
Tell you: the symptoms of patients with kidney disease are not the same.


Tell you: Chinese medicine can treat kidney damage and improve kidney function.


Tell you: A healthy life helps you stay away from kidney disease.

For Patients

Tell you: Kidney disease patients from different countries.


Tell you: Different characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy for the health of kidney disease.


Here we will introduce some effective Chinese Medicine therapy for 17% kidney function

Kidney disease is a chronic physical illness, the use of special Chinese medicine therapy to help patients with kidney disease, such as: micro-traditional Chinese medicine therapy, immunotherapy, alternative therapy, fumigation therapy, circle therapy, plus adjuvant therapy, such as: foot bath or medicated bath, Better help kidney disease alleviate the existing high creatinine levels, relieve other symptoms of nephropathy patients have a very good effect.

When 17% kidney function means that your kidney disease has been in stage 4. It is a fast progressing stage and effective therapies are necessary. China is famous for Chinese medicine therapy which has thousands of years of history. Here we will introduce some effective Chinese Medicine therapy for 17% kidney function.
1. Qi Gong
Unsmooth qi is a main problem. If you practice qi gong for a period of time, you can feel Qi circulate when you hold your breath and concentration. In addition, blood can not run well in your body, metabolic wastes cause inflammation over kidney, so renal cells become injured. Qi gong can dilate blood vessel and improve blood microcirculation to stop further kidney damage.
2. Medicated bath, enema, foot bath, moxibustion and acupuncture
These therapies can dredge your meridians and channels, so toxins can be discharged by your skin and gastrointestinal tract system step by step to clean your blood. Your kidneys’ filtration rate is low, and toxins cannot be discharged by your kidneys, so we use these methods to expel them. This can provide a clean condition for the next treatment.
3. Oral Chinese medicines and external Chinese Medicines
Oral Chinese medicines and external Chinese medicines focus on restraining the inflammation over kidney, blocking the hyper-reaction of T cells and B cells, decomposing those extracellular matrix, which are the main reason for renal fibrosis. Also Chinese medicines have special efficacy to restore qi and blood, it can improve your conditions of ischemia and anoxia.

Kidney disease is difficult to cure the health of the disease, if you have kidney disease, you can consult our 24-hour online kidney disease experts, may be able to provide you with the best treatment advice and treatment.


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Do you know the the reason why bananas should be avoided by kidney failure patients

Kidney disease is a chronic physical illness, the use of special Chinese medicine therapy to help patients with kidney disease, such as: micro-traditional Chinese medicine therapy, immunotherapy, alternative therapy, fumigation therapy, circle therapy, plus adjuvant therapy, such as: foot bath or medicated bath, Better help kidney disease alleviate the existing high creatinine levels, relieve other symptoms of nephropathy patients have a very good effect.

If someone is suffering from chronic kidney failure, banana is always forbidden. Children and adults alike love sweet, nutritious bananas. However, kidney failure patients are not allowed to eat too many bananas. Do you know the the reason why bananas should be avoided by kidney failure patients?
Bananas are known for their high potassium content. Potassium is necessary for good muscle function as well as for maintaining a healthy balance of fluids in the body. However, as for kidney failure patients, high potassium food and fruit should be avoided or eaten less. Healthy kidneys help keep potassium at a normal level. When kidneys are damaged, they can no longer remove excess potassium, so the level builds up in the body. High potassium in the blood is called hyperkalemia. Too high potassium is dangerous and some of the effects of high potassium include: nausea weakness, numbness or tingling, slow pulse, irregular heartbeat, heart failure and sudden death. As a result, watch your diet and limit foods that are high in potassium.
High potassium food and fruits include banana, oranges or kiwi, raisins or dried fruit, dried beans or peas, tomatoes and avocados, pumpkin, potatoes and winter squash.
In addition, dialysis is necessary to help regulate potassium. Dialysis is very effective at removing excess potassium from the blood. However, dialysis cannot regulate potassium from the root because it does not cure kidney failure from the root. In this condition, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Acupuncture, Enema, Mai Kang Composition are applied which aims to repair injured kidney intrinsic cells and improve kidney function. This is the radical way to balance potassium level in blood.

Kidney disease is difficult to cure the health of the disease, if you have kidney disease, you can consult our 24-hour online kidney disease experts, may be able to provide you with the best treatment advice and treatment.


there are alternative solutions for chronic kidney failure

Kidney disease is a chronic physical illness, the use of special Chinese medicine therapy to help patients with kidney disease, such as: micro-traditional Chinese medicine therapy, immunotherapy, alternative therapy, fumigation therapy, circle therapy, plus adjuvant therapy, such as: foot bath or medicated bath, Better help kidney disease alleviate the existing high creatinine levels, relieve other symptoms of nephropathy patients have a very good effect.

