
a daily menu for a Diabetic Nephropathy patient

In Diabetic Nephropathy treatment, the first choice for patients is proper diet and blood sugar control. Therefore, if you want to follow a reasonable and nutritious diet, and your blood sugar is not increased, it is very strict for diet.

The following is a daily menu for a Diabetic Nephropathy patient.

1. Breakfast

Egg soup (nori 10g and egg 60g)

Steamed bun (corn flour 50g, flour 50g)

Cold vegetable dish in sauce (cabbage 30g, cucumber 30g, shredded kelp20g )
Daily Menu For Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

2. Extra meal

Fruits 100g

3. Lunch

Rice (rice 100g, black rice 100g)

Pork with green chilies (Green chilies 100g, meat 70g)

Stir-fried Lactuca sativa L (a little garlic, lactuca sativa L 200g)

Cabbage, fish ball and dried small shrimps soup (cabbage 30g, 5 fish ball and some dried small shrimps)
Daily Menu For Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

4. Extra meal

Yogurt 200g and fruits 100g

5. Dinner

Noodles with mushroom and chicken meat (mushroom 30g, chicken meat 50g, rape 20g and noodles 150g)

Cold vegetable dish in sauce (turnip strip20g )
Daily Menu For Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

The above is a daily menu for a Diabetic Nephropathy patient. You can use it as reference.

Apart from diet treatment, the key point in Diabetic Nephropathy should aim at repairing kidney damage and improving renal function. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital suggests Toxin-Removing Treatment. It can first cleanse your blood and then improve your renal function. Toxin-Removing Treatment includes a series of Chinese medicine treatments such as Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture , Moxibustion Therapy and Medicinal Soup, etc. They usually combine together to remove toxins in blood and in kidney intrinsic cells. Kidney disease can be treated from the root. Toxin-Removing Treatment is only available in China so foreign patients need to come to China for treatment.


