
Tell you: the symptoms of patients with kidney disease are not the same.


Tell you: Chinese medicine can treat kidney damage and improve kidney function.


Tell you: A healthy life helps you stay away from kidney disease.

For Patients

Tell you: Kidney disease patients from different countries.


Tell you: Different characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy for the health of kidney disease.


What are the performance of diabetes and how to diagnose

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A typical case of more than three syndromes suggest the disease. Slightly asymptomatic diagnosis depends entirely on laboratory tests, often in health checks or accidental discovery of other diseases. Many patients first discovered complications, and then traced back and the disease. But whether there is no symptoms or complications, the key lies in the first consideration of the possibility of the disease and urine, blood sugar check before diagnosis.

(A) urine glucose test results should pay attention to the following situations. Urine test results for diagnostic purposes only, and diagnosed diabetes depends on blood glucose measurement.

1. If there is a small amount or trace of diabetes, and occasionally appear after meal should be carried out blood glucose and glucose tolerance test, and noted that the spotted solution of copper sulfate was reduced to copper oxide and the like to react, a lot of drugs , Such as morphine, salicylates, chloral hydrate, aspirin, para-aminobenzoic acid, a large number of citric acid, uric acid, and many other carbohydrates can also be raw copper sulfate and false-positive results. It is now widely used glucose oxidase made of urine test strips, to avoid false-positive results.

2. clinically diabetic signs or suspects and urine negative repeatedly, should pay attention to the determination of fasting and 2 hours after a meal blood sugar, so that except for elevated renal glucose threshold.

(B) of the blood glucose determination of blood glucose methods commonly used in three: venous plasma glucose (VPG), capillary blood glucose (CBG) and intravenous whole blood glucose (VBG). Of the two most commonly used before. The results obtained by different methods are slightly different. The results of the VPG method are 10% higher than those of CBG and about 15% higher than that of VBG. In the analysis of blood glucose report should pay attention to the exclusion of other cases caused by increased glucose concentration, such as injection of sugar, a variety of endocrine disorders, brain lesions and stress conditions, which will be described later. Patients with mild or early, especially type Ⅱ disease may be normal fasting blood glucose, can not be easily excluded, must be 2 hours after a meal blood glucose or glucose tolerance test.

(C) glucose tolerance test for patients with normal or slightly higher fasting blood glucose and occasionally diabetic, or suspected patients with diabetes (such as a positive family history, or repeated miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, giant baby, dystocia, abortion After the maternal, or repeated sore boil, etc.), to be glucose tolerance test. But the fasting blood glucose significantly increased the diagnosis of dominant cases have been identified, a lot of glucose can burden, should be exempted.

Diagnosis of diabetic fashion to be excluded except for a variety of factors affecting glucose tolerance, including anterior pituitary, adrenal cortex, hyperthyroidism and other endocrine diseases, obesity, liver disease, a variety of drugs (such as thiazide diuretics, female contraceptives, glucocorticoids , Phenytoin, chlorobenzothiadiazine, etc.), stress conditions (such as fever, infection, acute myocardial infarction, surgery, etc.), loss of potassium and so on.

2. 2h after meals blood glucose measurement Equivalent to 100g glucose carbohydrate foods such as steamed 2 2 or rice 2h after the determination of blood glucose, such as more than 140mg / dl were reduced tolerance, ≥ 200mg / dl for diabetes.

Because of low sugar diet or hunger state can reduce impaired glucose tolerance, so should pay attention to adjust the diet 3d pre-test sugar intake of not less than 250g / d, in order to obtain reliable results.

For some patients to assess their β-cell function or glycemic control status, the following determination can be made:

1. Fasting plasma insulin measured in our hospital by radioimmunoassay fasting plasma insulin normal range of 5 ~ 20μu / ml, type I patients are often below 5μu / ml, sometimes as low as undetectable. Type II plasma insulin levels in patients with normal, a few also have low, obese patients often higher than normal, increased significantly hyperinsulinemia, suggesting that insulin resistance. The latter is a component of the metabolic syndrome can be considered as one of the risk factors for coronary heart disease, which has drawn much attention in recent years. Insulin and insulin original immune cross, and therefore can be measured for the general radio immunoassay, and cardiovascular adverse effects, proinsulin may be more than insulin. The study has been the determination of proinsulin used in clinical.

2. Insulin release test During oral glucose tolerance test, plasma insulin concentration can be measured simultaneously to reflect the islet β-cell reserve function. In addition to the low fasting level of type I patients, the level of insulin remained low after the stimulation of sugar, showing a low flat curve, especially the simultaneous calculation of the ratio of glucose to insulin (IRI) / G, suggesting that insulin secretion Low (normal 25μu / mg). Ⅱ type of patients fasting level may be normal or high, delayed release after stimulation. Glucose stimulation, such as insulin did not rise or flat water, suggesting that β-cell dysfunction.

3.C-peptide determination of insulin release from pancreatic β-cells by the liver and kidneys by insulin and other energy-extinction, the peripheral blood of each cycle will be 80% destroyed, and its half-life of only 4.8 minutes, so the blood concentration of only Represents a very small part of its total secretion. C peptide and insulin from the proinsulin split from the same molecular peptides, not by the liver enzyme excretion, only excretion by the role of the kidneys, and its half-life of 10 to 11 minutes, so the blood concentration can be more Good reflection of pancreatic β-cell reserve function. Determination of C-peptide is not affected by insulin antibodies interfere with the determination of insulin-free cross-immune reaction, and is not affected by insulin injection, it has been used in recent years measured C-peptide blood concentration or 24-hour urinary excretion to reflect the beta cell secretion Features.

(1) Serum C-peptide concentration determination: Normal human serum C-peptide was 1.0 ± 0.23 mg / dl when fasting was measured by radioimmunoassay. The concentration was 3.1 ng / ml when the peak value of oral glucose was seen for 60 minutes. Serum C-peptide increased from 1.3 ± 0.3 ng / ml to 4.4 ± 0.8 ng / ml after 60 minutes in normal subjects and only 2.3 ng / ml in type 2 diabetes after 2 hours. The other 5 cases of type Ⅰ patients who had been treated with insulin for more than 5 years, C peptide levels are low, both fasting and after stimulation failed to measure.

⑵ 24-hour urine C peptide determination: normal 24-hour urine C peptide 36 ± 4μg, type I only 1.1 ± 0.5μg, type Ⅱ patients was 24 ± 7μg, C peptide daily release equivalent to about the secretion of insulin 5% of the amount of insulin secretion and only 0.1%.

