
Diabetic Nephropathy patient says it is his new life beginning

This Diabetic Nephropathy patient says it is his new life beginning. Follow us to see what happens to him.

This patient comes from Madagascar. Before coming to our hospital, he has visited many hospitals and tried many remedies. But he still experienced swelling, poor appetite, nausea and poor appetite. No matter which medicine he took, there was no improvement of his condition. In order to get radical therapy, he began to search in the Internet and then found our hospital. He was attracted by our Chinese medicine therapies and decided to come for a try.

Then after one week of therapy in our hospital, he felt much better and thought it was a great day to remember. Because his swelling disappeared, sleep quality was improved, nausea and poor appetite were relieved. He regained his life. Today was his new start.

As for Diabetic Nephropathy treatment, our hospital gives patients Toxin-Removing Treatment which is a series of Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy, Mai Kang Mixture, Cupping Therapy and Acupuncture, etc. They first cleanse your blood to give you a clean blood environment. Chinese medicines can draw out toxins and wastes from your body via urine, bowel movement and sweats. Also our Chinese medicines can dilate blood vessels and remove blood stasis to improve blood flow and supply more blood and oxygen to injured kidneys. Moreover, they can prevent inflammation and coagulation, degrade extracellular matrix and provide nutrients to speed up kidney recovery. Gradually your injured kidneys can be restored and renal function can be improved. In this way, your symptoms like swelling, poor appetite, itchy skin and poor appetite, etc will also be relieved.


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