
How to repair kidney function for Diabetic Nephropathy patients

With the increasing of diabetics, more and more people get Diabetic Nephropathy. How to repair kidney function for Diabetic Nephropathy patients? If you are Diabetic Nephropathy patient and want to improve kidney function, read on to learn more information.

First of all, you should stabilize your blood sugar level.

High blood sugar level is the root cause of your kidney damage, thus to prevent further kidney damage, you should stabilize it. If you could not find a suitable treatment in local, try some Chinese medicine, which can help you regulate your blood sugar level very well. You can also try Stem Cell Therapy, which is also helpful for you to improve the function of pancreas islet.

Second, to repair kidney damage.

Our body has self-healing ability. If your kidney tissues are not that severely damaged, it is possible for them to regain their ability with proper treatment. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is widely used to treat Diabetic Nephropathy. In TCM, there are various therapies, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion, Acupuncture, Enema Therapy, etc.

They can speed up blood circulation and remove stasis to improve blood circulation in the body. They can also expand blood vessels to increase blood flow into kidneys so that enough oxygen, essential elements and active ingredients of medicine can go into kidneys to help them heal-healing. They can help body excrete waste products so as to reduce blood toxin concentration. They can dissolve the deposited immune complexes and remove them out of the body to reduce kidney inflammation. In addition, they can degrade extracellular matrix to stop kidney fibrosis. After about one week’s treatment, your clinical symptoms such as fatigue, diabetic foot, swelling, back pain, poor appetite and so on will get relieved. After about one month’s treatment, your kidney function will improve.


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