
who gave up delicacies to regain health

Gender: Female
Age: 54
Country: Bangladesh
Diagnose: Diabetic Nephropathy
Patient Word:
Diabetic Nephropathy: Give up Delicacies to Regain HealthAs we all know, to have a good control of diabetes, patients have to attach importance to what they eat. In the following, let’s have a look at ALEYA’s story. She is a Diabetic Nephropathy patient, who gave up delicacies to regain health.
ALEYA is from Bangladesh. And she is 54 years old. When talking with her, I got to know that she had been with diabetes for many years. Not until she did a physical examination in hospital did she know that her creatinine level increased and her diabetes developed to Diabetic Nephropathy.
In the following, her blood sugar level kept on increasing even though she took insulin. Obviously insulin lost its function gradually. And then ALEYA began o treat her disorder seriously. Because in the local she did not get good effect, she searched on Internet. At last, she came to our hospital.
When she was just hospitalized, her creatinine level was 600 umol/L, BUN was 19.9 mmol/L, uric acid level was 452 umol/L and fasting blood-glucose was 25.2 mmol/L. Besides, her urine was like water. Our doctor who is responsible for her case told her that now she should not only control blood sugar level, but also restore the damaged glomeruli to conduct normal metabolism. In the following, they should cooperate with each other to achieve a good effect.
Diabetic Nephropathy: Give up Delicacies to Regain Health
In medical treatment, our characteristic treatment such as foot bath, oral Chinese medicine and full bath were applied. In life, her nurse prepared nutritious food catering to her medical condition. ALEYA cooperated with the medical treatment, but she did not like her food at all. She likes sweets, meat and spicy food, while nutritious food was made according to her kidney metabolism and physical condition, so she had to give up all those foods she like, which made her very angry. But under the explanation of our doctors and nurses, she accepted reluctantly.
Diabetic Nephropathy: Give up Delicacies to Regain Health
After about one week’s treatment, her creatinine level reduced to 459 umol/L. Fasting blood glucose reduced to 14.8 mmol/L. Besides, her BUN and uric acid level returned to normal range. When seeing those test report results, all the distinctions disappeared. Besides, we contrasted her urine now and before. Her urine before was like water, while now it was cloudy and smelly due to the existence of waste products.
Diabetic Nephropathy: Give up Delicacies to Regain Health
Seeing such good effects, ALEYA cooperated with our treatment even though she were not satisfied with her diet here, because she knew that it was good for her health. With treatment going on, she will be better and better.
Diabetic Nephropathy: Give up Delicacies to Regain Health
If you are also troubled by Diabetic Nephropathy, give up delicacies and seek treatment aggressively, you will have a good effect like ALEYA. For more information on our hospital and our treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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