Is there any kind of solution without dialysis for a chronic kidney failure patient? Dialysis is the most commonly used medical method for kidney failure, so it is misunderstood as the only choice. Actually, there are alternative solutions for chronic kidney failure.
Chronic kidney failure is a kidney condition in which kidneys can not do its job well to help us regulate blood pressure, cleanse blood, maintain electrolyte balance, secrete hormone and maintain water balance. That is why chronic kidney failure sufferers always experience a series of symptoms like high blood pressure, electrolyte disturbance, fluid retention as well as anemia. To stop toxic substances from building up in the body and damaging our internal organs, we need dialysis to clear them away from blood. However, dialysis is not the only solution in such a condition.
There are alternative solutions for chronic kidney failure and they go as below:
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
This is an alternative solution for chronic kidney failure. It works by performing functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, dilation of blood vessels and degradation of extracellular matrix, with the help of which, not only all the symptoms can be controlled well, illness can also be reversed to some extent. More importantly, in this herbal treatment, all the herbs are used externally to avoid potential side effects.
Blood Pollution Therapy
Blood pollution therapy is also an alternative solution in kidney failure, and it is especially helpful for patients who have very high levels of toxins in blood. The whole treatment process is divided into three steps: combined methods to purify blood, elements supplement in blood, rebuilding of kidney function. With this alternative solution, not only kidney function can be improved, immune system also can be strengthened.
Immunotherapy is also an alternative treatment for kidney failure. It is not a simple oral medicine, but a systematic treatment which combines Chinese medicine and western medicine. In this holistic treatment, Chinese medicine and western medicine are used in different treatment course to achieve different treatment goals. We know Chinese medicine and western medicine see kidney disease differently and also they work differently. By combining the advantages of them, we can get the best treatment effects. Immunotherapy is especially effective in treating kidney problem associated with immune disorder like IgA Nephropathy.

Kidney disease is difficult to cure the health of the disease, if you have kidney disease, you can consult our 24-hour online kidney disease experts, may be able to provide you with the best treatment advice and treatment.


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is there a way to avoid dialysis with Chronic Kidney Failure

Kidney disease is a chronic physical illness, the use of special Chinese medicine therapy to help patients with kidney disease, such as: micro-traditional Chinese medicine therapy, immunotherapy, alternative therapy, fumigation therapy, circle therapy, plus adjuvant therapy, such as: foot bath or medicated bath, Better help kidney disease alleviate the existing high creatinine levels, relieve other symptoms of nephropathy patients have a very good effect.

Dialysis is the way that is commonly mentioned when there is someone with Chronic Kidney Failure, because so far it is the quickest way to cleanse blood. Dialysis is life-supportive, but meanwhile affect our life quality in other ways. Also, once we start dialysis, we have to do dialysis regularly. Well, is there a way to avoid dialysis with Chronic Kidney Failure?
In Chronic Kidney Failure, dialysis is applied to cleanse blood, so as to protect internal organs from being affected by toxins that should have been removed by kidney. Under such a condition, if we want to avoid dialysis, we need to strengthen kidney and better kidney function, so that blood can be kept clean and internal organs can be protected.
Dialysis and kidney transplant are regarded as the last two choices for Chronic Kidney Failure patients, because there is no cure. However, this does not mean there is no way to improve kidney condition.
Kidney is an organ which works through different kidney tissues like glomerulus and renal tubule. kidney function declines when kidney tissues are damaged and fail to work properly. Under such a condition, wastes can not be removed. They build up in blood, which is very dangerous. In our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, to help Chronic Kidney Failure patients cleanse blood and get kidney function restored, Blood Cleaning and Detoxification Therapy is applied. This is not a simple treatment or medicine, but a systematic treatment method which includes different treatment methods like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Circle Therapy, Mai Kang Mixture, Medical Foot Bath, Steaming and Medicinal Moxibustion and so on. These treatment promotes kidney health in different ways and with the multiple help of them, some injured kidney tissues can be repaired successfully and also many kidney-related physical discomforts can be eliminated fundamentally.
We know kidneys work different tissues and some of the injured renal tissues are repaired well, kidney function is improved. Dialysis is needed to replace failed kidneys to cleanse blood and when kidney function is improved, dialysis is not needed any more. According to clinical studies, when GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate), an indicator of kidney condition, is increased to be higher than 15, dialysis is not required any more.
This is a very unknown way to avoid dialysis for Chronic Kidney Failure patients in China. If you are interested to take this treatment, please contact us to get further information and arrangement.

Kidney disease is difficult to cure the health of the disease, if you have kidney disease, you can consult our 24-hour online kidney disease experts, may be able to provide you with the best treatment advice and treatment.




