
Why hormone-reducing urine protein easy to relapse

Hormone elimination of urinary protein effect is very sharp, is a common treatment of nephropathy, but the hormone reduction process, especially to reduce the 3,4-piece urine protein is very easy to relapse, which is why?

The true role of hormones
In fact, the hormone is secreted by the adrenal gland, but when the kidney problems, secretion affected, it needs to be supplemented by drugs.
The main role of hormones is to suppress the inflammatory response, just as peacekeeping forces, to ensure that both warring parties temporarily stop fighting.
Therefore, the reason why hormones can eliminate urinary protein, because inhibition of the inflammatory response, the remaining nephron to resume work to ensure the normal protein filtration and reabsorption.
Incidentally, the reason why some patients have poor hormonal effects is that although the inflammatory response is suppressed, the remaining nephrons can not afford the workload.
Hormone reductions easy to relapse
To say easy to relapse reduction reasons, we must first talk about why hormone reduction.
Why can not stop the same hormone as other drugs stop it?
Earlier we said that hormones were originally secreted by the adrenal glands and had a certain concentration standard in the body. When the adrenal glands can not secrete enough hormones, we need to supplement them with drugs.
This will understand why hormones are slowly decremented.
The process of reducing hormone, urinary protein is easy to relapse, because with hormone reduction, the body's hormone concentration is also reduced, and if the secretory function of the adrenal gland does not promptly respond, the body's hormone concentration will not continue to suppress inflammation Reaction, it will lead to recurrence.

How to avoid?
If it is the first treatment, when reduced to 3,4 pieces of urinary protein recurrence occurs when the hormone dose can continue to be a long period of time until the urinary protein again negative, and then continue to reduce.
If you have already had to reduce the 3,4 before the recurrence of the experience, when the hormone once again reduced to this range, you can add an immunosuppressive agents, such as cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, etc., to ensure the treatment effect.
In short, hormone reduction is to explore the extent of recovery of adrenal secretion function, can not be hurried.

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