
In the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy

In the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, there is micro proteinuria. With its progression, massive proteinuria may occur. Proteinuria affects your prognosis. If you do not want to quickly develop to ESRD, you should attach importance to it. How to reduce proteinuria for Diabetic Nephropathy patients? Read on to learn more information.

-Control high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a common complication of Diabetic Nephropathy. It can oppress more protein out of the body to worsen your kidney damage. It can also impair your cardiovascular system to threaten your life. To have a good control blood pressure, you should take hypertensives regularly, such as ACEI, ARBs, CCB, etc.

-Inhibit kidney inflammation

If you have massive proteinuria, steroids and immunosuppressants are often used to inhibit kidney inflammation to retain protein in body.

-Repair kidney damage

The above ways are helpful for you to control proteinuria, but they can not repair kidney damage. Under some inducement, your proteinuria may appear again. In our Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we use systemic Chinese medicine treatment to treat Diabetic Nephropathy. System Chinese medicine includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal soup, etc. They can help eliminate the immune complexes and diseased tissues in the kidneys to reduce kidney inflammation. They can also stimulate DNA duplication in the damaged cells and tissues to speed up kidney recovery. In addition, they can dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to increase blood flow into kidneys so that oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine can go into kidneys to help recover. With the improvement of kidney condition, your protein in urine will gradually disappear. At last, it will turn negative. Because the nidus is removed, your proteinuria will be controlled very well so that it won’t relapse easily.


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