
What is the current lack of treatment for renal failure

Renal failure: A turning point in the treatment of kidney disease. See if you ruled right.
1. How high is creatinine raised?
2. What is the current lack of treatment for renal failure?

The severity of renal failure
The current standard of judgment is the value of serum creatinine. Many patients already know that an increase in serum creatinine means a decrease in renal function.
However, there is no clear understanding of the seriousness of the increase in serum creatinine.
In many people's opinion, since blood creatinine is more than 707μmoI/L before entering uremic stage, dialysis is needed (diabetic nephropathy patients have more than 500μmoI/L creatinine), so many people subconsciously increase serum creatinine. The degree is divided:
120-300: As soon as the serum creatinine rises, it is still very early from dialysis. Don't worry too much, or use the previous treatment plan.
300-500: The serum creatinine is already quite high. Be cautious about it. You haven't started dialysis yet. You should treat it well. You should add urinary toxin and other drugs to reduce creatinine. Even some patients start peritoneal dialysis or colon dialysis;
500-700: It's already this level, waiting for dialysis;
700 or more: dialysis.
This idea is wrong!
The meaning of elevated serum creatinine
Creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism and is excreted by glomerular filtration. When there is a problem with the kidneys, creatinine cannot be properly filtered and eliminated from the body, it will return to the blood, causing increased serum creatinine.
If the kidney is damaged, will the serum creatinine rise?
Will not.
Because the kidney has a strong compensatory function, minor kidney damage does not lead to elevated serum creatinine.
Unless kidney damage reaches more than 70%!
In other words, an increase in serum creatinine, even just above the normal value, means that only one-third of renal function is left.
The correct treatment of renal failure
The current drawback of conventional treatment is that it is too conservative.
For the treatment of chronic renal failure, mainly for the control of heart failure, hypertension, digestive system and other symptoms, is the real "sickness" treatment. For the continuous decline of renal function and the continuous increase of creatinine and other substances, there is no way, the default is to wait for dialysis.
At present, many hospitals and experts have come to the conclusion that the treatment of chronic renal failure should be more positive.
More aggressive treatment refers to Chinese medicine treatment.
Chinese medicine treatment does not restore kidney cells that have been necrotic, but it can enhance the viability of the remaining kidney cells and restore part of the renal function from the side. This can delay the rate of decline in renal function, so that patients later into the uremia period.
Enhancing the vitality of the remaining renal cells requires a variety of Chinese medicines such as oral administration, rubbing, fumigation, supervising moxibustion, and soaking. The main principle is to improve the microcirculation of the kidneys and resolve residual renal cell defects through the concept of “Tongfu Huayu”. The problem of hypoxia can increase their vitality.
In addition, the concept of "holistic treatment" in Chinese medicine has made it possible to treat other kidney diseases while also taking care of other systems, especially the cardiovascular system, which has greatly increased the survival rate of patients with kidney disease.
Therefore, in the course of the treatment of chronic renal failure, we should not blindly “wait” for dialysis. Instead, we should add Chinese medicine conditioning treatment based on the treatment of “disease” in western medicine to truly delay the progression of the disease and make the patient better. Living condition.

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