
you should control the root cause of your kidney disease

A patient told me that he is a 69 years old man and he has a diabetic kidney disease from 2010. Now his creatinine level is 177 umol/L. High creatinine level results from kidney function impairment and it also causes further damage to the kidneys. How to lower creatinine 177 is really a question.

First, you should control the root cause of your kidney disease.

As we can see that your kidney disease is caused by diabetes. Now diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease in the world. In the diet, you should lower the intake of sugar and increase the intake of fiber. There are also some effective medicine to control sugar level and improve blood circulation, such as insulin. Stem cell therapy is also a good way to repair the betta cells and other response-to-insulin cells.

Second, you should know how to repair the damaged kidneys.

When your damaged kidneys are repaired, your creatinine level decreases. Therapies such as medicated bath, circle therapy and enema therapy are often used to remove stasis and cleanse waste from the blood so as to provide a good blood environment for kidney self-healing. There are also other therapies to eliminate inflammatory factors and immune complexes in the blood, degrade extracellular matrix to prevent kidney fibrosis and supplement essential substances for kidneys. And then your damaged kidneys can gradually recover their function.

Creatinine 177 means you are in stage 2 kidney disease. If you can take measures as early as possible, it is likely that your kidney disease can be reversed. If not, your kidney disease may develop to kidney failure quickly. We are glad to help you exclude the difficulty and anxiety.


