
Tell you: the symptoms of patients with kidney disease are not the same.


Tell you: Chinese medicine can treat kidney damage and improve kidney function.


Tell you: A healthy life helps you stay away from kidney disease.

For Patients

Tell you: Kidney disease patients from different countries.


Tell you: Different characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy for the health of kidney disease.


How to eat eggs is more beneficial to patients with kidney disease

For people with kidney disease who can eat eggs, it is controversial that the yolk contains more cholesterol. Kidney disease Good doctors pointed out that if you only need egg white or egg-free kidney disease, you do not need to worry about one egg per day if you do not need to strictly limit fat or cholesterol.
The nutritional value of eggs

1 vitamin:

The egg yolk is rich in vitamins and has a wide range of ingredients, including all fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, K), so B vitamins and vitamin C. In natural foods, eggs contain only vitamin D that is second to fish liver oil.

2. Fat:

A normal-sized egg has a fat content of 6-9 grams, 98% of which is in the egg yolk, and the digestibility of the fat in the egg yolk is high (digestion is highly hydrolyzed and easily absorbed by the body).

3. Minerals:

The content of egg white is very low, and is mainly found in egg yolks. The content of minerals in egg yolk is 1% to 1.5%, among which calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other substances are abundant.

How to eat eggs is the most reasonable? How to eat eggs is more beneficial to patients with kidney disease:

1. boiled eggs:
The time is very important, control is 8-10 minutes. Boiled too raw, the protein structure is not destroyed, is not conducive to the body's digestion and absorption; cooking too long lead to a more compact structure will also reduce the absorption and utilization.

2. Scrambled eggs:
Add cooking wine while stirring the egg, so that scrambled eggs can not only reduce oil, but also make the eggs more tender and taste more delicious; the other is the same treasure is clean water, add fresh water and eggs when playing eggs, and mix well, Slowly frying in a small fire in the pot, the egg taste will be particularly tender, and not easy to paste pot.

3. Poached eggs:
Add a little vinegar (not salt) to the water. After the water is opened, keep the water slightly open and not very tumbling. Put the eggs into the water and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Then you can remove the eggs and boil the poached eggs. The taste is tenderer.

4. Steamed egg tarts:
Put the egg into the bowl and slowly add the appropriate amount of warm boiled water while stirring. A bubble of 1 cm in height appears on the egg. Be careful not to stir hard, otherwise the egg liquid will produce a lot of foam, steamed and easy to separate the water and eggs. When steamed egg tarts are best used in the fire or mild fire, generally about 8 minutes after the pan is appropriate. In addition, adding a little milk when steaming tart can make it taste more smooth and more nutritious.

Online Doctor:008615931093124

What are the eight principles of chronic nephritis treatment

Chronic nephritis is a kidney disease that requires long-term treatment. It is not a simple medication to recover. So what are the principles of treatment for chronic nephritis? Let's take a look at what the experts say.

Chronic glomerulonephritis referred to as chronic nephritis refers to proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, edema as the basic clinical manifestations, the onset of the disease are different, the condition is protracted, the lesion progresses slowly, there may be varying degrees of renal dysfunction, with kidney Deterioration of function and a group of glomerulopathy that will eventually develop into chronic renal failure. Due to the different pathological types and stages of the disease in this group, the main clinical manifestations may vary. The disease is diversified.

The principle of treatment of chronic nephritis

First, The bed has a good rest:

acute nephritis bed rest is very important. In bed can increase renal blood flow, can improve abnormal urine changes. Prevent and reduce complications and prevent reinfection. When the edema subsides, the blood pressure drops, and the urine abnormalities abate, proper amount of walking can be done, and mild activities can be gradually increased to prevent a sudden increase in activity.