The above-mentioned C-peptide assay can identify β-cell function in type I patients with insulin treatment, which is not only used for scientific research but also clinically used at present.

4.HbA1c determination of fasting blood glucose and blood glucose fluctuations may reflect the recent 2 to 3 months in the blood glucose, normal HbA1c6%, HbA1 8%, often higher than normal in patients with diabetes.

Fructosamine determination of serum normal fructosamine 2.13 ± 0.24mmol / L (plasma low 0.3mmol / L), reflecting the last 1 to 4 weeks of blood glucose, parallel with HbA1c, regardless of type I diabetes, type Ⅱ Are higher, especially in type Ⅰ as high.

In short, the diagnosis of diabetes can root history, clinical manifestations, supplemented by the above urine sugar, blood glucose and OGTT determined. In addition, the need to identify whether there are various complications and complications, and to assess their severity, type, stage of development and major organ status, etc., is very important for the treatment and prognosis of the disease.

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Will Hypokalemia induce arrhythmias do

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Will hypokalemia induce arrhythmias? Well, then take a look at the experts on the cause of arrhythmia introduction, I hope for everyone to help.

Potassium is an important material to maintain cardiac function, hypokalemia easily lead to arrhythmia. When the extracellular or blood potassium concentration decreased, the difference between the potassium concentration inside and outside the cell membrane increased, the membrane potassium permeability decreased. Hypokalemia, increased cardiac excitability, increased self-discipline, reduced conductivity.

When the difference of potassium concentration inside and outside of myocardial cells increased, the potassium permeability of the membrane decreased and the outflow of potassium ions decreased, which decreased the resting potential of cardiomyocytes. As the membrane potential decreases close to the threshold potential, increased cardiac myocyte excitability. At the same time, the effect of relative influx of sodium ions is weakened, the speed of automatic depolarization of diastolic myocardial cells is accelerated, the time from the diastolic potential after repolarization reaches the threshold potential is shortened, and the self-discipline of cardiomyocytes is increased. And due to reduced resting potential, sodium influx and depolarization speed and amplitude decreased, so slow conduction of excitement.

Thus, due to hypokalemia due to changes in cardiomyocytes Na + and K + channel permeability, increased cardiac excitability, increased self-discipline, reduced conductivity, easy to form excited reentry, and induced arrhythmia.

Hypokalemia is the early symptoms of limb weakness, generalized weakness, bloating, nausea, constipation, lack of energy and other symptoms, and mild hypokalemia caused by arrhythmia mostly sinus tachycardia, atrial contraction Or ventricular contractions before.

Online doctor:008615931093124

What are the symptoms of early nephritis in women

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No matter what type of nephritis, have a tremendous harm to the patient's physical and mental health. So what are the symptoms of early nephritis in women?
Nephritis is by far the most common form of basic treatment for women with nephritis. Nephritis can be divided into two major categories of primary and secondary, or can be divided into two types of chronic and acute. No matter what type of nephritis, have a tremendous harm to the patient's physical and mental health. So what are the symptoms of early nephritis in women? How to prevent nephritis everyday?

Symptoms of early nephritis in women Nephritis of female nephritis diagnosis
What are the symptoms of early nephritis in women?

1, different levels of infection. The incidence of nephritis to some extent and the patient's infection is closely related, such as the common upper respiratory tract infection, pharyngitis and so on. When symptoms of these infections appear, patients should be promptly inspected in order to rule out the possibility of nephritis.

2, the body edema. One symptom often found in women with nephritis is body edema. The most common areas of edema are the face, lower extremities, and thorax and abdomen. At the same time patients will appear fatigue dizziness, waist pain and other symptoms, urine may be mixed with blood, urine color at the same time, anomalies. These may be the symptoms of early nephritis, once these symptoms appear, female friends must pay attention to early detection and treatment.

3, abnormal urine output. Some women with nephritis in the early may appear abnormal urine output or urination frequency increase or decrease and other symptoms, especially when the number of urination more than 3 times at night should pay attention to the timely sampling to the hospital for urine to check Identify kidney lesions.

4, accompanied by high blood pressure appears. In the survey of female nephritis or inside, nearly one-third of all or have high blood pressure symptoms, the general performance of dizziness, fatigue, poor quality of sleep and other symptoms, the long-term will seriously affect the patient's normal life and work. In case of such symptoms, be sure to timely medical examination, in order to timely detection of nephritis early treatment.

5, if the development of women with nephritis to a moderate degree, there will be symptoms of anemia, often feel dizzy and fatigue, looking worse and other symptoms, then need to be promptly checked for symptomatic treatment.
So, nephritis is how to check the disease and diagnosed it?

Acute nephritis has mild anemia in routine blood tests. The hemoglobin is generally not less than 10 g / 100 ml, white blood cells generally showed normal levels. However, early streptococcal infection and bacterial infection of white blood cells is likely to increase, the neutral classification has increased, erythrocyte sedimentation rate faster, up to 30-60 mm / h. And some patients with acute nephritis, the anti-streptolysin "o" titer increased serum immune complexes have also been elevated. In patients with blood or urine, fibrin degradation products (PDP) were found to be elevated, and total serum complement (cH, o) and complement C decreased.
Urine routine examination, some symptoms of acute nephritis patients, the urine sometimes only changes in urine, such as a small amount of protein, red blood cells, white blood cells, without hypertension, edema, oliguria and other clinical symptom. Should pay attention to the use of a variety of inspection methods, and urinary tract infection-like diseases distinguish.

When performing renal function tests, the vast majority of patients, there will be a decrease in the rate of creatinine clearance, the creatinine, urea nitrogen increased. According to the specific situation of different patients, the use of appropriate treatment, generally can quickly return to normal. As a supporting examination of the B-ultrasound, CT examination, we can see that some patients have a more significant increase in kidney volume.

After examination and diagnosis, patients with nephritis should also be given special attention, because kidney disease may cause some diseases such as acute glomerulonephritis and renal failure.

Daily how to prevent nephritis Six teach you to prevent nephritis

1, enhance physical fitness
The most important measure to prevent chronic nephritis is to enhance physical exercise and enhance the ability of the body to fight disease. Exercise a variety of ways, walking, long-distance running, dancing, climbing, boating, martial arts, qigong, tai chi, etc., are helpful to enhance physical fitness, improve body resistance, and can prevent the infection of bacteria and viruses after immunocompromised occur. However, patients with renal disease cautious.