Chinese Medicine Treatment For Polycystic Kidney Disease

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
 Here we will give you a successful patient story about PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). This patient is from Rwanda. He gets a good therapeutic effect in our hospital.
Chinese Medicine Treatment For Polycystic Kidney Disease
His name is HABUKURI.DONAT and has suffered from PKD for about 20 years. He has take various treatments before coming to our hospital but gets no improvement. Kidney dysfunction occurs. In order to get better treatment, he decides to come to China for treatment.
At the beginning of our treatment, he has conflict psychology to Chinese medicines. Our doctor Li gives him pure Chinese medicine treatments. DONAT can accept oral Chinese medicine soup but he can not accept Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath and Steaming Therpay. So it is not so smooth at the beginning of treatment.
However, after a period of treatment, his attitude changed because his enlarged kidneys have been shrunk. He says this is the happiest day for almost 20 years.
Therapeutic effect is the courage. Since that, DONAT totally accepts Chinese medicine treatments.
The root cause of PKD is the activity of the lining epithelial cells so the key point in PKD treatment is to prevent its activity.
Western medicines fail to prevent the activity of lining epithelial cells while Chinese medicine treatments in our hospital including medicinal soup, Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath and Medicated Foot Bath can inhibit the activity of lining epithelial cells effectively. Through different functions, these therapies can transport the active ingredients in Chinese medicines to kidney lesion directly. They help promote circulation and remove stasis, stimulate the blood circulation around the kidneys and improve kidney’s existing environment. Our Chinese medicine treatments have effects on high blood pressure and kidney dysfunction.
DONAT feels great improvement because his fatigue is improved greatly. His heart rate is increased from 38 to 61 so his shortness of breath is alleviated.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


what can pkd patients' chinese medicine

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
 PKD is a genetic kidney disease and nowadays the effective treatment for elevated creatinine 10.5 in PKD is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
PKD causes numerous cysts to grow in the kidneys. These cysts are filled with fluid. If too many cysts grow or if they get too big, kidneys can become damaged. PKD cysts can slowly replace much of the kidneys, reducing kidney function and leading to kidney failure.
Creatinine is a waste product and normally filtered by kidneys. However, when kidneys are damaged and renal function declines, excess creatinine can not be excreted out of your body. In this condition, creatinine will accumulate in your body, causing high creatinine level.
High creatinine level 10.5 is really a serious condition because it indicates there are lots of toxins in your body. If they are not removed from your body, toxins can reduce the effect of medication you take and also cause further kidney damage. Thus, it is very important to cleanse your blood.
The common treatment for high creatinine level is dialysis which is an artificial kidney and helps damaged kidneys to discharge excess creatinine out of your body. Dialysis can reduce high creatinine level 10.5 to some extent. But most patients complain their creatinine level fluctuates and also suffer from some side effects such as low blood pressure, extreme fatigue, muscle cramp and itchy skin,etc. Patients want to avoid dialysis.
If you want to avoid dialysis, you must repair your injured kidney tissues and improve your own renal function. As for the treatment of PKD, the most effective treatment is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy not only shrinks kidney cysts but also improves renal function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a series of Chinese medicines. Chinese medicines can stop the growth of kidney cysts by preventing the active substances in epithelial cells from releasing. They can also promote the excretion of cyst fluid by increasing blood circulation of the surface of kidney cysts. With shrinking kidney cysts naturally, injured kidney tissues can be repaired effectively and then renal function will be improved. When renal function is improved, high creatinine level 10.5 will be reduced radically.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


Medicated Bath is one of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
Medicated Bath is one of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy. It feels very comfortable and many patients would like to take this therapy. Well then, is Medicated Bath therapy good for PKD?
Ali is a foreign patient and suffers from Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). His kidneys have become enlarged due to numerous cysts in his kidneys. Besides, he also suffers from some complications such as back pain, hematuria and nausea. He has taken two times of surgery but his condition relapses again and again. His doctor tells him there is nothing that can be done for PKD.
Through the Internet, Ali finds our hospital and is interested in our Chinese Medicine Treatments. He believes he will get a good recovery here so he comes to our hospital for treatment in August.
One of the treatments he takes is Medicated Bath Therapy. When the patient first comes to our hospital, we will give a thorough check up and then make a treatment plan based on the specific illness condition. The medicines in Chinese medicine treatments are different from patient to patient.
Medicated Bath has some benefits for PKD patients:
1. Through the skin, the active ingredients in Chinese medicines can be absorbed into blood, tissues and organs. Thereby, medicated bath can regulate body tissues by the absorption of skin, which can increase immunity.
2. Many herbs can expand blood vessels and speed up the microcirculation. This can supply more blood and oxygen to damaged kidney tissues.
3. Medicated Bath helps PKD patients sweat more so that more toxic substances can be removed out, which is what most patients want and need.
With Medicated Bath Therapy, Ali’s kidney cysts are shrunk and his appearance becomes better than before.
Medicated Bath is helpful for PKD patients. If you also want to get a better therapeutic effect, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.
But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


