
What are the 4 symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, the most serious

What are the 4 symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, the most serious?
Nephrotic syndrome is a collective term for 4 symptoms: high edema, large amounts of urine protein, hyperlipidemia, and hypoproteinemia.
Which of the four symptoms is the most serious?

First: a lot of urine protein
The large amount of urinary protein in nephrotic syndrome refers to 24-hour urinary protein quantitation exceeding 3.5 grams.
Whether it is primary nephropathy (membranous nephropathy, minimal change type), or secondary nephropathy (lupus nephritis, diabetic nephropathy), it is mostly due to the destruction of the glomerular filtration barrier that results in leakage of large amounts of protein.
Large urine protein severity:
Continued leakage of protein will further destroy the filtration barrier and cause more protein to leak out.
Second: Hypoproteinemia
Mainly refers to the plasma albumin down to 30g/L or less.
The serious decline in plasma albumin is due to a large amount of urine protein.
The severity of hypoproteinemia:
Low albumin is not only likely to cause edema (colloidal osmotic pressure imbalance), but also to reduce the immune system, reduce the constitution of patients with kidney disease, and more likely to cause new infections (such as a cold).
Third: hyperlipidemia
A decrease in plasma albumin can lead to compensatory increase in lipoproteins, leading to hyperlipidemia.
The so-called hyperlipidemia can be simply understood as blood becomes thick.
The severity of hyperlipidemia:
It is easy to cause thrombosis, especially deep vein thrombosis, and it may be life-threatening in severe cases.
Fourth: High Edema
The edema caused by nephrotic syndrome is caused by an imbalance of colloidal osmotic pressure caused by a decrease in plasma albumin.
This edema is usually symmetric concave edema, often spread from the lower limbs to the body.
The severity of edema:
High edema not only affects the appearance, but also causes acute pulmonary edema and acute heart failure. In severe cases, it will be life-threatening.
On the whole, the four symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are very serious, but when meticulously analyzed, most of them agree to list a large number of urinary proteins as the most serious symptoms.
Not only is a large number of urinary proteins can cause further damage to the kidneys, but the other three symptoms have a direct or indirect association with large amounts of urine protein.
However, it should be noted that:
If a large number of urine protein and high degree of edema exist at the same time, it should be given priority to solve the edema, because hormone can cause sodium and sodium retention, so that patients with kidney disease swollen and swollen.

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