2, to prevent infection
Nephritis disease often associated with upper respiratory tract infection and other often outside by the cold, wind heat, rheumatism, damp heat, heat toxicity of the evil as a cause, therefore, to prevent the incidence of nephritis, we should pay attention to changes in the cold weather should be avoided Rainy days, sweat out of the wind, wading, wearing wet clothes, always guarding against the invasion of evil.

3, daily life
To develop good habits, is very important to your health. Because of irregular life, inadequate sleep, binge eating, excessive color, excessive ease of work, can reduce the body's resistance to exogenous pathogens, increase the chances of illness, so in daily life, should work and rest, regular work and rest , In order to maintain the body's balance of yin and yang, blood and smooth.

4, sick early treatment
Sores of the skin prurigo rash, upper respiratory tract infection, recurrent tonsillitis, all have the possibility of nephritis, it is necessary to get sick early treatment. Keep under the yin clean, frequently change clothes, prevent urinary tract infection; keep the stool smooth, regular defecation, is conducive to the elimination of metabolic waste.

5, optimistic spirit
Prevention should first be wary of the occurrence of nephritis, but not necessarily pessimistic, should eliminate the horror of the disease. In addition to strengthening physical activity usually, the lack of kidney yin can serve Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Wei Qi who can serve Yupingfengsan to kidney Pei-yuan, solid health watch to prevent evils invasion of nephropathy.

6, pay attention to health
Sick as early as the skin sores prurigo, upper respiratory tract infection, recurrent tonsillitis, etc., are likely to become nephritis, it is necessary to get sick early treatment. Maintain the lower body clean, frequently changing clothes, to prevent urinary tract infections; keep stool, regular bowel movements, is conducive to the elimination of metabolic waste.

Reminder visceral and fat in the cholesterol and protein content are high, there are spicy food, nephritis patients should not eat.

Online doctor:008615931093124

How to determine the four aspects of kidney stones to help you identify

Kidney stones can also be called urolithiasis and can have a significant impact and inconvenience on patients. So how can we tell if we have kidney stones? Let's find out

Kidney stone is a more common clinical stone disease, most people are due to poor eating habits caused by the body has a great impact on health and injury. Therefore, the symptoms of kidney stones must be promptly treated. Let's see how to diagnose kidney stones

The diagnosis of kidney stones can be started from the following aspects

1, lumbar dull pain: mostly larger stones in the renal pelvis as cast-shaped stones, strenuous exercise may have hematuria.

2, symptoms of infection: pyuria may occur with infection, acute attack may have chills, fever, back pain, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria symptoms.

3, Paishi: history of pain and hematuria, sand or small stones may be discharged with urine. Stones flow through the urethra with urinary tract obstruction and sense of urinary tract irritation, urinary flow immediately after the stone was discharged, the patient felt relaxed and comfortable.

4, renal colic: often smaller stones, microscopic or gross hematuria, renal percussion pain was obvious. Patients with pale pain when the onset of pain, cold sweat, weak pulse or even blood pressure decreased, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and abdominal distension and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

Six effective ways to avoid kidney stones

1, get up in the morning and before going to sleep can drink 30 ml of water. Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water daily, and drink more water when the weather is hot. Sweating, you must immediately add moisture;

2, in the water or tea into the fresh lemon slices. Lemon is rich in citrate, helps to inhibit kidney stones;

3, to reduce salt intake, reduce the intake of high uric acid and high oxalate and other foods, such as soy products and high oxalate-containing foods such as tea, coffee, cocoa, celery, spinach, grapes, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, plums, bamboo shoots, etc. food;

4, limit the intake of meat, especially animal offal; kidney stones patients should pay attention to eating less beef, lamb during treatment;

5, kidney stones patients should not drink high calcium milk before going to bed;

6, regular urine test.

How to diagnose kidney stones ?

Three common errors of treatment of kidney stones

1, that calcium will lead to kidney stones

For a long time, patients with kidney stones have been suggested to limit calcium intake because analysis of kidney stones shows that 80% of kidney stones are calcareous. In recent years, studies have confirmed that this concept is the treatment of kidney stones, and the conclusion is just the opposite: increasing calcium intake but can reduce the risk of suffering from kidney stones. Researchers believe that the cause of kidney stones is not because too much calcium, but the body's calcium metabolism disorder, resulting in abnormal "calcium move" due.

2, no symptoms of stones without treatment

On the contrary, painless kidney stones may not be detected in time, causing extremely serious consequences, which is the treatment of kidney stones more serious errors. As a foreign body stones exist in the kidneys for a long time, not only cause infection, rubbing the renal mucosa caused by hematuria, may also cause urinary system obstruction, leading to hydronephrosis, or even complete loss of renal function. Clinically proven, chronic long-term stimulation of stones, there is the possibility of concurrent renal tumors.

3, that all stones can dissolve row

More than 0.5 cm stones, to use the drug row of stones is very difficult. Chinese medicine row of stone is mainly the role of diuretic use, by no means as the ads can be said to dissolve stones discharged. If you eat 1-2 months of the drug is still not effective, it is best to try another method. Long-term medication will only damage the kidneys. This is also a common misunderstanding of kidney stones.

Online doctor:008615931093124 

Patients with kidney failure are advised to eat the nine fruits they must know

For people with kidney failure, eating is crucial. Also pay attention to the choice of fruits, improper selection of fruits will also increase the burden on the kidneys, the following to see what patients can eat in patients with renal failure.

Although fruit is good for your health, you need to be cautious when it comes to getting sick. So what patients eat kidney failure patients good? Let's take a look.

What to eat for kidney failure What are the benefits for kidney failure?

1, grapes

From the nutritional value of view, the grape contains not only minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and multivitamins, but also contains a variety of essential amino acids. Chinese medicine also believes that grapes sweet, spleen, lung, kidney three, eat more grapes can play qi and blood, kidney yigan role. A large number of medical studies have shown that grapes on the rehabilitation of patients with nephritis has some auxiliary effect.

It should be noted here that the type and color of the market a lot of grapes, kidney is the most black grapes. However, grapevine cool, stomach cold people to be careful, do not eat too much at one time.

2, mulberry

Mulberry, also known as mulberry, mulberry dates, sweet juicy, is one of the people often eat the fruit, known as the "folk holy fruit." What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? Chinese medicine that mulberry sweet, slightly cold, into the heart, liver, kidney, with nourishing Yin, fluid and dry Bugan kidney effect.

In addition, mulberry also contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids and carotenoids and other ingredients, the effect is particularly prominent for women, often taking beauty beauty, anti-aging.

3, strawberry

Strawberry is a living vitamin pill, and there are many active factors in strawberry that are good for the health of our kidneys. And there are many nutrients in strawberry that can greatly enhance our whole immune system.