Naturally therapy In PKD

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
Mr Fan is a Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) patient. His stomach becomes bigger and bigger. He and his family members all worry about his condition. Well then, is there any effective treatment for PKD?
He has tried many therapies and visited many hospitals but there is no improvement for his condition. Occasionally his daughter finds our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. He wants to come here and have a try.
Before our treatment
When he just comes to our hospital, we give him a check up. The report shows his kidneys enlarge obviously. The size of his right kidney is 261*136**105mm and left kidney is 264*154*116mm. The size of kidney cyst in his right kidney is 75*51mm and in the left kidney is 91*66mm. He was diagnosed PKD.
During treatment
Our experts hold a consultation and make a detailed treatment plan for his condition. The treatment is mainly Four Plus Seven Chinese Medicine Therapy. After a period of treatment, his blood pressure becomes stable. His cold feet and hands become warm and begin to sweat. His face becomes red and swelling also disappears naturally. Besides, his stomach becomes smaller. The size of kidney cyst in his right kidney is 74*56mm and in left kidney becomes 90*63mm. This indicates his kidney cyst is shrunk.
Four Plus Seven Chinese Medicine Therapy
This is a systematic Chinese medicine therapy. Four refers to Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicinal Soup, Mai Kang Mixture and Medicated Foot Bath. Seven refers to Medicated Full Bath, Moxibustion Therapy, Steaming Therapy, Enema Therapy, Circle Therapy, Acupuncture and oral Chinese medicine soup. They usually combine together to treat PKD. Of course, different patient will be given different medicines. Besides, the dosage is also different. Four Plus Seven Chinese Medicine Therapy shrinks kidney cysts through preventing the epithelial cells from secreting fluid, improving the permeability of cystic wall, increasing the pressure between the internal and external cysts. As a result, the fluids in kidney cysts will flow out and be excreted through urine. Kidney cysts will be shrunk through this process.
But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


why does PKD relapse easily

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
As we all know, Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disease. One of your parents suffers from PKD, you will be higher risk for this disease. Besides, PKD is easy to relapse. Well then, why does PKD relapse easily?

The common treatment for PKD is surgery and anti-inflammatory agents. The function of surgery is to shrink kidney cysts quickly. But it does not mean shrinking kidney cysts can prevent the activity of epithelial cells. Thi is the reason why PKD relapses easily.
The following is a case in our hospital.
Mrs Gao is a patient with PKD. In the early stage, she neglects the treatment. And she also does not find the best treatment method, which makes kidney cysts become bigger and bigger. She suffers from severe back pain and other body functions all have a quick decline.
When she comes to our hospital for treatment, her kidney size is twice larger than normal kidney size. She also suffers from complications like kidney stones in both kidneys, high creatinine level 734umol/L and uric acid 501umol/L. This has been in uremia stage. If no effective treatment, she can only count on dialysis to sustain her life. At the same time, she may also experience some dangerous risks like cyst rupture.
According to her condition, our experts hold an urgent meeting and arrange expert consultant. We give her Chinese medicine treatments which can inhibit the activity of epithelial cells, absorb cystic fluid and shrink cyst wall.
After one month of Chinese medicine treatment, her high creatinine level is reduced to 585umol/L. You should be patient because Chinese medicines work slowly. But Chinese medicines treat PKD from the root. No relapse will occur.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


How to help 10cm kidney cyst of pkd patients

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic kidney disease in which abnormal cysts develop and grow in the kidneys. 10cm kidney cyst is large enough and requires timely treatment. Well then, what treatment is for PKD patients with 10cm kidney cyst?
The common treatment for PKD is surgery which can quickly remove large kidney cysts. You can feel great improvement in a short time. However, your condition can relapse again. That is, your kidney cysts can become large again. In this condition, symptoms like high blood pressure, blood in urine and back pain will occur. Your doctor may recommend you to take another surgery.
In order to seek further treatment, some patients come to China for our Chinese Medicine Treatment. One of the advanced Chinese medicine treatments in our hospital is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy shows promising effect in PKD treatment. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy aims to shrink kidney cysts and stop the epithelial cells from secreting cystic fluid. In this way, kidney cysts will stop growing and become smaller. Then, it will reduce oppression on kidneys. Thus, injured kidney tissues can be repaired gradually and relative symptoms will be relieved radically.
Patients just need to lie on bed to take this therapy. Two medicated bags are put on patients’ back. The osmosis machine helps the active ingredients come into kidney lesion directly. The active substances in osmotherapy can promote blood circulation of cystic wall so the permeability of cystic wall can be increased and the cystic fluid will flow back into blood. Besides, the active ingredients can inactivate the epithelial cells of cystic wall, so the cystic fluid can not be secreted. In this way, kidney cysts can be controlled effectively. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is natural and causes no side effects so more and more patients come to China for treatment.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


