
Steaming Therapy

Steaming Therapy is a kind of external treatment of traditional Chinese Medicine which also can be called Chinese Medicine Steam Bath Therapy. Steaming Therapy is a kind of chemistry and physical therapy which based on hot steam. This method was first used in clinical practice since the pre Qin Dynasty and tend to be mature in Qing Dynasty. Steaming Therapy is widely used in the treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

steaming therapy
The method of Steaming Therapy:

Put the Traditional Chinese Medicine into the machine and boil it. Patients lie on the machine and enjoy for about a half of hour.

The functions of Steaming Therapy on kidney disease:

The first function is help patients clear blood detoxification. It can improve the blood circulation and help patients remove the toxin in their kidneys and livers. And it also has a special effect on all kinds of edema.

The second function is improve the microcirculation of limbs and relieve the symptoms of cold hands and feet.

The third function is activated cell. It can make the whole body cells active, effectively improve the physique, enhance the immune ability.

The forth function is strengthening function. It can stimulate the human body micro circulation system, improve human body function.

The fifth function is relieve fatigue. It can make body relax and relieve the presure so that make patients in good mood and rejuvenation.

For kidney diease patients:

Steaming Therapy can sweating diuresis detoxification so that make ammonia metabolism and uric acid in body be removed out through the skin. And the Traditional Chinese Medicine be use in this therapy all from nature, it is no side effect on patients. It is have an effective effect on improve kidney function and help patients stop dialysis gradually.

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