
How to treat frequent urination at night in Diabetic Nephropathy

It can affect your sleep and bother a lot of patients especially the elderly patients. In Beijing Tongshantang Hosptal of Traditional Chinese Medicine , frequent urination at night can be reduced to 1 times from 4 times by Chinese medicine treatment.

1. What is the cause of frequent urination at night?

Healthy kidneys can discharge all wastes and toxins out of your body. However, when kidneys are damaged, they cannot discharge all the metabolic wastes and toxins during the daytime so they need to work at night to remove the remaining wasteful products. This results in frequent urination at night.

2. How to treat frequent urination at night in Diabetic Nephropathy?

In our hospital, we recommend you a systematic treatment for diabetic nephropathy-Blood Pollution Therapy+Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Blood Pollution Therapy

This therapy treats blood first before treating kidney disease. There are many toxins and wastes in your blood when kidneys are damaged. Blood needs to be purified first. Blood Pollution Therapy combines various Blood Purification methods to cleanse your blood. It is more effective to discharge wastes and toxins out of your body. Besides, this therapy can also supply you some nutrients like amino acids, vitamins and organic acids, etc.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This therapy aims to repair your injured kidneys and improve your renal function. It is an external application. Two medicated bags are placed on your kidney area. You just need to lie on the bed to take this treatment. With the help of osmosis device, the active ingredients can come to your kidney lesion directly. By way of dilating blood vessels, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients, it can stimulate the self-curing ability of injured kidney tissues. Gradually damaged kidneys can be repaired to some extent and then kidney function can be improved greatly. Frequent urination at night can be reduced. Other symptoms from diabetic nephropathy like dry skin, weakness, anemia and protein in urine can all be relieved radically and effectively.



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