
Can Renal Failure Cause You to Have Breathlessness

When you go upstairs for few steps, you feel that you are short of breath. What is the matter? When kidneys fail to work normally, a series of symptoms and complications will occur. Can renal failure cause you to have breathlessness? Go on reading to find out the answer.

Renal failure could cause you to have breathlessness.

Breathlessness is a common symptom of renal failure. And it is often associated with anemia. When kidneys are not able to work normally, they can not stimulate bone marrows to make red blood cells, leading to anemia. Besides, the accumulated waste products can shorten the lifespan of red blood cells, which can add insult to injury.

How to improve breathlessness for renal failure patients?

Conventional treatment is to take medicine to improve anemia. But this is only temporarily medical relief. To get rid of it, you should repair kidney damage and improve kidney function.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Chinese medicine therapies are often adopted, such as medicated foot bath, medicated full bath, enema therapy, steam therapy, circle therapy, acupuncture, moxibustion, etc. They can help draw toxins out of the renal cells and expel waste products from the blood to make your blood clean. They can also expand blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys so that oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine can be transported into them to speed up kidney recovery. After a short period of treatment, your breathlessness will get relieved. After a long period of treatment, your kidney function will improve gradually. With the improvement of kidney function, you will feel better.

Can renal failure cause you to have breathlessness? Yes, it can. Besides, it can cause you to have a lot of other symptoms, such as proteinuria, swelling, high blood pressure, anemia, etc. If you still want to lead a normal life without dialysis and kidney transplant, you should take treatment as early as possible. For more information on renal failure treatment, please contact online doctor or leave a message below.