
How does our Hospital Treatment Diabetic Kidney Disease

Name: Fulla

Gender: Male

Age: 58

Country: Tanzania

Diagnose: Diabetic Kidney Disease

Patient Word:

How Does Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Treat Diabetic Kidney DiseaseDiabetic Kidney Disease, or Diabetic Nephropathy, refers to the kidney disease caused by long term diabetes. Recently, more and more diabetic patients came to Shiiazhuag Kidney Disease Hospital to remedy their disease. Then how does our hospital treat diabetic kidney disease? Let’s see the patient story in this article. You can learn more.

Fulla is a diabetic kidney disease patient, who comes from Tanzania. He had been suffered from this disease for a long time, and he got great pains with this disease. He always seems so tired and fatigue, his face is pale and his eyesight is very poor. There are some frost-harmful waste covering on hie legs, and he cant pee smoothly. After he came to our hospital, our expert did a systematic test for him, and it showed his creatinine level is 196 umol/L, uric acid level is 536 umol/L, and the blood pressure fluctuate in 140-150/80-90 mmHg.

How does our  Hospital Treatment Diabetic Kidney Disease?

Depending on his own condition, our expert team make a systematic treatment for Fulla, and the treatment aims at relieving his symptoms and remedy his diabetic kidney disease from root.

For his harmful waste covering on legs, we prepared the Medicated Bath for him, which can help discharge the wastes out of body, and this therapy can also help prompt his whole blood circulation. Next, we use the Oral Chinese medicine to clean his blood, and discharge the toxins and wastes out. Besides, it can also help invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis. At last, we will use the featured Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital, this therapy aims at repairing damaged kidney tissues and improving kidney function from root.

After one month treatment for Fulla, his condition has been improved a lot. His creatinine level declines to 163 umol/L, uric acid level decrease to 353 umol/L, and his blood pressure get to normal. The most important thing is that he has energy to enjoy his life.

We are so happy to see his improvements by taking our Chinese medicine for his diabetic kidney disease, and we believe he can be better and better after taking our further treatment.




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