Second, diet and water:

Moisture intake in terms of urine output, edema, hypertension and the presence or absence of heart failure, to limit the moisture in the acute phase is appropriate, but should not be excessive to prevent a sudden lack of blood volume. The salt intake should be limited to about 2 g/d when there is marked edema and high blood pressure. Protein intake, blood urea nitrogen below 14.28mmol/L (40mg/dl), protein may not limit: 14.28 ~ 21.42mmol / L (40 ~ 60mg/dl) can be limited to 1.0g per kilogram of body weight; 21.42mmol /L (60mg/dl) or more, then 0.5g/kg body weight per day, protein is preferred for high quality protein, such as eggs, milk, lean meat and so on. However, it is generally advisable to enter a low-protein, high-sugar diet until the onset of diuresis. After the symptoms are basically relieved, the routine diet is resumed.

Third, anti-infective treatment:

In the acute phase of nephritis in the case of infected lesions to give adequate anti-infective treatment, no infection, generally do not have to be appropriate. The use of antibiotics to prevent the recurrence of this disease is often ineffective.

Fourth, the treatment of edema:

mild edema without treatment, salt and rest can disappear after rest. Obvious edema can be used furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone or triamterene combined application, generally intermittent application is better than continuous application.

Fifth, the treatment of hypertension and heart failure: 
patients with hypertension need conventional treatment of hypertension. If the blood pressure is significantly increased, it is not appropriate to make the blood pressure drop suddenly, or even to normal, in order to prevent a sudden decrease in renal blood flow, affecting or aggravating renal insufficiency. The treatment of heart failure, due to the presence of high blood volume in the early stages of acute nephritis, the effect of digitalis application is not necessarily ideal, the treatment should focus on the removal of water, sodium phlegm slip, reduce blood volume.

Sixth,Anticoagulation therapy:
According to the pathogenesis, coagulation in the glomerulus is an important pathological change, mainly cellulose deposition and platelet aggregation. Therefore, in the treatment, anticoagulant therapy may be used, which will contribute to the remission of nephritis. Specific methods: 1 heparin 0.8 ~ 1.0mg/kg body weight by adding 5% glucose 250ml, intravenous infusion, once daily, 10 to 14 times for a course of treatment, interval 3 to 5 days before the next course of treatment, a total of 2 ~ 3 courses. 2 Dipyridamole 50~100mg 3 times daily. 3 Salvia 20 ~ 30 grams of intravenous infusion, can also use urokinase 2 ~ 60,000 u add 5% glucose 250ml intravenous infusion, once a day, 10 days for a course of treatment, according to the condition of 2 to 3 courses. However, it should be noted that heparin and urokinase can not be applied simultaneously.

Seventh,Antioxidant applications:

Superoxide dismutase (SOD), selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase and vitamin E can be used. 1 Superoxide dismutase can convert O- into H2O2,2 containing selenium glutathione peroxidase (SeGsHPx), which reduces H2O2 to H2O. 3 Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble scavenger on plasma and erythrocyte membranes in the body. Vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 can scavenge free radicals, block the chain reaction of free radical-triggered lipid peroxidation, protect kidney cells, and reduce the inflammatory process in the kidney.

Eight, Chinese medicine treatment
Cold type: acute onset, chills, fever, cough, head edema, oliguria, high blood pressure, thin white tongue coating, pulse floating tight. Governance is to spread the lungs and water. Prescriptions: Ephedra, almonds, dried wolfberry, mulberry, wolfberry, psyllium, winter melon, ginger, thirst plus gypsum.

Wind-heat type: fever is not chilly, sore throat, mild swelling of the face, thin yellow tongue coating, urine short-skin astringent, visible gross hematuria. The rule is to clear the wind and heat, cool blood detoxification. Prescriptions: Forsythia, silver flower, mulberry leaf, chrysanthemum, dandelion, mint, gypsum, pollen, red peony, fresh chine.

