
Will Kidney Failure Cause My Stomach to Swell

When kidneys fail to work normally, they will cause a series of symptoms and complications. Will kidney failure cause my stomach to swell? Recently a renal patient consult our online doctor such a question. In this article, let’s have a look together.

Kidney failure may cause stomach swelling.

Swelling is a common symptom of kidney disease. It usually results from two causes. One is massive protein leakage from body. This can lead to declined plasma colloid osmotic pressure so that fluid is oppressed into tissue space, causing swelling. The other is declined kidney function. Impaired kidneys can not remove excess fluid out of the body. In early stage of kidney failure, swelling may just appear in eyelid, face, hands, foot, etc. With the worsening of kidney failure, swelling may appear in stomach.

How to prevent kidney failure from causing stomach swelling?

The fundamental way is to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function. In China, we use Chinese medicine. If you are interested in it, you can have a try. The commonly used Chinese medicine is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicated Full Bath, Enema Therapy, Steam Therapy, Circle Therapy, Acupuncture, Moxibustion, etc. On one hand, they can make you sweat and increase urine volume to relieve your swelling. One the other hand, they can clear toxins and waste products in the renal cells and blood to make body internal environment clean. Besides, they can expand blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to provide them with enough oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicines to speed up kidney recovery. With the improvement of kidney function, fluid can be removed out of body naturally. And then you can get rid of stomach swelling.

Will kidney failure cause my stomach to swell? It won’t if you can control your kidney failure well. In fact, if you halt your kidney failure from worsening timely, you can avoid a lot of symptoms and complications.