A New Treatment Of Polycystic Kidney Disease,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
This therapy is used externally. Patients just need to lie on bed to take this therapy. Two medicated bags filled with processed Chinese medicines are put on patient’s back. The osmosis machine helps the active ingredients come into kidney lesion directly. It has been proven to be one of the effective therapies for PKD. This new treatment has helped and saved thousands of patients from more than 64 countries. Well then, how does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats PKD from two ways:
1. Shrink kidney cysts
Chinese medicines can restrain the proliferation of cysts’ lining cells so as to inhibit the enlargement of the cysts. Besides, Osmotherapy can expand blood vessels, improve the microcirculation on the cystic wall, thus, improving the permeability of cystic wall and shrinking kidney cysts. Generally, with 10 days treatment, kidney cysts become soft and symptoms like back pain, high blood pressure or blood in urine can disappear naturally.
2. Improve kidney function
Apart from shrinking your kidney cysts, our Chinese medicines can gradually improve your renal function. They can expand your blood vessels, improve your blood circulation, prevent coagulation and inflammation, degrade extracellular matrix and provide nutrients. When your renal function is improved, it can prevent you from developing kidney failure. And dialysis or kidney transplant can also be eliminated.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


What Treatment Can Help Stage 4 PKD Patients Avoid Dialysis

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
There are numerous kidney cysts in PKD patients. Kidney cysts will enlarge and cause damage on kidneys. In stage 4 PKD, your doctor may suggest you to take dialysis. However, more and more patients want to avoid dialysis. Is there any treatment to get rid of dialysis?
What Treatment Can Help Stage 4 PKD Patients Avoid DialysisThe treatment for PKD should aim at shrinking kidney cysts and improve renal function. Only in this way can dialysis be avoided. Here we recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat PKD?
1. Reduce the formation of fluid in cysts
This therapy can reduce the formation of fluid in cysts which can reduce the pressure on glomerular, kidney tubules and kidney blood vessels, promote blood circulation in impaired kidney tissues, improve renal ischemia-anoxia state and create a good blood environment for recovering renal function.
2. Shrink kidney cysts
The key point in PKD treatment is to shrink kidney cysts. This can be achieved through promoting the reabsorption of primary sac fluid and blocking the source of sac fluid. Besides, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can increase the permeability of the cystic fluid and the fluids will flow out and be discharged through urine.
3. Improve renal function
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve renal function gradually and help patients avoid dialysis. There are three kinds of kidney cells: healthy ones, injured ones and dead ones. We can do nothing for dead kidney cells. But injured kidney cells can be repaired by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy through expanding blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. After a period of treatment, patients can feel great improvement. Their symptoms such as anemia, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, muscle cramps, swelling or high blood pressure can all disappear naturally.
The treatment in PKD patients is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy can help you improve renal function and avoid dialysis gradually. However, it does not mean all patients can get off dialysis. Patients for long time dialysis and no urine output can not avoid dialysis. Thus, the earlier you take treatment, the better your therapeutic effect will be. About more information, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat high creatinine 5.8 in pkd

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
When kidney cysts in PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) oppress your kidney tissues and affect your kidney function, serum creatinine will increase. A patient consults us that his serum creatinine level is 5.8mg/dL. Is there any treatment to lower it from the root?
RadicallyIn order to decrease high creatinine level 5.8 fundamentally, you can have a try of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. However, this therapy is only available in China so foreign patients need to come to China for treatment. We have treated many patients from over 68 countries. This unique therapy aims to repair kidney damage and improve renal function, which brings high creatinine level 5.8 from the root. But you should seize the best treatment time, otherwise, you can not get a good result. The earlier you take treatment, the better therapeutic effects will be.
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy lower high creatinine level 5.8 radically?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats kidney disease with the following functions:
1. Dilate blood vessels
Chinese medicines can expand blood vessels and increase blood flow in the kidneys which can provide enough blood, oxygen and necessary nutrients for repairing injured kidney tissues. This can relieve renal hypoxia and ischemia in the kidneys.
2. Prevent inflammation
Immune complexes depositing in kidneys can result in abnormal inflammatory reactions and the release of a large number of inflammatory medium into the blood circulation, and then it is important to prevent further damages to renal cells and tissues.
3. Block coagulation
Inflammation in kidneys will activate the platelet and the increase will cause the formation of thrombus blocking blood circulation and lead to renal ischemia-anoxia. The active ingredients in Chinese medicines can help remove blood stasis and improve blood circulation.
4. Degrade extracellular matrix
The attack of harmful substances can cause abnormal hyperplasia and proliferation of extracellular matrix of renal intrinsic cells. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help degrade extracellular matrix.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