Hot and humid type: There may be fever, dry lips, dry mouth, yellow tongue coating, slippery pulse, little red urine, head or body edema. Treatment is heat and dampness or heat detoxification, prescription: Atractylodes, Phellodendron, Fang has been, swine fever, cicada skin, pokeweed, abdomen skin, wood pass, Alisma, red bean, pepper head.

Online doctor:008615931093124


What laboratory tests to do when diagnosing hypertension

Hypertensive patients should make the following examination items:

(1) Urine examination can help determine kidney function and understand whether hypertension is caused by kidney disease. Urine tests include urinary protein, urinary sediment count, and bacteriological examinations. It plays an important role in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of hypertension. In most cases of essential hypertension without complications, urinary examination can be no significant change, but in the event of renal damage in essential hypertension, urine tests can show varying degrees of change: malignant hypertension can have A large number of proteinuria, hematuria, leukocytes and granular cast; renal essential hypertension, such as glomerular nephritis caused by hypertension, but also a corresponding change.

(2) Routine blood tests often have anemia in patients with renal parenchymal hypertension, whereas patients with essential hypertension do not generally have anemia.

(3) Blood biochemical tests include total blood protein, albumin, cholesterol, blood glucose, urea nitrogen, creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, uric acid, and aspartate aminotransferase. If a hypertensive patient has lower than normal potassium in the blood without diuretics, primary or secondary hyperaldosteronism should be suspected. Serum creatinine is not affected by food and therefore is more reliable than urea nitrogen in assessing renal function. In patients with adrenal hypertension, pheochromocytoma, or long-term use of diuretics, the uric acid level in the blood may increase.

(4) Serological tests including C-reactive protein, anti-streptolysin "O", etc., have a certain reference value in the active period of constrictive arteritis.

(5) Chest X-ray examination is used to understand whether the heart is enlarged and expanded, and to know whether the blood vessels associated with the heart have variations, such as whether the aortic arch has prominence and extension of the aortic wall, whether the aortic wall has calcification and whether there is a dissection artery. Tumor; clear lung with or without congestion and pleural effusion. These are all related to the complications of hypertension.

(6) Electrocardiogram examination should pay attention to whether the high voltage of QRS wave caused by hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy, QRS wave widening, ST segment decline and T wave hypoploid or inversion.

(7) Renal and renal function tests are mainly to understand whether there is any change in the morphology and function of the kidneys, including examination of morphology and function. The more commonly used ones are: 1 Intravenous pyelography, which is a safe and simple method of examination. It is a measure that must be taken when there is a suspected kidney abnormality, urethral obstruction, and renal vascular disease. 2 isotope nephrogram, renal scintigraphy examination, renal hypertension, especially for unilateral renal or renal vascular lesions in the diagnosis of greater value. 3 phenol red excretion test, creatinine clearance, etc. are used to evaluate whether the abnormal renal function check method.

(8) Determination of plasma renin activity is mainly used for the differential diagnosis of hypertension and secondary hypertension.

(9) Thyroid function tests include thyroid iodine uptake, serum total thyroxine levels, triiodothyronine levels, and serum thyrotropin levels.

Online Doctor:008615931093124

Is green tea beneficial for reducing high creatinine level

Green tea has many medicinal benefits including reducing the risk of strokes, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowering the risk of type II diabetes and reducing cholesterol, etc. Well, is green tea beneficial for reducing high creatinine level?

Green tea is allowed with kidney disease if you take it properly.

1. Relieve ischemia and reduce kidney damage

When kidneys are damaged, blood flow through kidney will be less due to stroke or blood clots. In this condition, kidneys will be in a ischemia-anoxia state. Some researches have shown that drinking green tea in moderation can relieve renal ischemia and reduce kidney damage.

2. Prevent the buildup of glycogen

Glycogen is the rich source of glucose. If there is much glucose, you will be at a risk of developing diabetic nephropathy. Green tea can help prevent the accumulation of glycogen in the kidneys and reduce the risk of diabetic nephropathy.

3. Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease

Most kidney patients die from cardiovascular disease than kidney disease itself. Thus, it is very important for kidney patients to have a healthy heart. Green tea has been shown to lower total and LDL cholesterol, as well as protect the LDL particles from oxidation. Studies have shown that green tea drinker have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

From the above, we can see green tea is beneficial for kidney condition. Although green tea can not lower high creatinine level directly, it can reduce rising creatinine level indirectly.

Of course, it is impossible for you to reduce elevated creatinine radically only with green tea. High creatinine level is from damaged kidneys which can not excrete excess creatinine out. Thus, creatinine accumulates in blood, causing elevated creatinine level. Thus, the radical treatment for high creatinine level should repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. To achieve this purpose, you should take a systematic Chinese medicine treatment including Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicinal Soup, Steaming Therapy and Moxibustion Therapy, etc. They can restore kidney damage and improve renal function through anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation of extracellular matrix, nutrient supplement and dilation of blood vessels. When renal function is improved, high creatinine level will decrease radically.

Online Doctor:008615931093124

What is best medicine for lowering your creatinne level 10.9

What is best medicine for lowering your creatinne level 10.9 ? Elevated creatinine level is an indicator of kidney damage. It shows your kidneys are unable to discharge excess creatinine out of your body.

The best medicine for high creatinine level 10.9 in our hospital is Chinese medicine. We have a series of Chinese medicine therapies to lower down elevated creatinine level. For example:

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This therapy is used externally based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Chinese medicines are micronized into powder. Processed Chinese medicines will be put into two medicated bags. Patients just need to lie on bed to take this therapy. It is just like a massage and feels very comfortable. The osmosis machine helps the active ingredients arrive at kidney lesion directly. Through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients, it is able to restore injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. When renal function is improved, your kidneys can lower down high creatinine level 9 effectively and radically.

Moxibustion Therapy

With Moxibustion Therapy, the main channels of your body will be cleaned. The blood flow and circulation will be increased. Also your immunity will be improved. Then you will have great resistance to fight against diseases. Moxibustion therapy can help improve your sleep quality, increase urine volume, lower down high creatinine level and relieve weakness.

Medicated Foot Bath

There are acupoints in your feet which are connected with your kidneys. With Medicated Foot Bath, Chinese medicines can be transported to your kidneys directly and kidney disease can be treated by dilating your blood vessels, improving blood circulation, providing nutrients. Your condition can be improved greatly with Medicated Foot Bath.

Online Doctor:008615931093124

So i want to know how to increase urine output in uremia

I am a uremia patient and dialysis for 5 years, i have skin itching and take western medicines to control my blood pressure. I almost have no urine in recent days, So i want to know how to increase urine output in uremia.

Most of patients choose dialysis to maintain life, as we all know it can only control the complications and illness conditions, but with no effects ob treating kidney disease. Kidney will be gradually damaged seriously, so there are lots of patients with no urine in a time. So we need try our best to control the illness conditions and improving kidney function to increase urine output.

If blood can flow into kidney that means there is kidney working. So we need to remove the toxins and excess wastes out, which will help expend blood vessels, improving blood circulation that the oxygen and nutrients will be transported to cells and tissues. The diseased cells and diseased tissues will be repaired, so kidney function will gradually improve.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application with two bags. Two bags fulfill with chinese herbal medicines powder. The experts will select the chinese herbal medicines for you that depends on your illness conditions. All the chinese herbal medicines used in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy come from nature, so patients do not worry about the side effects. Doctors will put the two bags on your shenshu area and contact osmotic machine, which will help the active ingredients to be absorbed effectively. And the chinese herbal medicines will play its effects to improve kidney function.

After several times treatments that patients’ illness conditions can change a lot, the urine will be gradually increased, and the toxins and excess wastes will be cleared away, which will creative a clean and healthy internal environment for uremia patients.

Online Doctor:008615931093124