
Can often drink red wine soften the blood

People are getting more and more concerned about health. In various advertisements, "softening blood vessels" has become a golden signboard.
The benefits of softening blood vessels, of course, many, but those who spread the statement is true?

One argument: Onion garlic softens blood vessels
Those who think that onion garlic can soften blood vessels because of sulfur compounds in them have the effect of anti-oxidation, lowering cholesterol and even anti-cancer in experiments.
Key words: sulfur compounds
Truth: Most people can not do it
Once cooked onions and garlic, the sulfur-containing compounds are lost in large quantities. And if you eat raw, want to get the magic effect, it is necessary to eat very, very, very much, most people simply can not do ......
Second argument: vegetarian softened blood vessels
People who hold this view believe that meat easily lead to hyperlipidemia, and hyperlipidemia is the culprit of many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so vegetarian is a healthy diet.
Key words: hyperlipemia
The truth: the two indispensable
Vegetarian does have cardiovascular benefits, but the meat is not small.
Meat not only provides high-quality protein, but also some important trace elements and amino acids, can only be obtained from the meat, if you eat too much, can lead to physical decline.
Say three: red wine softens the blood vessel
Red wine can soften the blood to say, the acceptance is very high, that contains resveratrol has many amazing effects, softening blood vessels is one of them.
Key words: Resveratrol
The truth: not worth the candle
Resveratrol does antioxidant and soften blood vessels, but the content of red wine is not high, if only a little drink a day, it will not work. And if you drink more alcohol intake too much, more harm than good.
Argument 4: vinegar soaked in food softening blood vessels
This statement is also widely circulated, because the vinegar contains acetic acid, food in which soak, will soon become soft, so we imagine: vinegar soaked food, will it also soften blood vessels?
Key words: Acetic acid
Truth: You want more
Acetic acid does soften the food, but after it is taken in the stomach, it is neutralized by the alkaline digestive juice in the small intestine.
Moreover, even if able to enter the blood vessels, it will quickly be cleared by the liver, so simply can not soften the role of blood vessels.
Do not be lazy!
By "eating" to solve the health problem, it is too naive!
The way to soften blood vessels is very simple, as long as the following things can be done:
① quit smoking and drinking
Including alcoholic drinks and secondhand smoke, thirdhand smoke.
② appropriate exercise
Jog for at least 5 hours a week.
③ early to get up early
After 10 o'clock at night did not sleep, even stay up late.
④ emotional stability
Temper irritable, depressed, easily excited, are not conducive to vascular health.
⑤ meat and vegetables amount
Do not over-limit a certain kind of food, meat and vegetables with the mix, of course, also appropriate.

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