
What food kidney shrink patients can not eat

Restricted amount of water:

acute nephritis with oliguria, eyelid edema, generalized edema, and high blood pressure, which is the performance of water metabolism disorders diet, it is important to limit the amount of liquid intake to eliminate edema, reduce heart pressure, the amount of liquid should According to the degree of edema and the amount of urine output, the acute period is generally limited to 500 milliliters, and then increase the amount of water depending on the amount of urine.

Limit the salt:
edema and blood volume and salt have a great relationship, every one gram of salt can bring about 110 milliliters of water, nephritis such as eating too much salt, so that impaired voiding. Often edema increases, blood volume increases, resulting in heart failure, it must be limited salt and give a low-salt diet.

Limit foods high in purine content:
Reduce the burden on the kidneys, and limit foods that stimulate kidney cells, such as spinach, celery, beans, and their products. Can the kidneys shrink?

Do not use strong seasoning essence:
strong condiments have a stimulatory effect on the kidney, such spices are pepper, mustard, curry, pepper and so on. Monosodium glutamate should also be used sparingly. For example, multi-purpose monosodium glutamate can cause thirst and drink.

For more information, please follow the facebook homepage account: Life for Kidney patients, which allows you to learn more about the various news at home and abroad, but also allows you to learn more about kidney disease. (Dr.Leo)


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