang qi, solid table antiperspirant, diuresis swelling work efficiency. This product has a certain prevention and treatment of kidney disease, especially in the prevention of certain nephritis and the treatment of proteinuria has a good role.

★Coupling Powder: It can cool blood, phlegm, and stop bleeding. It is a good medicine for nephritis and hematuria. This product is rich in sugar, and contains protein and vitamins. It is a good food for patients with kidney disease.

★ eggs, lean meat (chicken, fish, pork, etc.): The body contains its own can not be synthesized, essential from the food intake of essential amino acids richer, so its high physiological value, known as high-quality protein food, It is the most suitable protein dietary fiber food for patients with kidney disease.


What are the fast creatinine foods

What are the fast creatinine foods?

How can creatinine rise? What food can quickly reduce creatinine? In addition to creatinine food, what effective treatment can help us to quickly and effectively reduce creatinine?
People with kidney disease know that the importance of the human creatinine value to the human body is enormous. If the creatinine value of a person is higher than the normal value, then the person's body will have different degrees of edema symptoms. And people's creatinine value has a great relationship with food, then those foods will affect people's creatinine value?

The first is food with too much salt, which can easily lead to increased creatinine. Such as pickles, mustard, pickles, etc., in addition to the food we eat daily should not be placed too much salt, excessive intake of salt will lead to poor metabolism of the kidneys. Followed by seafood, such as sea cucumbers, abalone and other high-protein foods, excessive consumption will also lead to increased burden on the kidneys. The last is the red meat we eat daily, especially chicken and fat. The high protein content of these meat foods can also cause a burden on the metabolism of the kidneys and increase the creatinine value.
What foods can help us lower the creatinine value? What should we pay attention to in daily life?

First, the low-protein diet should be the first choice in the diet of creatinine. The harmful substance that causes kidney disease is a metabolite of protein, so it is necessary to limit the protein intake. But you can't eat protein completely because protein is a nutrient; if you don't eat protein, your body will break down muscles and cause uremia, so it's important to have a proper diet. Daily protein intake should be controlled at 0.8-1.0 g/kg body weight.

Creatinine low protein foods are eggs, milk, meat (lean meat). Eat two eggs a day, or one or two lean pork, or one or two squid, do not eat too much, will increase the burden on the kidneys. And eat two meals, balanced nutrition.

For people with renal insufficiency, there must be enough calories to promote the effective use of proteins. Can be eaten with high-calorie, low-protein foods. Can be eaten with high-calorie, low-protein foods.

1. Oils and fats: salad oil, peanut oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, etc. Cook with more oil, or fry, fry and other cooking methods. Cook with more oil, or fry, fry and other cooking methods.

2. Low-protein starch: Chengfen, corn starch, lotus root starch, winter powder, vermicelli, sago, flour, low protein rice flour, etc., to produce a variety of delicious snacks.

3. People with normal blood sugar can eat sugar (sugar, rock sugar, honey, ginger, fruit sugar, etc.) added to the food, drink or snack to increase calories.

Second, to effectively reduce creatinine, but also to control salt. See if the patient has high blood pressure and edema, and if so, the amount of salt intake should be controlled and given a low-salt or salt-free diet.

The last is to grasp and control the amount of drinking water. The amount of drinking water was the total urine volume of the previous day plus 500-700 ml (ml). If the previous day's urine output was 500ml, then 500cc+500 (7d0) ml=1000~1200ml, which is the amount of water that can be consumed in a day, including water, porridge, milk, soup and beverage.

In addition to the above-mentioned control of diet and water intake, it is also necessary to pay attention to the patient’s mood on weekdays, to maintain a pleasant mood, not to work late, to exercise properly, to develop good living habits, and to restrict alcohol and tobacco. This will help us better maintain our health.

If creatinine is particularly high and you have already entered the stage of uremia with renal failure, it is recommended that you take the same treatment as recommended by your doctor. Standardized and effective in the treatment of foods with creatinine reduction, creatinine reduction can be just around the corner.

What Diet Can Help Patients With High Creatinine

What Diet Can Help Patients With High Creatinine ?
Creatinine is the most important indicator of renal function. In healthy individuals or sub-health states, the creatinine level is definitely normal. If the creatinine value is high, be sure to consult a specialist.
Because of the compensatory ability of the kidneys, the serum creatinine concentration does not generally increase in the early stages of renal disease. Only when the glomerular filtration capacity is reduced by half or more, the serum creatinine concentration increases, so its sensitivity is lower. difference. Sustained high serum creatinine often indicates a severe prognosis.

Eating and drinking should be careful not to eat animal viscera, broth chicken soup, seafood, beans, beer, strong tea and coffee are not easy to drink.

Diets with high creatinine levels should pay attention: High creatinine is a very obvious test index for patients with renal disease who have entered renal insufficiency stage. At this point, patients with high creatinine need to perform the last phase of salvage treatment on the kidneys in addition to appropriate treatment. Patients should pay attention to and remember the diet with high creatinine attention. In addition to adhering to the principles that are conducive to good health and do not increase the burden on the kidneys, attention should also be paid to some details.
Specifically, the high dietary creatine should pay attention to the following points:

1. Diets with high creatinine should pay attention to --- salt limit: Generally speaking, patients with renal insufficiency compensated period, azotemia patients with high serum creatinine, and began to appear a variety of mild clinical symptoms, but due to pathological Degree of damage, visual hypertension or edema, control of salt intake, respectively, given a low-salt or salt-free diet.