It is allowed for PKD patients to drink mangosteen juice

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
“Can mangosteen juice manage or cure Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)?”. This is a question from a patient who leaves us a message on our website. He has suffered from PKD for many years. Aside from common medical treatment, he also pays much attention to his diet. Well then, is mangosteen juice good for PKD patients?
Can Mangosteen Juice Manage Polycystic Kidney Disease,It is allowed for PKD patients to drink mangosteen juice. Because mangosteen has the following health benefits:
1. Lower blood pressure
High blood pressure is a common complication from polycystic kidney. Mangosteen contains high levels of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium provides protection against strokes and coronary heart diseases as it controls heart rate and blood pressure. However, it does not mean all patients can drink it. Patients with high potassium level should drink less or avoid mangosteen juice.
2. Prevent inflammation
Inflammation can worsen your kidney condition and speed up its progression to kidney failure. Thus, it is very important to make inflammation be under control. Mangosteen contains anti-inflammatory properties which is highly beneficial for patients who suffer from pain.
3. Relieve your stomach disorders
PKD patients also suffer from some stomach disorders like diarrhea. Mangosteen’s leaves and barks can be used to treat diarrhea effectively and naturally.
4. Improve your blood flow
Mangosteen can promote red blood cells and prevent against anemia. It improves your blood flow by causing dialtion of your blood vessels which helps to protect PKD patients against certain diseases like heart congestion, severe chest pain and atherosclerosis.
From the above, we can see mangosteen is good for PKD patients. But it is not enough for mangosteen to cure Polycystic Kidney Disease. To cure PKD, you need to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which aims to improve the permeability of cyst wall, immunotherapy.decrease lining cells’ activity of secreting cystic fluid and change the inner and outer pressure difference of cyst wall. In this way, kidney cysts can be shrunk and reduce oppression on your kidneys. Gradually kidney function can be improved gradually.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy reabsorb kidney cysts

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
“I have Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Is there any way to reabsorb my cysts?”. A PKD patient consults our online doctor such a question. To reabsorb or shrink kidney cysts, here we recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
This treatment is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) but used externally. According to your specific illness condition, proper Chinese medicines will be chosen and processed into powder to guarantee the Chinese medicines can play its maximum efficacy. Processed Chinese medicines will be put into two medicated bags and patients just need to lie on two medicated bags for treatment. The osmosis machine will help the Chinese medicines come into kidney lesion directly and then play its function.
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy reabsorb kidney cysts?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has two goals in PKD treatment. One is to shrink kidney cysts and the other is to improve renal function.
Shrinking kidney cysts can be achieved by increasing the permeability of cyst wall, speeding up the blood flow on cyst wall, preventing lining cells’ ability from producing cystic fluid and changing inner and outer pressure of cyst wall. With these functions, cystic fluid will be reabsorbed and finally removed out of your body with urine. Then, you will feel your cysts become smaller and softer.
The other function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to recover renal function effectively. This is because Chinese medicines have functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix, providing nutrients and removing blood stasis. Through supplying enough blood and oxygen for your body, it is able to stimulate the self-healing ability of injured kidney tissues and recover renal function gradually. When your renal function is improved, your high creatinine level will be reduced and related symptoms like high blood pressure, anemia, swelling and poor appetite, etc will be managed from the root.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


The right treatment for PKD is to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
Gooseberry or amla has many benefits like purifying your blood, detoxifying your body and enhancing your immune system. As a Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), you can also take some gooseberry juice.
Can PKD Patients Take Gooseberry JuiceGooseberry juice has the following benefits to PKD patients:
1. Strengthen your immunity
The vitamin C is very rich in gooseberry. It helps boost immunity and protects against infections. This is good for PKD patients to stop further kidney damage.
2. Increase hemoglobin
Low hemoglobin can also occur in kidney patients. Because damaged kidneys fail to produce enough Erythropoietin (EPO) which is responsible for generating hemoglobin. In this condition, low hemoglobin level will occur, causing anemia. With anemia, patients tend to feel weak, tired and dizzy. Gooseberry can increase hemoglobin to relieve anemia to some extent.
3. Control diabetes
Diabetes is a leading cause of kidney disease and it can also deteriorate your condition. As for those who suffer from diabetes, they can eat gooseberry which is good for controlling diabetes.
4. Eliminate kidney stones
One of the common complications from PKD is kidney stone. You can drink radish juice mixed with dried amla powder which is useful in eliminating your kidney stones.
In general, gooseberry is good for PKD patients. How much you can eat depends on your specific condition. Besides, if you want to rely on gooseberry juice to treat your PKD, it is not enough. The right treatment for PKD is to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which is created on the basis of TCM and it has overcome its disadvantages through the combination of advanced western medicines and traditional herbal medicine. It has two goals in the treatment of PKD: one is to shrink kidney cysts and the other is to improve renal function. Shrinking kidney cysts can be achieved by promoting the reabsorption of primary sac fluid and blocking the source of sac fluid supply. Improving renal function can be achieved through increasing blood flow on the kidney, preventing inflammation and coagulation, stimulating the self-healing ability of injured kidney tissues and providing nutrients for damaged kidney cells. After a period of treatment, you can feel your condition is improved greatly.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


