
Kidney patients need to add vitamin D and calcium tablets

With Nephrotic Syndrome, patients can experience various complications. Many foods are forbidden to patients and also somethings needs to be added.

Due to long time of hypoproteinemia, patients usually suffer from malnutrition, myophagism, stunting in children, vitamin D deficiency, secondary calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorder and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Therefore, patients need to add vitamin D and calcium tablets.

It should be noted that

Vitamin C can enhance your body’s resistance to infectious disease. It is beneficial to your body. However, because of low kidney function, vitamin C should not be taken too much. Because excess vitamin C can burden your kidneys and make your kidneys even weaker.

Besides, steroids can absorb vitamin D and calcium. This will cause vitamin D and calcium loss. In this condition, patients may suffer from lack of calcium and osteoporosis. Nephrotic Syndrome patients can take some vitamin D and calcium. Avoid vitamin C.

Before taking any medicine or diet, you need to consult your doctor. Besides, the radical therapy for Nephrotic Syndrome is a series of Chinese medicine treatments including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy, Steaming Therapy and Enema Therapy, etc. Nephrotic Syndrome is the damage of glomeruli. Steroids only control symptoms not the injured glomeruli. Our Chinese medicines can repair impaired kidney glomeruli and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. In this condition, Nephrotic Syndrome can be treated well. No relapse occurs.

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