2. High dietary creatinine should pay attention to the second - protein supply: Protein supply: Because of recurrent patients with azotemia, renal insufficiency, in order to control the deterioration of renal function, should control protein intake, use high quality High-quality protein diet.

3. High creatinine diet should pay attention to three - vitamin intake: Renal failure creatinine patients should choose high vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C food.

If renal insufficiency only has high creatinine in renal failure, but no oliguria, no edema patients can not help but salt and water to maintain a low-salt diet. If there is severe edema, as well as high blood pressure or even heart failure, the salt restriction should be strictly limited.
In addition to diet, patients with high creatinine should also pay attention to restrictions on tobacco and alcohol. Because the poisoning of alcohol and tobacco is mainly toxic to the kidneys and blood vessels, the more the smoking and drinking, the greater the damage to the renal blood vessels. The earlier it aggravated the renal arteriosclerosis and promoted the glomerular sclerosis, so whether it is normal renal function Patients with high renal function abnormal creatinine should strictly quit smoking and drinking, to avoid causing greater damage to the kidneys. Of course, diet is one aspect that patients with high creatinine pay attention to, but paying attention to diet alone is not enough. Choosing the right treatment is the key to success.


What kind of fruit kidney disease can eat

What kind of fruit kidney disease can eat?
What are the fruits that can be eaten by kidney disease? There are many types of acute and chronic nephropathy. Different patients can eat different fruits, and symptomatic consumption is a good choice. The following describes the fruits that can be eaten by different kidney diseases.
Kidney disease is divided into acute and chronic. Acute kidney disease, such as glomerulonephritis due to a cold, is generally cured within 8 weeks; uremia is the final phase of chronic kidney disease. When it comes to fruits that can be eaten for kidney disease, the fruits that can be eaten by different kidney diseases are also different.

If it is an acute nephritis patient, it is often recommended that the patient eat apples; if it is diabetic nephritis patients can eat some fruits with hypoglycemic effects such as apples, pineapple and grapes.

If a patient with nephritis has symptoms of stomach ulcers, you can generally eat apples, but you must not eat lemons, plums and other acidic fruits.

If it is edema it may also be appropriate to eat some apples, but such patients with nephritis should not eat more water containing fruits such as watermelons, pears, pineapples, bananas and other fruits.

If it is nephritis with anemia, it should not eat oranges, persimmons and other fruits, because these fruits are easy to combine with iron, it will interfere with the iron absorption of other foods.

If it is nephritis dialysis patients, generally not limited, but if patients with nephritis low potassium need to encourage the consumption of some potassium-rich fruit, such as orange, orange and so on.
In addition, if the condition of nephritis is severe and the renal function is still not good, there will always be symptoms of increased serum potassium, and patients with such nephritis will need to avoid eating high-potassium fruits such as oranges, walnuts, red dates, pomelo, and apricots. Red fruit, bananas and so on.

People with edema due to poor kidney function should not eat bananas, because bananas contain more sodium and potassium salts, which will increase edema, thereby increasing the burden on the kidneys. People with poor kidney function try not to eat carambola. In addition, patients with kidney disease should not eat high-potassium fruits such as grapes and oranges.

Finally, nephrotic syndrome, high sodium fruit should be fasted, such as: bananas, oranges, oranges, hawthorn, peaches, orange juice, persimmons, watermelons, tomatoes, apples, etc., because hyperkalemia can cause nephrotic syndrome. Sudden death of patients, high sodium intake will aggravate renal failure in patients, we must remember to remember.

What are the dietary concerns of patients with kidney disease?
As most kidney diseases are prone to fatigue, infection and other factors, and require proper dietary conditioning, once the disruption of life patterns or overwork, it may lead to increased disease. After the kidney disease, what should the patient's daily life pay attention to?

1, pay attention to eat less salt, eat less protein, eat less meat, especially white meat, but can eat fish properly. Because the meat of poultry and livestock is generally saturated fatty acid, fish protein is unsaturated fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acids have anti-atherosclerosis effect. Eating more protein can increase the burden on the kidney and aggravate the condition.

2, kidney patients can not eat carambola, carambola inside the ingredients for the patient is difficult to metabolize, especially patients who need dialysis treatment can not eat. In addition, when suffering from renal failure and high serum potassium, you cannot eat high-potassium foods such as bananas, oranges, and mushrooms.

3, nephropathy patients advocate a light diet, it is best to perform a low-salt, low-fat diet, but at the same time should be high-quality protein supplements to ensure adequate nutrition, balanced diet. Can not eat shrimp, crabs and other seafood and greasy food.

4, kidney disease patients can eat more foods with kidney diuretic effect, such as animal liver, lean meat, carrots, wax gourd and so on. At the same time, pay attention to regulate the acidity of food. In life, the elderly should consciously eat more alkaline foods such as milk, soy products, konjac, radish, potatoes, and lettuce.

5, intake of adequate vitamins and trace elements, vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc, calcium, iron, etc. can play a protective role in the kidney.

Hope can help you improve kidney function and have a wonderful life.