
Not all diabetics develop kidney disease

The longer you have diabetes, the more risk of kidney disease you have. How to prevent kidney disease for diabetics? Go on reading to learn more information.

First of all, you should have a good control of blood sugar level.

If your blood sugar level keeps on increasing, it may speed up scarring of glomeruli and renal blood vessels so as to impair their function. The key to controlling blood sugar level is:

-to strictly restrict calory intake

-to take medicines to reduce blood sugar level on time.

-To avoid factors that can cause the fluctuation of blood sugar level, such as excitement and infections.

-To lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure is also a cause of kidney damage. If your systolic pressure is over 140 mmHg for long-term, your kidney function will decrease at 6% per years. Therefore, you should control blood pressure less than 125/75 mmHg.

Second, you should limit salt intake.

To protect kidneys and reduce their workload, diabetics should follow a low salt diet and restrict salt intake into 2g. At the same time, you should restrict potassium and protein intake, and eat more high quality protein, such as milk, fish, lean meat, egg white, etc. Plant protein should be reduced as well because it contains many nonessential amino acids, which can put extra stress on kidneys.

At last, you should avoid drug abuse.

Some drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may cause further damage to your kidneys, because they are mainly eliminated from body kidneys. If they are a must, you should take them under the instruction of doctors.

Not all diabetics develop kidney disease. If you do not want your diabetes to develop kidney failure, you should take preventative measures as early as possible. Even if you are diagnosed with Diabetic Nephropathy, do not worry too much. Early treatment can also help you prevent further kidney damage. In our Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we have treated many Diabetic Nephropathy patients and helped them lead a normal life with Chinese medicine therapies. For more information on Diabetic Nephropathy, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.




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