
How to prevent Diabetic Nephropathy from kidney failure

Diabetic Nephropathy is kidney disease that results from years of uncontrolled diabetes. It is the leading cause of kidney failure. how to prevent Diabetic Nephropathy from kidney failure?

What affects the prognosis of Diabetic Nephropathy?

People with Diabetic Nephropathy do worse overall than people with kidney disease alone. Because they tend to have other long-standing medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, high blood sugar level, and atherosclerosis, etc. They can all cause further damage to your kidneys.

Treatment to prevent Diabetic Nephropathy from kidney failure

From the above information, we can see that to have a good prognosis with Diabetic Nephropathy, you have to control those medical conditions timely. Besides, you should repair kidney damage and improve kidney function. In china, Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Moxibustion, Enema Therapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicated Full Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, various medicinal soup, etc are very helpful.

Some can help expand blood vessels to lower blood pressure and increase blood flow into kidneys to improve ischemia and anoxia. Some can expel waste products from body to reduce their accumulation in blood. Some can decompose the deposited immune complexes and remove them out of the kidneys to reduce renal inflammation. Some can degrade extracellular matrix to stop kidney fibrosis. Some can help lower blood cholesterol level and reduce blood sugar level. All in all, TCM therapies can help set up a good blood environment for the damaged kidneys to repair themselves. After about one week’s treatment, your body malaise will become relieved. After about one month’s treatment, your kidney function will improve gradually and then you can avoid kidney failure to lead a normal life.
