
Diabetic Nephropathy patients can regain new life

With Chinese medicine treatments, Diabetic Nephropathy patients can regain new life. Do you want to hear her story? Now follow us to read the article.

The patient is 55 years old and from Haiti. Her blood sugar is not well controlled and her kidney condition becomes worse and worse. Creatinine level has elevated to over 500umol/L . Her local doctor has recommended dialysis but the patient rejectes. Hearing Chinese medicines are magic, she comes to our hospital for treatment no matter how far it is. At the beginning of February, she comes to our hospital. About 10 days of Chinese medicine treatments later, her blood sugar is stabilized gradually and she stops insulin injection. She begins to take medications for lowering blood sugar. High creatinine level is reduced to 417umol/L from 501umol/L. With further treatment, she will become better and better.
Chinese medicine treatments in our hospital include series of therapies like Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Steaming Therapy and Enema Therapy, etc. They first cleanse your blood and supply you a clean blood environment for repairing injured kidney tissues. Without a clean blood environment, no matter which medicine you take, the curative effect will not be good. Because toxins and wastes in your blood will reduce the effects of medication you take and also cause further kidney damage. Therefore, the first step in kidney disease treatment should purify your blood. And then Chinese medicines can recover your renal function effectively through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. Moreover, high creatinine level, high blood sugar and other symptoms like swelling, poor eyesight and itchy skin can all be relieved.

This patient regains her life with our Chinese medicine treatments . If you want to learn further information, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.


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