What to eat for kidney failure What are the benefits for kidney failure?

4, cherry

Cherry rich in iron, women can be blood, ease the painful conditions during menstruation. What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? Cherry for men, you can protect their kidneys, to achieve the role of Yin and kidney.

5, black currant

Black currant is also called black currant, black bean, purple plum, black currant nutritional value is extremely high. What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? According to scientists, there are 181 mg of vitamin C, 322 mg of potassium and many kinds of calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and iron per 100 grams of black currant, which has the functions of lowering blood fat, raising kidney, resisting oxidation and improving immunity. Role, it is still a fruit of all ages San goods.

In addition, black currant has high medicinal value, contains the bioflavonoids can improve vascular permeability, anti-aging and anti-cancer.

6, black dates

Speaking of dates, we may suddenly think of dates, jujube sweet nature, the effect of qi and blood, qi and nourishing the sacred goods, especially for women.

What to eat for kidney failure What are the benefits for kidney failure?

7, citrus

Citrus not only juicy delicious, but also the function of protecting the kidneys. Recently, a new study in the UK found that citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, oranges and lemons help to block renal cysts (a benign tumor that causes kidney dysfunction, hypertension, commonly treated with kidney dialysis) form.

8, pear

Pear pear taste crisp, sweet taste, fragrant pear sweet, slightly acidic, with lungs and lungs, cough and phlegm, heat purging fire and other effects, can help treat cough, bad breath, constipation embolism, Pertussis is also effective in children. What are the fruits of kidney failure to eat good? Pear also contains asparticin, a special effect on human kidney health, but diarrhea should be careful diet.

9, bananas

Bananas contain bromelain enzyme, which is considered to enhance men's interest. In addition, it contains potassium and vitamin B, thus increasing the overall body's function. Nephritis patients should eat bananas. Nephritis patients because of poor renal filtration function, eat bananas will make the blood calcium, potassium, magnesium imbalance, especially potassium will aggravate nephropathy, while banana in the magnesium and nerve and cardiovascular system will have an inhibitory effect. For people with kidney failure, eating is crucial. Also pay attention to the choice of fruits, improper selection of fruits will also increase the burden on the kidneys, the following to see what patients can eat in patients with renal failure.

Online doctor :008615931093124 


Relationship between urinary microalbuminuria and diabetic nephropathy

Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. Due to insulin secretion, insulin action or both defects, causing sugar, protein, fat, water, electrolyte metabolic disorders. Many complications of diabetes, including diabetic nephropathy is the most common, but also one of the major causes of death in patients with diabetes. For the simplest diagnosis of nephropathy is to check the urine, of which the most important test for urinary protein, urinary protein positive if the kidney may be sick, early symptoms and signs of diabetic nephropathy, urine protein routine tests are mostly negative. This brings difficulties to early diagnosis.

In 102 cases of health examination results, MA were less than 19mg / L, did not detect urine MA positive, the positive rate of 0.

In 159 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, 78 patients were positive for urine MA, with a positive rate of 49.1%. There was a significant difference in the positive rate of urine MA between diabetic patients and healthy people (P <0.01).

Of the 159 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, 13 out of 51 diabetic patients with a history of 5 years had positive urine MA with a positive rate of 53.1%. Of the 33 diabetic patients with a history of more than 10 years and 15 years, 20 cases of urine MA positive detection, the positive rate was 60.61%; history of more than 15 years in less than 20 years 36 cases of diabetic patients, 29 cases detected urine MA positive, the positive rate was 80.56%; history of more than 20 years Of the seven patients with diabetes mellitus, six cases of urine MA positive detection, the positive rate was 85.7%. Urinary MA and diabetes history are closely related.

In 159 patients with diabetes mellitus, there were 108 males, of which 56 were positive for MA. The positive rate was 51.85% and the female was 51. There were 26 cases with urine MA positive and the positive rate was 50.98%. Diabetes mellitus urine MA has nothing to do with gender.

Urine microalbumin is an important indicator of early kidney damage, so for patients with diabetic nephropathy, early detection of urinary microalbumin is very necessary, because patients with microalbuminuria have a way to treat, can make the condition improved, when patients develop to clinical Albuminuria, the treatment is more difficult. If further urinary protein renal dysfunction, it is more difficult to treat, then progress to uremia is unlikely to reverse the condition.

Development of uremia, only dialysis or kidney transplantation treatment, the treatment of this period, not only the patient is very painful, but also tens of thousands of costs, far more than check urine protein, urine protein costs. Therefore, for patients with diabetes, urine microalbumin detection is an early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes patients the main part. The group of 159 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with urine MA total positive rate was 49.1%, 102 cases of control group urine MA positive rate was 0, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P <0.01) . It can be considered urine MA detection of diabetic patients with renal damage is important. Urine MA is closely related to the history of diabetes. The longer the history of diabetes mellitus, the higher the positive rate of urinary MA. With the prolongation of history, the positive rate of urinary MA increased year by year from 25.5% to 85.7% Not obvious. In short, diabetes mellitus urine MA and the history was positively correlated, the longer the history, the higher the positive degree of MA, the more severe renal damage.

In recent years, urine MA testing has been the doctor, the patient's attention, testing methods are constantly updated, with biochemical analyzer urine microalbumin, the operation more simple, convenient, fast, high sensitivity and accurate and reliable results. Detection of urine MA detection of diabetic nephropathy has very important clinical value, so in the long run, accurately detect the level of urinary MA in diabetic patients to seize the stage of microalbuminuria can be reversed, the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic nephropathy is very important.

Online doctor:008615931093124

Cold dew dry skin peeling how to do

Cold dew, the weather further cool, dry climate, many people appear dry mouth, dry skin, nasopharyngeal dryness and other symptoms. Cold dew is the seasonal festivals, it is a good autumn season, but many people enjoy the cool but also facing the pain of autumn dryness.

Cold dew is the final stage of the yang collection into the soil, the ground chills gradually heavier, this period of people's sweat evaporation faster, so often dry mouth, dry lips and throat, dry skin and other autumn disease, and even hair loss and constipation Phenomenon, so the main focus of cold dew Yin Yang anti-dry, lungs and stomach.

"Every year at this time, my face began to peeling, itchy, do not know what the reason is." Aunt Wong who lives in Taihua Street, said distress.

