
It is a general diagnostic method that is conducive to the discovery of kidney disease

Urinary routine is a preliminary examination that cannot be neglected in clinical practice. Proteinuria or components of urinary sediment may occur early in many kidney diseases. Once urine abnormalities are found, it is often the first indication of kidney or urinary tract disease and is often an important clue to the nature of the pathological process. It is a general diagnostic method that is conducive to the discovery of kidney disease.

Routine urine tests include urine color, transparency, pH, red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, casts, proteins, specific gravity, and urine sugar quality.
(1) urine color: the color of normal urine, mainly caused by urine pigment, the daily excretion is generally constant, so the depth of urine color changes with the amount of urine. Normal urine is yellow grass, abnormal urine color may change due to food, drugs, pigments, blood and other factors.
(2) Transparency: In normal fresh urine, most of the urine is clear and transparent except that the urine of women is slightly turbid. If it is left for a long time, light turbidity occurs. This is due to changes in the pH of the urine, mucus protein in the urine, Nucleoproteins and other gradual precipitation.
(3) pH: Normal urine is weakly acidic, but it can also be neutral or slightly alkaline. The pH of urine depends to a large extent on the type of diet, the drug used, and the type of disease.
(4) Cells: Cells that are clinically significant in urine are red blood cells, white blood cells, and small round epithelial cells. 1 Red blood cells. Red blood cells can occasionally appear in normal human urine, and no more than 3 visual fields per high magnification are obtained after centrifugation. If there is a large amount of red blood cells in the urine, it may be due to kidney bleeding, urinary tract bleeding, renal congestion and other reasons. Strenuous exercise and blood circulation disorders can also lead to increased glomerular permeability and protein and red blood cells in the urine. 2 white blood cells. Normal human urine has a few white blood cells, and the visual field of centrifugal urine does not exceed 5 in each high magnification field. When abnormal, the urine contains a large number of white blood cells, indicating pyogenic lesions in the urinary tract, such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urethritis. 3 small round epithelial cells. In normal urine, a small number of steatotic small round epithelial cells are sometimes found. If glomerulonephritis, urinary epithelial cells increased. If there are lesions in the renal tubules, many small round epithelial cells can appear.
(5) Tube type: normal urine contains only a trace amount of albumin, no tube type, or occasionally a small number of transparent tubes. If there is a tube in the urine, it can reflect the condition of at least one nephron. It is a signal of kidney disease and is of great significance for diagnosis.
(6) Proteins: It is generally considered that normal humans have a daily excretion protein mass of 40 to 80 mg and a maximum of 100 to 150 mg, and the regular test is negative. Pathological proteinuria is found in glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, acute renal failure, hypertensive nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy, gestosis, lupus nephritis, radiation nephritis and other inflammatory lesions in the kidney, poisoning, and tumors.
(7) Specific gravity: The proportion of urine is between 1.015 and 1.025. The proportion of urine of infants and young children is low, and the specific gravity of urine is influenced by age, amount of drinking water, and sweating. The level of urine specific gravity mainly depends on the concentration function of the kidney, so the determination of urine specific gravity can be used as one of the renal function tests.
(8) Qualitative urine: Normal humans may have trace amounts of glucose in the urine. The daily urine sugar content is 0.1 to 0.3 grams, and the maximum is no more than 0.9 grams. The qualitative test is negative. Urinary glycocalyxemia is more common in renal diabetes, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism.


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