
What should prediabetic people with elevated creatinine level eat

A healthy diet can provide you with all the nutrients your body needs so as to strengthen immune system to help you resist the disease. What should prediabetic people with elevated creatinine eat?

First, let’s have a general look at your medical condition.

Prediabetes means your blood sugar level is higher than normal, but it is not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. As we all know, kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood. When your blood sugar level is high, your kidneys have to work hard to remove them. Long-term overwork may cause damage to the kidneys.

Creatinine is the indicator of kidney function. It usually does not increase until your kidney function is less than 50%. Now your creatinine level elevates, which indicates that your kidneys have been damaged.

Foods that prediabetic people with elevated creatinine level can eat

-Food low in sugar

Blood sugar is the root cause of kidney impairment. To normalize blood sugar, you should limit the intake of sugar and food high in sugar.

-Food high in fiber

Dietary fiber can help you reduce blood sugar level and cholesterol level. Fresh green leafy vegetables and fruits are the good source of fiber.

-Low protein diet

Massive protein intake increases the workload of kidneys so as to speed up kidney failure, so you should limit the intake of protein.

-Food low in fat

Fat intake raises blood cholesterol level and it is also not good for you to control weight, so you had better limit fat intake. But you can take some plant oil, which is a great source of unsaturated fat. This kind of fat is helpful.

What should prediabetic people with elevated creatinine level eat? The above information is very general. If you would like to acquire a personalized diet plan, please leave your basic medical condition below. Our doctors will contact you after analyzing your cases.


