
If he does dialysis with his condition will become worse and worse

Justin is patient from Rwanda. Since he was diagnosed with kidney failure, he was told that doing dialysis for three times a week is his only option. Let’s take a look together about his condition.

In 2013, he was diagnose with kidney failure and proteinuria is just 1+ and creatinine level is just 120 umol/L. He didn’t pay too much attention to it because he didn’t experience any poisoning symptoms.

In 2014, he suffered from severe headache. And then his creatinine level is up to 320 umol/L. The doctors tole him that he just need to control it by taking a health diet.

In 2017, because of suffering severe headache, he came to hospital again to check his condition and then his creatinine level is up to 960 umol/L. And at that time, he begun to do dialysis three times a week.

However, the problem is that dialysis does not help his condition get better. In 2012, he has no urine output at all, but his creatinine does not reduced. Before dialysis, his creatinine level was between 1200-1400 umol/L and after dialysis, his creatinine level was between 820-940 umol/L. He does dialysis for 4 years and his creatinine level is up to 1330 umol/L. Besides, he has no urine output at all.

He thought that dialysis is not a solution for him to keep alive. If he does dialysis, his condition will become worse and worse. Doing dialysis makes him fell like that he is on the way of going to hell, said Justin.

After arriving at our hospital, our renal experts made a specific treatment plan for him. Our purpose is to shrink kidney cysts firstly because it is the cysts that makes him experience such a high level of creatinine. We mainly use herbal medicines to shrink kidney cysts by preventing the active substances in epithelial cells from releasing. It also can promote the circulation of cysts wall, so as to promote the excretion of cysts fluid. Doing Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for one time, his creatinine level is reduced to 1039 umol/L from 1330 umol/L. After a first time of dialysis in our hospital, More Options Reduce High Creatinine Levelhis creatinine level is reduced to 434 umol/L. The reason that he didn’t achieve a good effects of doing dialysis is because that the speed of producing wastes products is faster than the speed of excreting wastes products. And then, the Chinese treatment is to used to slow down its producing speed.


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