
She was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure

She is a kidney failure patient with the age of 11. At such as young age, she should have played with other children and went to school with her classmates. She has to live in ward along with illness.

Her name is Anny. When she was 6 years old, she suffered from low back pain suddenly. And then she and her parents were told that she has kidney stones. 2 years ago, her creatinine level is higher than normal range. Besides, she also suffered from hematuria, and then, she was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure.

After arriving at our hospital, her doctors and experts worked together to make a specific treatment schedule regarding her illness condition. It includes Toxins-Removing Treatment and Medicated Bath.

Toxins-Removing Treatment Helps me Decreases High Creatinine LevelsBefore patients receive treatment, they have to make it clear that why they have kidney disease and why there is no cure for kidney disease.

Kidney disease means that your kidneys are damaged by some harmful substances, there are 2 factors contributing to kidney disease, one is unhealthy diet and uncomfortable living environment the other one is genetic kidney disease and immune disorder. Why there is no cure for your disease, it is because that there are numerous wastes products and toxic substances building up in blood. Besides, the deposition of wastes products and toxins not only make further damage to renal cells and tissues, but also affect the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Thereby, the first step for treating kidney disease is to eliminate various wastes products firstly and then we give patients a proper treatment. Besides, we mainly use herbal medicines to eliminate various wastes products completely. In addition to, Medicated bath is often suggested for patients to promote blood circulation of whole body.
