
Can Stage 4 Kidney Failure Patients Live A Better Life Without Dialysis

Kidney Failure stage 4 is a stage you should pay attention, otherwise it may develop to end stage quickly. And then you have to start dialysis to maintain your life. Can stage 4 kidney failure patients live a better life without dialysis? In this article, renal expert from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will help you.

Chinese medicine can help you live a better life without dialysis.

In stage 4, the kidneys are not able to filter waste products from the blood adequately so that a lot of waste products accumulate in body. They can go into the renal cells to affect your recovery. They can also counteract the effect of medications you use for your disease. Besides, they may cause damage to your kidneys directly. Therefore, to protect your kidneys from being damaged further, you should cleanse the polluted blood first.

In our hospital, we use Chinese medicine to help, such as medicated foot bath, medicated full bath, enema therapy, circle therapy, steam therapy, acupuncture, moxibustion, etc. They can help draw toxins out of the renal cells. They can also expel waste products from the blood. Besides, they can expand blood vessels and remove stasis to increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to provide them with essential elements, such as vitamins, oxygen and active ingredients of medicine to speed up kidney recovery. After about half month’s treatment, your creatinine level will go down gradually. And other symptoms such as proteinuria, swelling, high blood pressure and so on will get relieved. After about one month’s treatment, your kidney function will improve gradually. To achieve a better effect, you need to take treatment for long-term. Only in this way can you reverse your disease and keep dialysis away.

Can stage 4 kidney failure patients live a better life without dialysis? Yes, they can. As long as you preserve your residual kidney function, it is possible for you to stay away from dialysis. For more information on kidney failure treatment, please contact online doctor or leave a message below.