
what is the significance of the three routine tests

So what is the significance of the three routine tests of blood routine, urine routine, and stool routine?

1. The main items of blood routines include red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), total number of white blood cells (WBC) and (DC) classification; in addition, (p t) platelet counts.

2. The main urine routine items include: urine color, urine acidity (pH), urine specific gravity and protein quantification, and urinary sediment count. Its main contents are: microscopic examination of white blood cells, pus and erythrocytes (normal red blood cells, erythroblasts, and shadow cells) epithelial cells, granulocytes and other sperm. And in the pathological conditions of various tube similar substances.

3. The main contents of the stool routine are: stool color and hardness slime. As well as microscopic examination of stools, there are various parasite tests such as helminths (hookworm eggs, aphid eggs, and whipworm eggs).

In the absence of pathological conditions, the three general values ​​are in the normal range, but when the disease or the body is subjected to certain (chemical, physical, biological, mechanical) adverse stimuli and trauma, the body's internal and external environment The equilibrium condition is destroyed and its normal value changes.
When you have signs of flu, pneumonia, acute tonsillitis, infections, etc., the white blood cells in the blood routine rise, and the classified cells increase or decrease accordingly. Even due to carelessness, liver disease or other infections, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets will be reduced. If you are careless, a urinary tract infection, or vaginitis, nephritis or the like will occur; your urine will turn red, dark, brown or milky white. Frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, difficulty urinating, gross hematuria and other symptoms. Upon laboratory tests, red blood cells, white blood cells, or other transparent tubes, wax-like tubes, pelleted tubes, or crystalline salts can be found in the urine. When you are infected with parasites, laboratory tests can reveal that parasite eggs, hookworm eggs and other parasites host your body. When you suffer from digestive diseases, anal fissures, acne, and stools, you will find that stools are dark and have different shapes and positive occult blood.
In short, the three major routines (blood, urine, feces) have been used as clinicians to diagnose diseases. Identification of patients is an essential test method. It is also one of the basis for the inspector to provide clinicians with reliable diagnosis. It is also our observation of physiology and disease.


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