
what should kidney patients do

All my friends, I am a kidney doctor from China, you can call me Dr. Leo, kidney disease treatment is based on natural Chinese medicine therapy, better help patients with kidney disease in various countries.

What is the treatment for fever in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)? Aside from swelling, anemia, high blood pressure and itchy skin, CKD patients also are prone to suffer from fever due to decreased immunity. If this occurs, what should patients do?
1. Eat some nutritious foods
Consuming adequate amounts of protein, calories and nutrients builds up your immune system. If you are on dialysis, your dialysis team should create an eating plan based on your individual nutrition needs. Every month, you should check up your lab reports to make sure you are getting the right amount of nutrients.
2. Prevent infection
Cold and flu germs can be on doorknobs, sink faucets and newspapers. After touching something, you should wash your hands. Be especially diligent during cold and flu season. Follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding diet, medication and dialysis treatments, you can lower your risk of infection. Missing dialysis means wastes and toxins can build up in your bloodstream, leaving you weak, ill and prone to infection.
3. Repair kidney damage and improve renal function
The radical treatment for fever in CKD is to repair kidney damage and improve renal function. Here we recommend Toxin-Removing Treatment which is characteristic Chinese medicine therapy in our hospital. It is consisted of various Chinese medicine therapies like Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion Therapy, Steaming Therapy and Enema Therapy, etc. Different illness condition will be given different therapy. 

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