Back pain often disturbs people’s normal life

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
Back pain often disturbs people’s normal life. Back pain has various of reasons such as muscle strains, kidney deficiency and severe condition called Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Today we will talk about the treatment of back pain in polycystic kidney disease.
What is Polycystic Kidney Disease?
Polycystic kidney disorder is a kind of genetic disorder which causes numerous cysts growing in the kidneys. The cysts are abnormal and filled with fluid. With the cysts growing, kidneys become big and replace much of their structure. Polycystic kidney disease can also develop into chronic kidney disease
How does Polycystic Kidney Disease Cause Back Pain?
With the growing of kidneys, the tissue around kidney is under pressure. Nerve around the kidney is get damaged, the back pain happens.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs), cyst infection, kidney stones, bleeding into cysts, or stretching of the fibrous tissue around the kidney because of cyst growth can also cause back pain.
How’s the treatment of polycystic kidney disease?
Take potassium citrate for about one month is useful for treating kidney stones associated with PKD. Breaking up stones with shock waves and removing stones through a small incision will not cause more complications in PKD.
Recent studies show that drinking plain water throughout the day and avoiding caffeine can slow the growth of cysts.
With a careful control of blood pressure can help release bleeding into cysts.
Medication treatment with antibiotics that can control the bladder or kidney infection.
All the above therapies can relieve back pain in PKD. Please do not worry about it. As long as you take timely treatment, you can live a normal life with PKD.
Does lifestyle affect back pain?
Absolutely. A healthy lifestyle can reduce back pain.
Avoid smoking, drinking the alcoholic beverage, limit salt ingestion and exercise regularly will build up a good condition for medication treatment.
Low-fat diet or suggested diet from the dietitian can also help to improve back pain.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


Without good treatment, PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) can progress into kidney failure

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
Without good treatment, PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) can progress into kidney failure. Nowadays the effective treatment for kidney failure is Chinese Medicine Treatment. The following is a successful patient story in our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
Good Therapeutic Effect Of Chinese Medicine Treatment for Kidney Failure In PKDPatient’s information
Gender: Female
Age: 25 years old
Illness condition: Serum creatinine elevates 2 months. One kidney fails completely and the other is damaged.
Diagnosis: Polycystic Kidney Disease, Kidney Failure
Before our treatment
In her country, all doctors tell her there is no treatment for her condition. However, she does not give up treatment and always believe there is a treatment which can help her better. Through internet consultant, she finds our hospital and is interested in our Chinese medicine treatments. After thinking over, she decides to come and have a try.
On 29th Octobor, 2016, she comes to our hospital under the accompany of her mother for treatment. The medical reports before our treatment show protein 2+, occult blood + -, BUN 16.3, serum creatinine 636umol/L, UA 404 and 8cm kidney cyst.
During our treatment
The treatment in our hospital is mainly Chinese medicine therapy which includes Hot Compress Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Soup, Medicated Foot Bath and Mai Kang Mixture. Our treatments aim to shrink kidney cysts, repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function gradually. After a period of our treatment, her medical reports show protein + -, occult blood -, BUN 11.4, serum creatinine 209umol/L, UA 200umol/L and kidney cyst shrunk to 3cm.
Besides, her symptoms like back pain, blood in urine and swelling all disappear. She is very happy with this good effect.
Maybe the above I say can not make you believe our Chinese medicine treatment. The best way is to let yourself have a try. You can stay in our hospital for one week. If you can not see any improvement, you can leave.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


We have many other therapies to help you treat PKD patients with Creatinine 5.8

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?

Creatinine is an index for calculating the remaining renal functions.According to creatinine,we get a general idea about the progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).We get a case recently.A PKD patients have creatinine 5.8,who is also looking for the new treatment for their own condition.Follow our descriptions and find the answers together.

The Brief Introduction of PKD with Creatinine 5.8
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a family renal disease which depends on the growth of cysts.The cysts become full of fluid thus giving a heavier burden on kidney.Meanwhile cysts have the function of producing useful substances to promote the quantities.Therefore kidney are damaged by the enlargement of cysts thus leading to Creatinine 5.8.
Creatinine relies on kidney to be removed out of the body in the form of the urine.Now PKD does damage to kidney nephron thus leading to the deposition of wastes and toxins.
Creatinine 5.8 is pretty higher for PKD patients.Without efficiency treatment,PKD patients suffer from End Stage Renal Disease with higher risk.
Kidney Therapy China
Hot Compress Therapy
Hot Compress Therapy is based on Chinese medicines which can be used externally.In order to treat PKD,hot compress therapy put the point on shrinking cysts and oppressing the regrowth of cysts,which is similar to western treatment.The advantage is to bring less side effects on kidney and treat PKD with Creatinine 5.8.
Hot Compress Therapy as the newest treatment is natural and becomes well-known in the world.It works on PKD in the following steps:
Expanding blood vessels offers kidney large amounts of blood and oxygen.
As patients have lower immunity in such period,much bacteria invade our body.Therefore anti-inflammation avoids further kidney damage thus protecting the remaining renal functions.
We have many other therapies to help you treat PKD patients with Creatinine 5.8.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


