
Chinese Medicine Treatment For Polycystic Kidney Disease

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
 Here we will give you a successful patient story about PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). This patient is from Rwanda. He gets a good therapeutic effect in our hospital.
Chinese Medicine Treatment For Polycystic Kidney Disease
His name is HABUKURI.DONAT and has suffered from PKD for about 20 years. He has take various treatments before coming to our hospital but gets no improvement. Kidney dysfunction occurs. In order to get better treatment, he decides to come to China for treatment.
At the beginning of our treatment, he has conflict psychology to Chinese medicines. Our doctor Li gives him pure Chinese medicine treatments. DONAT can accept oral Chinese medicine soup but he can not accept Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath and Steaming Therpay. So it is not so smooth at the beginning of treatment.
However, after a period of treatment, his attitude changed because his enlarged kidneys have been shrunk. He says this is the happiest day for almost 20 years.
Therapeutic effect is the courage. Since that, DONAT totally accepts Chinese medicine treatments.
The root cause of PKD is the activity of the lining epithelial cells so the key point in PKD treatment is to prevent its activity.
Western medicines fail to prevent the activity of lining epithelial cells while Chinese medicine treatments in our hospital including medicinal soup, Hot Compress Therapy, Medicated Bath and Medicated Foot Bath can inhibit the activity of lining epithelial cells effectively. Through different functions, these therapies can transport the active ingredients in Chinese medicines to kidney lesion directly. They help promote circulation and remove stasis, stimulate the blood circulation around the kidneys and improve kidney’s existing environment. Our Chinese medicine treatments have effects on high blood pressure and kidney dysfunction.
DONAT feels great improvement because his fatigue is improved greatly. His heart rate is increased from 38 to 61 so his shortness of breath is alleviated.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


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