
Cold and kidney disease

Ben, 9 years old, begun to experience swelling with unknown reasons, besides, he also experienced cough severely. And then, he was admitted to hospital and found that proteinuria 3+, 24 hour urinary quantity was 1.826g. And then, he was diagnosed with primary nephrotic syndrome. After 21days later, all symptoms disappear. However, when he went home, his condition is relapsed again.

His parents walked around to seek for a available treatment which save his son’s life. But they got nothing to treat his disease. But, his illness condition continues to get worse and his parents’ mood is also getting worse.

One day, a patient at his local hospital tole his parents that they can go to our hospital which is one of the most professional hospitals for treating kidney disease. And then, they came to our hospital.

A Big Trouble Caused by Catching a ColdAfter arriving at our hospital, his proteinuria was 4+, 24 urinary quantity was 8.04g. After receiving treatment for one week, his proteinuria was +-, 24 urinary quantity was 0.13g. You may be wondering that what treatment we use to treat kidney disease patients. A natural treatment named as Toxins -Removing Treatment is suggested for patients to eliminate various wastes products and toxins out of body fundamentally. Most of patients are eager to know that why nephrotic syndrome has high occurrence. It is because that there are lots of toxic substances and toxins depositing in the body. The toxins deposited in blood not only damage the normal kidney function, but also affect the efficiency of kidney treating medications. So, the purpose of our hospital is to eliminate toxins deposited out of blood, which not only can provide patients a health internal environment to repair the diseased cells and tissues, but also can improve the efficiency of kidney treatment medications.
