
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for Membranous Nephropathy

Membranous Nephropathy occurs when the small blood vessels in the kidney (glomeruli), caused by large amounts of deposition of immune complexes. This article is about the causes, symptoms, and treatment for membranous nephropathy. Any other questions, please email to us at  sjz-kidneyhospital@hotmail.com  or consult our doctors online directly.
In a majority of cases of of Membranous Nephropathy, evidence of autoimmune activity can be found.
Sometimes other causes may include:
● Autoimmune disease, such as lupus erythematosus
● Infection with hepatitis B, hepatitis C or syphilis
● Certain medications, such as gold salts and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
● Solid cancerous tumors or blood cancers
● Some other kidney disease such as Diabetic Nephropathy can also be accompanied by Membranous Nephropathy.
When the glomeruli are damaged and cannot filter wastes and toxins, some signs or symptoms will occur. For example:
● Swelling in the legs and ankles
● Weight gain
● Fatigue
● Poor appetite
● Foamy urine (proteinuria)
● Elevated fat levels in the blood (hyperlipidemia)
Some complications may also be seen:
● Nephrotic Syndrome. This is the most common presence of this kidney disease.
● High blood pressure
● Blood clots
● Acute or Chronic Kidney Failure
Without doubt, treatments should focus on addressing the causes of Membranous Nephropathy and relieving your symptoms. There is no cure for this kidney disease.
● Medicine is always the first step. Your doctor might prescribe you ACEIs (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors), ARBs ((Angiotensin Receptor Blockers), diuretics (water pills), statin medications, anticoagulant medication, etc, in order to relieve symptoms.
● Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
It is not a simple medicine, but a composition of hundreds of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs). Compared with over-the-counter medicines, this therapy is natural since it is an external application. In addition, it can improve blood circulation so as to provide enough oxygen and blood for the kidney’s self-repairing. The goal of this therapy is to treat Membranous Nephropathy by enhancing kidney function. About 30 years of clinic practices prove this therapy is very natural and effective.

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