"Aunt Wang this is the typical autumn symptoms of autumn Qiuzao people feel the evil in the autumn and the disease occurred." Shi Wei said at this time easy to invade the pathogen from the mouth and nose, began to fluid, yang dry Symptoms, such as nasopharynx dry, dry cough less sputum. Autumn dryness will lead to Yin-Zao wear and tear, skin dryness and fluid loss and other symptoms, and hurt the human lungs, which is what Chinese medicine called "evil evil."

Chinese medicine believes that autumn and winter, yin Ling also. Fall yin and yang gradually closed, winter yin was closed state. Autumn and winter, dry evil easy to hurt the lungs and yin, and kidney yin will also be a certain degree of damage. So when the weather is cold, the body yang convergence, Yin hidden in the body, maintenance of the body's chills is very important.

How to maintain the body during the chills, Shi Wei said: "Into the autumn and inter, to maintain the body chineses become the main task, and Yin is the key anti-dry." Autumn anti-dry, to Yin and dry, lungs and fluid As the basic principle. Anti-Qiuzao, focusing on diet conditioning, proper selection of some lungs and dry, Yin Yang Sheng Jin food. Of course, pay attention to nutritional balance when tonic, full attention to trace elements and vitamin supplements, so as to achieve the ideal tonic effect.

"White exposed body does not reveal exposed", into the cold season, in addition to anti-Qiuzao, diet and clothing should pay attention to. At the same time to keep warm, a reasonable diet is also essential. Shi Wei reminded: "As the cold weather gradually turn cooler, the climate is dry, drink at least 7-8 cups of warm water every day to add moisture in the diet should be based on warm food, eat more foods rich in vitamins, such as carrots, Lotus root, pear, sesame, fungus, etc. can relieve the lack of autumn, the fruit is seasonal fruit-based. "

In addition, to get up early in life to get up early, early to sleep conducive to yin and yang, benefit from the early lungs, breathing fresh air, so that the body fluid enough, energetic.

Kidney disease how to do? Whether you are kidney, nephritis, renal insufficiency, uremia, or other renal diseases, here to help you understand the new information kidney disease, professional physicians answer questions for you.

Online doctor:008615931093124

9 o'clock is the best time to foot bath and kidney

Many people know that foot bath is good, but there are also do not know at different times of foot bath, play a slightly different role. nephrotic network proposal, if you want to protect the kidney, the best choice at about 9 o'clock feet, the best effect.

The reason why choose this time period kidney, because this time is the kidney by the blood when the relatively weak, at this time foot bath, the body heat increases, the body will expand blood vessels, is conducive to promoting blood circulation, thereby promoting blood circulation. At the same time, nervous day during the day, and a tired kidney, can be completely relaxed and fully adjusted by the foot bath at this time, people will therefore feel comfortable.

"Hot foot bath can not only play the role of Kidney Liver, but also help to improve the quality of sleep." If the end of the bubble, and then do a few minutes foot massage, the body's blood circulation is better, organs and organs Better to be further adjusted. Foot bath, it is recommended that no other activities, every few minutes to fall asleep, kidney better.

Foam feet, the water temperature can not be too hot to 40 ℃ is appropriate, foot bath time should not be too long, preferably about half an hour. As the metal is cold, so the best foot bath container with tub, which can put some help blood circulation Salvia, Angelica; or put some forsythia, honeysuckle, Radix, chrysanthemum, in order to play the role of fire reduction heat.

Online doctor:008615931093124 

Small cold become nephritis exactly who's wrong

Liu Gang, a junior, has been in very good health with few illnesses. However, he was caught in cold and hot weather half a month ago, and he did not care about taking care of himself or herself. Unexpectedly, his cold was always good and bad for half a month. He suddenly had a fever two days ago and hematuria appeared. He went to the hospital and found that he had acute glomerulonephritis.

Wei Su, a hospital physician, deputy director of Department of Nephrology, said the statistics show that the cause of acute nephritis, upper respir atory tract infection accounts for about 60% to 70%. Cold and hot spring weather, sooner or later hypothermia, bacteria, viruses are very active, vulnerable to upper respiratory tract infection, so patients with acute nephritis also increased.

When a cold, especially a viral cold, triggers immune dysfunction, the immune cells not only do not swallow the bacteria, but contain the bacteria. The bacteria and bacteria in the body combine with the bacteria to form an immune complex. As the blood reaches the kidneys, The deposition of glomerular intrinsic cells, eventually leading to the occurrence of nephritis.

Acute nephritis mostly in sore throat or upper respiratory tract infection 1-2 weeks after onset. When the onset of performance are: varying degrees of loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, headache; some patients without infection may have fever, body temperature is generally around 38 ℃; reduce the amount of urine, dark color and turbidity, followed by the naked eye Hematuria, but the duration is not long, a few days later turned to microscopic hematuria; the vast majority of patients with urine routine examination of protein, usually 2 to 3 weeks after the disease to a small amount of urine protein or traces of 2 to 3 months disappeared, Such as persistent proteinuria is the performance of chronic nephritis.

Remind young people, do not think young flu fever is a trivial matter, be sure to timely treatment, such as cold 1 to 2 weeks still not heal, or appear cold, fever, low back pain, fatigue and urinary blood or foam urinary routine Check, do not carry hard. Acute nephritis early diagnosis and early treatment, the majority of patients with renal function can still gradually return to normal. Avoid handling their own clothes in a variety of advertising drugs, many drugs will increase the burden on the kidneys, may aggravate the condition.

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99% of the four Kidney-toning people do not know

Kidney is unique to traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine theory that the kidney is "the source of life," physiological functions and human bones, blood, skin, teeth, ears and other human organs are related. Kidney is the means by diet to change the status of men's kidney, the following Xiaobian introduce you several Kidney dishes, these foods really can kidney, you want to know may wish to see.

First, fragrant-flowered garlic

Chinese chives, also known as "vegetable Viagra", Chinese medicine that leeks with the temperature, Kidney Yiyang and other effects, while enhancing energy, but also men with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and so have excellent therapeutic effect, so ancient medical books called "Aphrodisiac grass," modern people gave it "vegetable Viagra," the crown. Leek leaves, flowers and flowers are for vegetable consumption; seeds can be used as medicine, with kidney, stomach, refreshing, antiperspirant Gusei and other effects. In Chinese medicine, some people call leeks "diarrhea grass."

Leek main nutrients are vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, carotene, carbohydrates and minerals. Chives also rich in cellulose, 100 grams per gram cellulose containing 1.5 leek, onion and higher than celery, can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer, while reducing the absorption of cholesterol, and a preventive Treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

Experts suggest that fried leek shrimp or leek scrambled eggs, great "impotence dish."

