
You may also have tried Chinese medicine treatments

Name: Lucy

Gender: Female

Age: 23 Years old

Country:  China

Diagnose: Membranous Nephropathy

Patient Word:

You may also have tried Chinese medicine treatments but your proteinuria still presents. Do you know the reason?

A patient has the similar condition. Her proteinuria relapses frequently. Last year, this patient was diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis with leg swelling and protein 2+. After 3 weeks of steroid therapy in local hospital, swelling disappeared and protein +-. She left the hospital with improved illness condition. At home, she still took treatment with oral Chinese medicine soup and steroid therapy. But swelling occurred from time to time and protein fluctuated between +- and 3+. In order to get better treatment, she came to our hospital for treatment with the help of one friend.

When she came to our hospital, we first gave him thorough check up. 24h urine protein quantity was 3.63g. With our hospital’s unique test –Phospholipase A2 receptor antibodies, it is high and positive. Also our doctors analyze her condition and previous treatment. Her previous diagnosis was wrong. It was not chronic glomerulonephritis but Membranous Nephropathy.

Exact diagnosis is very important for the following treatment. Our hospital treats kidney disease through removing various toxins out. Other treatments fail to treat kidney disease effectively.

After many years of clinical trails and repeated improvement, our hospital creates Toxin-Removing Treatment which can expel various toxins out from your body effectively. Toxin-Removing Treatment is the application of Chinese medicines which can discharge lots of toxins in your body from your body through urine, stool and sweat gland. This can set up a good blood environment for kidney recovery and other medication application. Toxin-Removing Treatment can eliminate swelling and refractory proteinuria.

A period of treatment later, swelling disappeared, body weight reduced 5kg and 24h urine protein quantity was reduced to 0.71g and steroid tablet was reduced to 6 tablets.

Only when blood is purified can you get a good therapeutic effect.

Phone :008615931093124

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