
What are the 7 causes of low immunity

Low immunity may also lead to the invasion of related diseases, such as: easy aging, high prevalence, high incidence of cancer and AIDS. Low immunity is a problem that many friends have. So what are the causes of immunity in the life? Please read the following 7 reasons carefully.

1, psychological tension

Anxiety and anxious mental exertion can cause adverse effects on autonomic nerves, and autonomic nerves are closely related to the endocrine system and immune system. Diseases caused by labor are often difficult to cure.

Causes of Low Immunity What Causes Low Immunity? What Are the Risks of Low Immunity?

2, physical fatigue

Insufficient sleep or excessive exertion will increase the burden of autonomic nerves as much as psychological stress, and it will also cause adverse effects on the endocrine system and immune system, resulting in decreased immunity.

3, negative pessimism

Too passive and pessimistic personality can cause the immune system to be reduced, so it is critical to maintain a good mood.

4, dietary imbalance

Eating disorders, irregular eating times, picky eaters, etc., can all contribute to the lack of nutrients needed to provide the immune system.

5, is lack of exercise

Insufficient exercise leads to decreased physical strength. If the physical strength cannot keep up, it will be difficult to resist fatigue, which will result in a decrease in immunity.

Causes of Low Immunity What Causes Low Immunity? What Are the Risks of Low Immunity?

6, excessive antibacterial

Nowadays, society can provide people with adequate antibacterial drugs and commodities, but it should not be over-cleaned. Once the body's immune system adapts to an overly clean environment, the immune system will decline.

7, physical aging

With age, people recover slowly after illness or are prone to have a cold. This is because the body's immune system cannot function effectively after aging.

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