
What are common therapies for diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy is mostly the complication of diabetes. As for its treatment, there are many solutions. How to choose the therapy? The following will give you detailed information.

1. the use of insulin

The early treatment for diabetic nephropathy is the use of insulin. The symptoms of early stage diabetic nephropathy are mild. If patients can get intensive insulin treatment, it is possible for kidney disease to get cured in the early stage. If diet management and oral taking medicine for lowering blood sugar can not control blood sugar, insulin therapy should be used as early as possible. However, as for end stage of diabetic nephropathy, eating less and decreased insulin inactivity is more likely to cause low blood sugar.

2. medications for lowering blood sugar

In daily life, many patients alleviate pain by way of medications for lowering blood sugar, like gliclazide and glipizide. As for obesity patients, hypoglycemic agent can improve microcirculation.

3. dialysis therapy

If medical conditions do not get well controlled, they should take dialysis treatment. When the disease develops end stage gradually, patients will have vomiting, nausea, serious acidosis, hyperkalemia and cardiac failure and other symptoms. Medications can not eliminate these symptoms so dialysis is a must.

4. characteristic Chinese medicine treatment

After many years of clinical experiment, our hospital created a characteristic Chinese medicine treatment, called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The active substances in Chinese medicines can expand blood vessels, prevent inflammation and coagulation, degrade extracellular matrix and provide necessary nutrients for damaged kidneys. In this way, impaired kidneys can be repaired and gradually kidney function can get enhanced.

From the above, we can see Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most effective treatment for diabetic nephropathy patients.


