
High Creatinine Level can be reduced to 69umol/L from 163 umol/L

Illness condition description : High Creatinine Level can be reduced to 69umol/L from 163 umol/L.

He is 23 years old . Last year, he develops severe swelling on whole body. He was very desperate. In order to comfort him, his attending doctor accompanied him and told to him for at least 4 hours. And he was happy to receive treatment, as a result, there is remarkable change on his physical condition.

After arriving at hospital, a comprehensive treatment schedule has been made to treat his illness condition. This treatment includes Toxins-Removing Treatment, Medicated Bath, Stem Cells Therapy and Blood Purification.

Here, doctors explained the details about what is the kidney disease, why his kidney disease keeps high occurrence and why does he develop swelling with kidney disease?

Kidney disease is caused by severe damage by some harmful substances which related with your body and there is changes on your body, such as proteinuria, hematuria and kidney failure.

Why does his disease has high occurrence ?

It is because that there are lots of substances being deposited in the body. The toxins deposited in body not only make further damage to your kidney function, but also affects the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Thereby, the first step for treating kidney disease is to eliminate various wastes products out of blood firstly and then we prescribe patients proper treatment. We mainly use Toxins-Removing Treatment to help patients eliminate various wastes products and toxins out of body fundamentally. Additionally, we use Medicated Bath to repair diseased cells and tissues naturally. Although the diseased cells and tissues can be repaired by taking natural treatments, we can not make the dead cells and tissues survive again. Thereby, stem cells is used to replace the dead cells and tissues with health and functioning cells and tissues.

By taking treatments in our hospital, his creatinine level is reduced to 69 umol/l from 163 umol/L.


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