Second, Okra

Okra, also known as Bushen grass. Mainly to eat fresh capsule, tender fruit (pods) meat tender, smooth, unique flavor, high nutritional value, Chen than ginseng (Japan and South Korea, known as the green ginseng) than ginseng is more suitable for daily tonic. Capsules are rich in vitamin abc and iron, potassium, calcium and other trace elements, protein content up to 15% to 26%, carbohydrates 6.4%, fat 2%, 1% cellulose, heat per kilogram to provide 150 kilocalorie .

In addition, okra young fruit also contains a sticky glycoprotein, can help digestion, treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer, and can protect the liver and enhance human endurance. The leaves can also be edible, flowers, seeds and roots for the ulcer, slugs have curative effect, have a certain anti-cancer effect. Seeds contain more potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and other minerals, can extract fats, proteins or as coffee substitutes. Returned to Okra from abroad a more easily remembered the name of "plant Viagra." This amazing vegetable activates the central nervous system and the male organs. The decisive substance is the mucus inside.

Experts suggest that okra can be fried, cooking, cold, canning, soup and frozen processing.

Third, green onions

Scallions known as "aphrodisiac" vegetables, green onions rich in a variety of nutrients, can relax blood vessels, promote blood circulation, cardiovascular benefits.

Modern medical research shows that all kinds of vitamins in green onions to ensure the normal secretion of human hormones, but also effectively stimulate sexual desire, thus "impotence Yin." For men, eating green onions or chives three times per week improves sexual performance.

Experts suggest that cooking, salad can also be used as food flavor.

Fourth, aphrodisiac fruit

Aphrodisiac fruit, also known as Kidney fruit, rattan fruit, produced in India and China's Hunan Province, Guangxi Shiwandashan, is a vines family, rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium and other trace elements. Protein content up to 15-26%, carbohydrates 6.4%, fat 2%, cellulose 1%. 

Online doctor:008615931093124

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Cold winter urinary urgency quick answer

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In real life, many middle-aged and elderly people have a lot of night nocturnal urination, urinary frequency and urgency in winter. They consider themselves as follows: on the age, the urinary function of the body is deteriorated and the amount of urination in the cold winter is also correspondingly increased, Feel more frequent urination, frequent urination, urgency is a very normal phenomenon of the phenomenon, most people will ignore laissez faire or ignored! Really as the general public know, urinary urgency does not matter, did not cause serious problems? Cold winter, urinary urgency in the end is how the same thing?

(Cause Analysis) urinary urgency why?

Daily life, urinary urgency people painful, annoying annoying! Go to work during the day to and from the toilet to run back and forth, not only affected the work, but also become colleagues teasing material; sleeping at night, often arousal, rarely sleep peace of mind, apathetic, easy to catch a cold! So, this is so afflicted urinary urgency what happened? Zhanjiang modern men's hospital experts said that men often urinary frequency urinary urgency pain symptoms are usually prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary tract infections and other diseases.

Prostate hyperplasia: Prostatic hyperplasia in middle-aged men was a high incidence trend. Urine problems in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia is due to urinary tract obstruction or bladder weakness caused by great harm to health.

Urinary Tract Infections: The most common causes are urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urinary tract tuberculosis caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, mold virus, and Gonorrhea gonorrhea, or in combination with infections such as stone deformities.

(Harm to watch) urinary urinary urgency caused by what harm?

Because of people's urinary frequency and urgency symptoms of prostate disease there are many misunderstandings, indifference or delay to take a lazy attitude, so nocturia, urinary symptoms evolved into migration: urination started slowly, swelling of the urethra, urinary white, Hematuria, decreased sexual function and other symptoms.

In addition, due to prolonged delay and habitual holding back urine in winter, thereby contributing to the growing prostate hyperplasia tissue eventually developed into a complete obstruction of the urethra, leading to acute urinary retention symptoms, severely damaged the body's urinary function!

Urine urinary urgency what therapies and preventive measures?

(Check the diagnosis) urinary urgency need to do what check?

So, urinary urgency urgently need to do what check it? Zhanjiang modern male specialist said that in order to determine the cause of urinary frequency, urgency and other phenomena, usually need to do the following checks:

Laboratory tests: routine blood tests, urinalysis pyuria, bacteriuria is the characteristic of bacterial culture of urine is a necessary project, suspect L strain infection should be carried out hypertonic culture. Suspected immune dysfunction should be immune function tests, renal function tests focus on renal tubular function tests.

Cystoscopy: to determine interstitial cystitis bladder stones, tumors, urethral stricture hydronephrosis help. Prostate or prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer should be done when the anus examination.

X-ray examination: the diagnosis of renal-size urinary tract tumors, stones and urinary tract malformations help, if necessary, CT and MRI examination

Ultrasonography: Measurement of renal hydronephrosis size, found that urinary tract stones, benign prostatic hyperplasia tumors help.

Urodynamics check: Urinary reflux of the narrow urinary tract obstruction to help large.

(Health Prevention) Urinary frequency of prostate disease urgency how to prevent health?

In addition to timely examination and treatment, the daily health care prevention is also very important! The majority of male friends to prevent prostate disease should pay attention to the following aspects:

1, pay attention to eating habits, less drinking or not drinking, do not eat too spicy to stimulate food.

2, focus on summer sunstroke, cold days warm, develop good living habits.

3, to avoid sedentary, holding back urine, pay attention to keep exercise.

4, the control of sexual life in their normal age range, pay attention to sexual health.

5, once urinary frequency, urinary urgency should be promptly to the regular male hospital examination, in order to regulate treatment.

Online doctor:008615931093124

10 strokes simply measured "true and false" kidney

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1, a little urine into a glass of water, if the water is still very clean, said good health; if it becomes cloudy or oily floating in the water, the vast majority of kidney deficiency.

2, under normal drinking conditions, nocturia in more than 3 times.

3, urine weakness, ticking, dripping endless.

4, get up in the morning, puffy eyes.

5, do not mention heavy objects, go to the third floor on the legs weakness.

6, sitting on a chair watching TV, more than two hours felt backache.

7, cooking in the kitchen, standing more than an hour, I feel his legs weak.

8, always want to repose, reluctant to think about the problem, lack of concentration.

9, when shampooing, a lot of hair off.

10, always feel sleepy, but can not sleep, finally fell asleep, they slept awake.

If at the same time in the above three kinds of situations, it is likely to kidney. There are many foods in the diet have the role of kidney impotence, I hope their energetic men may wish to try.

