A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
When kidney cysts in PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) oppress your kidney tissues and affect your kidney function, serum creatinine will increase. A patient consults us that his serum creatinine level is 5.8mg/dL. Is there any treatment to lower it from the root?
RadicallyIn order to decrease high creatinine level 5.8 fundamentally, you can have a try of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. However, this therapy is only available in China so foreign patients need to come to China for treatment. We have treated many patients from over 68 countries. This unique therapy aims to repair kidney damage and improve renal function, which brings high creatinine level 5.8 from the root. But you should seize the best treatment time, otherwise, you can not get a good result. The earlier you take treatment, the better therapeutic effects will be.
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy lower high creatinine level 5.8 radically?
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats kidney disease with the following functions:
1. Dilate blood vessels
Chinese medicines can expand blood vessels and increase blood flow in the kidneys which can provide enough blood, oxygen and necessary nutrients for repairing injured kidney tissues. This can relieve renal hypoxia and ischemia in the kidneys.
2. Prevent inflammation
Immune complexes depositing in kidneys can result in abnormal inflammatory reactions and the release of a large number of inflammatory medium into the blood circulation, and then it is important to prevent further damages to renal cells and tissues.
3. Block coagulation
Inflammation in kidneys will activate the platelet and the increase will cause the formation of thrombus blocking blood circulation and lead to renal ischemia-anoxia. The active ingredients in Chinese medicines can help remove blood stasis and improve blood circulation.
4. Degrade extracellular matrix
The attack of harmful substances can cause abnormal hyperplasia and proliferation of extracellular matrix of renal intrinsic cells. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help degrade extracellular matrix.
But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.
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» Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat high creatinine 5.8 in pkd
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat high creatinine 5.8 in pkd
三月 23, 2017
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