
How to solve urinary occult blood in patients with kidney disease

Why is occult blood difficult to eliminate? How to solve urinary occult blood in patients with kidney disease?
To say the most difficult symptoms of kidney disease is definitely urine occult blood. In many cases, even though urine protein is negative, occult blood still remains and makes people feel upset.
Why is occult blood so hard to eliminate?

Occult blood and hematuria
The occult blood is also called occult blood. As its name suggests, it refers to "hidden blood."
In fact, urine occult blood is formed by the release of heme into the urine after rupture of red blood cells; and hematuria is the formation of red blood cells into the urine.
There are many causes of occult blood, such as stones, or tumors. The most common is urinary tract infection, followed by various types of nephritis, which can be judged by hematuria positioning.
It should be noted that urine occult blood occurs in women's physiology, so urine routine examinations must be done to avoid the physiological period.
Why is occult blood difficult to eliminate?
The reason is simple. At present, there is no effective drug for eliminating occult occult blood.
Urinary proteins are macromolecular substances. For urinary proteins that are caused by inflammation, we can use hormones to suppress inflammatory reactions and reduce renal cell permeability to prevent the leakage of proteins. For hypertension-induced urine protein, we can expand the kidneys. Blood vessels, improve the microcirculation of the kidneys to prevent the leakage of protein.
But occult blood? The red blood cells are already small, and the hemoglobin released after the rupture is even smaller. It is difficult to stop.
Therefore, we can often see that some urinary protein in patients with kidney disease has been negative for many years, but occult blood has been there, can not be eliminated in any case.
How to deal with occult blood?
At present, most doctors have the opinion that urine occult blood should be kept and active treatment should be avoided.
There are two reasons for this:
The first is the lack of effective drugs
As has been said before, there is currently no effective drug for occult occult blood. Only proprietary Chinese medicines such as Huangkui, Bailing and Jinshuibao can be used for proper conditioning.
Second, occult blood damage is relatively small
Urinary occult blood is much less damaging to the kidney than urine protein, and the side effects of active treatment do not offset the effect that may be achieved.
Therefore, for patients with kidney disease, as long as other aspects are well controlled, urinary occult blood does not have to be too tangled, but do not have to do everything possible to eliminate it, so as not to be worth the candle.

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