kidney disease patients story

Name:Joy Umbu
Country:Papua New Guinean
Diagnosis:Type 2 Diabetes,Stage 5 Diabetic Nephropathy,Renal Anemia,Renal hypertension,Hyperuricemia,Hyperlipemia,Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN)
Treatment:Hemodialysis,Orally Taking Chinese Medicines,Enema Therapy,Foot Bath Therapy,Acupuncture,Diuretic etc.
Before accepting treatment,patients have the following conditions:
In the local area,dialysis is not applied completely,she has moderate edema in the whole body.Her weight is about 93kg,Drowsiness,Poor eyesight.Because of edema,she cannot walk on her own.
One weeks later,she can walk freely and has good spirit.Meanwhile,she can also read newspapers.
After accepting treatment for 68 days,patients have the following conditions:
Hemoglobin 92 g/L to 126 g/L
Urine sugar : from urine sugar 3 + to urine sugar -, urine protein:from urine protein 4 + to  urine protein 3 +
Blood sugar:
Before a meal:From 11mmol/L to 6 mmol/L
After a meal: From 15 mmol/L to 7 mmol/L
24 hours urinary protein quantitative from 5.47 to 1.39 g / 24 h




When Chronic Kidney Failure enters into Stage 4 or 5

Renal failure is a chronic disease, there is no effective treatment of renal failure treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplantation to treat renal failure. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?

When Chronic Kidney Failure enters into Stage 4 or 5,dialysis is recommended by our doctors.Meanwhile,more and more people concern about the results of treatment.Laboratory Indications of Dialysis In Chronic Kidney Failure are desperately needed to be known about by patients and their relatives.

Laboratory Indications of Dialysis In Chronic Kidney Failure is one of the indexes to know about the results of dialysis.When you get your laboratory tests,you’d better concern the following terms.

GFR is the most importance standards for the development of Chronic kidney failure.During dialysis,if your GFR keeps decreasing,your kidney functions are still damaged.Worse,Stage 4 or 5 CKD also progresses.Under normal circumstances, GFR is less than 30.

Creatinine is also another index for ensuring the effectiveness of dialysis in Chronic Kidney Failure.Dialysis as a replacement therapy clear away stasis in the blood including creatinine. Creatinine for Stage 4 or 5 Chronic Kidney Failure is above 5.
There are also some other laboratory indications of dialysis in Chronic Kidney Failure.Want to know more,Please click online doctors.

Apart from Dialysis,There are also other therapies to help you to treat stage 4 or 5 Chronic Kidney Failure.

Kidney Therapy China

Blood Pollution Therapy

Blood Pollution Therapy treats blood firstly thus slowing down the progression of Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Failure and increasing the life expectancy of Chronic Kidney Failure patients.As Chronic kidney failure develops so long time,much stasis does damage to blood forming system and coagulation system.Therefore,we remove stasis firstly.Meanwhile,Chinese medicines also repairs these damages on those blood vessels.In the end,kidney function can be protected eventually and life expectancy is also increased.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


Chronic Kidney Failure develops with creatinine level 3.6

Renal failure is a chronic disease, there is no effective treatment of renal failure treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplantation to treat renal failure. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?

Does chronic kidney failure patients usually follow back pain and Creatinine 3.6?Why does it occur and what should they do?

Chronic Kidney Failure means gradual loss of renal function,which bring lots of troubles for patient’s daily life. If you have kidney disease problems,contact our online doctors.

The reasons for Back pain in chronic kidney failure patients

Kidney is a significant organ for our body and plays an important part in building up our healthy body.When comes to kidney function,many people only know that kidney produce urine.Then why does urine need to be filtered out of the body? More professionally,kidney as a sieve preserves useful substances for our body and remove useless substances out of our body in the form of the urine.When kidney fails to eliminate all of them timely,they attack organs in our body thus the occurrence of back pain.

Creatinine is also a kind of metabolic wastes in our body.Similar to other wastes,it also builds up in our body.Creatinine 3.6 means your kidney moderate kidney damage.Therefore,effective treatment are desperately needed.

Kidney Therapy China

Blood Pollution Therapy

Up to now,Chronic Kidney Failure develops with creatinine level 3.6 and back pain.Too much wastes and toxins build up in blood vessels.Therefore blood systems are seriously damaged.The most important functions of blood systems are blood-forming function and coagulation function.Blood Pollution Therapy treat blood other than kidney.As blood system is repaired and functions are regenerated gradually.Kidney has a better environment for recovery and kidney functions are also improved gradually.

Hot Compress Therapy

The activated Chinese medicine provides nutritions for kidneys and has the function of regenerating kidney’s functions.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.

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