
Can Dialysis Be Stopped If Patients Get It for A Long Time

If you have been on dialysis for a long time, can dialysis be stopped? Is this possible to happen with some treatment for patients on dialysis? Before see the answer, please read the following case in the first place.

PEDRO is a patient with kidney failure, 48 years old, comes from Botswana. He was getting frequent dialysis for many years, which made him intolerable, so he came to china for other treatment to help him get rid of dialysis well. when he just came to our hospital, his creatinine was 1077, BUN 17.3,UA 368. Within one month’s treatment, his creatinine level got reduced to 755, he said that he believe that not a long time later, he can get ride of dialysis completely.

Thus, it is possible for patients with dialysis to get rid of it finally. In addition, there are some dialysis patients who stop dialysis completely after treatment in our hospital with Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is the very special treatment in our hospital, which is focusing on improving kidney well, and kidney function will be under recovery by the time, in addition, kidney damage can be repaired well with Chinese medicine treatment. Chinese medicine is a series of therapies for kidney disease, which is a complete and systematic herbal treatment. No pain or side effect will happen on patients.

Our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, has been treating kidney disease for many years with Chinese medicine treatment, and great effects are achieved on patients. Many foreign patients from different countries have been treated in our hospital, and we also get international department for foreign patients. So they do not need to worry life here in China. Be free to contact us if you get any question or need any help, it is a pleasure that we can help you solve problem.