Online doctor:008615931093124

Urine is a major indicator of kidney health

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Urine is a major indicator of kidney health, attention to their own kidney health, we must first observe the urine, identify the following situations:
Urine bubbles: Under normal circumstances, the lower the tension of urine, not easy to form bubbles. If there is often foam in the urine, it may be due to a problem in the kidneys, causing the body's proteins to run into the urine to form proteinuria.
Urine color a little red: red urine is not necessarily all hematuria, some drugs and food may also lead to reddening of the urine. But under normal circumstances, if you find urine redness, or brown, you should be alert to the possibility of hematuria, especially cold, sore throat, skin infection after the reddish urine.
Often get up at night to the toilet: in the absence of excessive drinking water, if the frequency of urination increased at night, it may be impaired function of the kidney concentrated urine performance.
The amount of urine is less than before: if the volume of urine a day is significantly reduced compared to the past with normal drinking water and without excessive sweating, care must be taken that renal function has been compromised.
Urinary urgency dysuria: These symptoms are common urinary tract infections, if the impact on the part of the upper urinary tract may cause backache or fever.
In addition, there are some systemic manifestations of kidney disease worth to be alert:
The edema of the face, eyelids, and both lower extremities may be due to kidney disease which leads to the inability of the body fluids to drain and the loss of protein in the body. Especially with your fingers press the instep or lower leg will appear obvious depression, but can not be taken lightly.
Some patients with chronic renal failure did not appear at the beginning of the onset of common urine changes or significant edema, but showed gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, poor appetite.
Damage to the kidneys, the body fluid accumulation, sodium is not easy to excreted, will make blood pressure.

Some systemic diseases seem to have nothing to do with the kidneys, can also cause kidney damage, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic hepatitis B and so on. In addition to regular medical examination, if the abnormalities found in daily life, should go to the hospital for treatment, medical treatment is best to bring their own before the medical records, which can provide doctors with important clues to the diagnosis and treatment.

Online doctor:008615931093124

How to know the kidney is sick

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The kidney is one of the important organs of the human body, it is located on both sides of the body shaped like broad beans, located on both sides of the abdominal wall spine. The physiological function of the kidney is mainly the secretion of urine, the removal of body metabolites such as waste, poison and drugs, while regulating the body's water and osmotic pressure, reabsorption function to retain water and other useful substances. At the same time it is also a regulatory organ, through the secretion of hormones to regulate the body's metabolism. It is also a regulatory organ that regulates the metabolism in the body by secreting hormone substances. But how do we know if the kidneys are sick? Expert Tip If the following symptoms may be a kidney problem, then you need treatment.

Symptoms of kidney disease 1: pain

One of the early signs of kidney pain is the appearance of pain: the location, nature, and intensity of the pain are often important diagnoses. Acute kidney disease is characterized by the volume of the kidney often increases, leading to a sudden expansion of the kidney capsule, causing dull pain in the flank or rib ridge angle, ureter obstruction, there will be severe angina pectoris, the general incidence of urgent and Pain will spread to different parts of the following abdomen, thigh, etc., renal colic can be intermittent episodes of days, weeks or months.

Symptoms of kidney disease 2: abnormal urination

Urination usually include urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, nocturia, abnormal urine output and other circumstances. Normal urine output of 1000 ~ 2000 ml / day, with an average of 1500 ml / day or so. Whether urine volume increases or decreases, may be a manifestation of kidney disease, especially at night, polyuria is often a sign of kidney disease. The main performance are: 1, urinary frequency: increased urination frequency, called urinary frequency. When the current urinary tract (bladder and urethra) have inflammation, frequent urination, and discharge urine per discharge less. 2, urgency refers to just finished row urination and urgency to urinate, which can not wait or even wet underwear. Urinary urgency associated with dysuria, common in the bladder, urethra and prostate infections, rare in the stimulation of foreign body. 3, dysuria refers to urination urinary tract pain and burning sensation, common in bladder and prostate infections, often accompanied by urinary tract urinary frequency, urgency, this condition is called bladder irritation, lower urinary tract syndrome or urinary frequency - urination discomfort Syndrome, more common in urinary tract infection, urethral syndrome.

Symptoms of kidney disease 3: edema

If found edema, but also an indication of abnormal renal function. Medical often see a sudden increase in body weight is an extremely sensitive indicator of edema, when the edema is further aggravated eyelid edema can be seen, followed by body sagging also appear edema, such as the ankle, lower extremities, severe cases can also occur ascites, pleural effusion, etc. Press the front of the calf tibia with your finger, there are concave dimples, which can be judged from the body's excess water has reached 4 to 5 kg, which is a typical manifestation of edema.

Symptoms of kidney disease 4: proteinuria

Appear proteinuria, urinalysis after the urine is visible above a layer of small foam and continued for a long time does not disappear, called "foam urine." This is because there is a lot of urine protein, protein in urine appears to be some physiological or transient; others are pathological, such as the emergence of pathological proteinuria, we need to cause our attention.

When drowsiness, low back pain, weak waist, high blood pressure, accompanied by increased or decreased urination, proteinuria, occult blood, eyelid edema, which shows that your kidneys may be ill. Need to take appropriate measures in a timely manner to prevent the disease from deteriorating.

Online doctor:008615931093124


Nephrotic syndrome patients should limit or avoid alcohol

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In daily life, proper and scientific diet is very important for nephrotic syndrome patients. Does drinking alcohol have some effects on patients?

Renal experts stress that nephrotic syndrome patients should limit or avoid alcohol.

Alcohol and kidney disease

Since diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease, it is not all that surprising that the question of alcohol and kidney disease is put forward quite frequently. There is a good news that drinking one beer every other month or so, isn’t likely to have the profound impact on your kidney health. Drinking in moderation is perfectly acceptable and will not lead to kidney disease.

However, alcohol may worsen kidney condition indirectly on Nephrotic Syndrome patients. Injured kidneys fail to produce enough erythropoietin which is responsible for producing red blood cells. In this condition, patients often experience anemia due to deficient red blood cells. And drinking alcohol may worsen anemia and platelet disorders, which will impair the nutrition status. Alcohol does not damage the kidneys directly, but it will increase the risk for high blood pressure, high blood lipid and swelling, etc. All of these will in turn affect the management and curative effect of nephrotic syndrome. This is the reason why nephrotic syndrome patients are not allowed to drink alcohol. Besides, one of the kidney functions is to keep the right amount of water in your body. Alcohol affects the ability of your kidneys to do this. When alcohol dehydrates the body, the drying effect can affect the normal function of cells and organs, including the kidneys.

