
Why does she feel so cold? Any solution to manage it


My wife is a diabetic with renal failure and on home dialysis three times a week.The last few days she is feeling freezing cold to the point of shivering.Why does she feel so cold? Any solution to manage it?


There is a variety of possible causes which can make the dialysis patients feel cold including:

-Infection or septicemia

*Vascular access

*Respiratory illness

-Cold dialysate or malfunctioning thermostat

*The patient has shaking or shivering without fever

-Pyrogenic reaction

The following article will explain the above conditions one by one in details.

Infection or septicemia

Dialysis patients have a weakened immune system and the dialysis process involves blood circulation outside the body.Therefore,there is an increased risk for acquiring a bloodstream infection.In addition,the equipment,supplies,and staff working at the facility are also potential sources of transmission of pathogens.If bloodstream is affected with the infection, it septicemia will occur.

If the patients have infection, they will also experience fever and feel cold with a fever. Redness, swelling, warmth or drainage from access site.

The patients with septicemia will experience vomiting,headache and hypotensive shock.In addition,if respiratory infection occurs,besides feeling cold and freezing, productive cough will also occur.

How to check out if your bad feeling is related to infection? Chat with our online doctor for an answer now!

Cold dialysate or malfunctioning thermostat

Cold dialysate or malfunctioning thermostat can also make the dialysis patients feel cold and freezing.If so,you should report it to the health care provider. After the dialysate or malfunctioning thermostat is adjusted, the patient will recover normal.

Pyrogenic reaction

Pyrogenic reaction is mainly caused by the following two causes.

*Fever reaction due to presence of dead bacteria endotoxins

*It can be caused by contamination of water system, machine, dialyzer or bloodlines.

If the dialysis patient develops pyrogenic reaction,she may feel cold and freezing.

