
What is the relation between serum creatinine level and Nephrotic Syndrome

What is the relation between serum creatinine level and Nephrotic Syndrome? Nephrotic Syndrome is a kind of kidney disease with proteinuria, edema and hypoalbuminemia. It also relates to hematuria and impaired kidney function.

Creatinine is a waste product and should be removed out by kidneys. When there is a kidney damage, serum creatinine level will be higher. So elevated serum creatinine level is an indicator of impaired kidney function.

But high creatinine level does not occur immediately when there is kidney damage in Nephrotic Syndrome patients. Creatinine level will not elevate until at least 50% or even 75% kidney function has been lost. In view of this, serum creatinine level can not be regarded as the final criteria to see if your kidney function has been damaged and the damage degree. In Nephrotic Syndrome, sometimes serum creatinine level does not increase even after you suffer from this disease for years. The obvious symptoms in Nephrotic Syndrome is edema and protein in urine.

When your serum creatinine level increases, you can lower it by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

In Kidney Therapy China, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the innovations of Chinese medicines. It is to infiltrate micronized Chinese medicines to kidney lesion directly and have the functions of promoting blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients for damaged kidneys. After a period of treatment, injured kidney tissues can be repaired and then kidney function will be improved naturally and effectively. You just need to lie on two medicated bags for this treatment. No pain will occur to you. When your kidney function is improved, your kidneys can discharge extra creatinine out of the body. Besides, your symptoms from impaired kidney function like nausea, vomiting, poor appetite and protein in urine, edema can all get well controlled.

We also have Medicated Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Foot Bath and Medicinal Soup, etc which are all good for Nephrotic Syndrome. If you want to learn detailed information, you can leave a message below or email to kdtinchina@yahoo.com or Online-doctor:008615931093124 . We will reply you as soon as possible.