Generally speaking, Nephrotic Syndrome patients had better not drink alcohol. Aside from diet, patients also need to take measurement to repair injured kidneys and improve renal function. Only when kidney function is improved patients can live a relatively high quality life.

Online doctor:008615931093124

Whether Nephrotic Syndrome patients can get pregnancy

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Can nephrotic syndrome (NS) get pregnant? Nephrotic Syndrome is a highly dangerous kidney disease so generally patients are not allowed to give birth to a baby. However, some people think it is a pity not to get pregnant. Well, is it possible for a nephrotic syndrome woman to get pregnant?

Whether Nephrotic Syndrome patients can get pregnancy?

If you have got pregnant, do not worry for now. What you should do is to take an examination in hospital. If your disease is mild and the pregnant time is not long, the doctor usually suggests you should give up this baby. If your disease is stable and there is no relapse for half years, you are allowed to have a baby at this condition. But you should take regular check-ups.

Some experts think that whether nephrotic syndrome patients can get pregnant depends on patients’ medical conditions. Generally speaking, as long as nephrotic syndrome gains complete recovery, patients can get pregnant. If the disease has no improvement, patients had better not be pregnant. If the disease is chronic kidney disease, as for men, generally there is no effect on them. In stage 3 CKD, they may have decreased sex drive. As for women, they are more easy to have reduced sex drive.

In addition, women with high blood pressure are not suitable for pregnancy. If pregnancy happens, there is a high risk for patients to suffer from pregnancy-induced hypertension. Besides, premature birth and stillbirth is more likely to occur.

How to improve patients’ ability to get pregnant?

If some kidney function can be improved, patients can still be a beautiful mother. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, combining the essence of nearly all kinds of oral taking and external application herbal medicine, has been proven to be effective in repairing injured but not necrotic kidney intrinsic cells. In this way, kidney function can be improved greatly. With a stable condition, it is possible for Nephrotic Syndrome patients to get birth to a baby.

Online doctor:008615931093124

which affect the prognosis and should be treated positively with Nephrotic Syndrome

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The complications of NS are important factors which affect the prognosis and should be treated positively.
1. Infection
Once infection occurs, patients should choose sensitive, effective and non-renal toxic antibiotics to eliminate infection quickly.
2. Blood clots and embolism
Generally speaking, when plasma-albumin is below 20g/L, heparin sodium or oral warfarin can be applied for anticoagulation therapy. As for patients with blood clots and embolism, patients should take Urokinase and streptokinase as early as possible. At the same time, patients should avoid drug overdose, otherwise it will cause bleeding.
3. Acute kidney failure
If Nephrotic Syndrome progresses acute kidney failure, it may threaten your life without proper treatment. If proper treatment is given, most patients can get recover.
Loop diuretics
If patients are sensitive to loop diuretics, larger doses can still be given to wash the blocked cast of renal tubule.
If diuretics have no effect and patients reach dialysis, hemodialysis should be given to sustain patients’ life. Besides, patients should be removed some body fluids after consuming some plasma products so as to alleviate swelling in renal parenchyma.
4. Treatment for primary disease
The pathological type is mostly minimal change disease and should be treated positively.
The above factors all can affect the prognosis of Nephrotic Syndrome. The fundamental way to improve the prognosis is to adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is developed from traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In TCM, all medicines are herbs, which can be used safely. Through expanding blood vessels, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix, it can achieve the goal of repairing kidney damage and improving kidney function from the root. Finally, Nephrotic Syndrome can be treated naturally. And its prognosis will be improved as well.

If you have any unclear about this topic, feel free to leave us a message or send an email to or Online doctor:008615931093124  . We are here to help you .

What is the treatment for facial swelling from nephrotic syndrome

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Obvious swelling is the most typical symptom in Nephrotic Syndrome. Well then, what is the treatment for facial swelling from NS?
1. What are causes of facial swelling in Nephrotic Syndrome?
Much protein leak from the body so proteinuria results in reduced plasma colloid osmotic pressure. Thus, the fluid in the blood vessels will move into the space tissues, thus leading to edema. Swelling can occur on the face, eyelids, necks and then spread to the whole body.
Due to kidney damage, the glomeruli cannot filter excess sodium. Besides, due to disordered secretion of hormones, the reabsorption of sodium by kidney tubules increases, so the sodium level elevates. In this condition, water-sodium retention can lead to facial swelling.
2. What is the treatment for facial swelling from nephrotic syndrome?
Diuretics, ACEI and ARBs can be used to reduce proteinuria so as to relieve facial swelling.
Limit fluid and sodium intake
This helps reduce fluid and sodium retention, which is beneficial for alleviating facial swelling.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
This therapy is an external application and works an the kidney area. The Chinese herbs are micronized and can come to kidney lesion directly with the help of osmosis devices. The effective ingredients can improve blood circulation and enhance the kidney’s self-healing ability. Thus, GFR can be increased. Then kidney function can be improved and function well to keep water and electrolyte balance. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the radical way for facial swelling from Nephrotic Syndrome.
If you have any doubt, you can leave us a message below or consult our online doctor:008615931093124  directly. We will reply you as soon as possible.

How do Nephrotic Syndrome patients treat proteinuria effectively

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Nephrotic Syndrome is usually accompanied by protein in urine and high blood pressure. How do Nephrotic Syndrome patients treat proteinuria effectively?
Steroid therapy
In clinical, steroid therapy is the most common treatment for controlling proteinuria. As for nephrotic syndrome patients, they suffer massive proteinuria every day. Most patients take medications to control this condition. This belongs to steroid therapy. Steroids can achieve the purpose of slowing down the progression of kidney disease. They also have better therapeutic effect in eliminating proteinuria. However, experts point out that steroids only cure the symptoms not the disease. The root cause of proteinuria is increased permeability caused by damaged glomerular filtration membrane. Steroids do not restore glomerular filtration membrane. Therefore, patients need to take treatment to repair injured glomerular filtration membrane.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the Chinese Medicine Treatments in
Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This therapy is an external application. With the help of osmosis device, the active ingredients can come to kidney lesion directly through skin. The active substances in Chinese medicines can adjust immune system and improve blood circulation, which helps prevent the formation of immune complexes. As there is no immune complex in kidney, inflammation and further kidney damage can be prevented. Besides, relapse of nephrotic syndrome can be avoided effectively. More importantly, through dilating blood vessels, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing necessary nutrients, injured glomerular filtration membrane can be restored to some extent. In this way, proteinuria can be managed effectively and radically.

If you want to learn more information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital.
you can leave us a message below or send an email to or Online-doctor:008615931093124 . We will reply you as soon as possible.