
why does PKD relapse easily

A chronic disease, there is no effective treatment. In most countries, patients choose dialysis or kidney transplant treatment. But you know that dialysis in the treatment process has a lot of complications? For example: headache, low blood pressure, and itching, nausea and loss of appetite. Therefore, all patients, they want to find an alternative to dialysis treatment. In some Chinese medicine may replace dialysis treatment?
As we all know, Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disease. One of your parents suffers from PKD, you will be higher risk for this disease. Besides, PKD is easy to relapse. Well then, why does PKD relapse easily?

The common treatment for PKD is surgery and anti-inflammatory agents. The function of surgery is to shrink kidney cysts quickly. But it does not mean shrinking kidney cysts can prevent the activity of epithelial cells. Thi is the reason why PKD relapses easily.
The following is a case in our hospital.
Mrs Gao is a patient with PKD. In the early stage, she neglects the treatment. And she also does not find the best treatment method, which makes kidney cysts become bigger and bigger. She suffers from severe back pain and other body functions all have a quick decline.
When she comes to our hospital for treatment, her kidney size is twice larger than normal kidney size. She also suffers from complications like kidney stones in both kidneys, high creatinine level 734umol/L and uric acid 501umol/L. This has been in uremia stage. If no effective treatment, she can only count on dialysis to sustain her life. At the same time, she may also experience some dangerous risks like cyst rupture.
According to her condition, our experts hold an urgent meeting and arrange expert consultant. We give her Chinese medicine treatments which can inhibit the activity of epithelial cells, absorb cystic fluid and shrink cyst wall.
After one month of Chinese medicine treatment, her high creatinine level is reduced to 585umol/L. You should be patient because Chinese medicines work slowly. But Chinese medicines treat PKD from the root. No relapse will occur.

But we are in China if you like this treatment or would like to know more about your treatment of Chinese medicine which may be part of the alternative dialysis? You can ask the doctor online. You can also leave your phone number and your situation and your country, we will contact you by phone and calculate it in the fastest time.


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