
Hibiscus tea is extremely good for your health

Hibiscus tea is extremely good for your health. The flowers, calyx and fruits are all used for healing purposes. Well then, is it ok for Diabetic Nephropathy patients to drink hibiscus tea?

Before getting the answer whether hibiscus tea is good for diabetic nephropathy patients or not, let's first see its medical health.

1. Reduce high blood pressure

When kidneys are damaged by long time of diabetes, high blood pressure can also occur. It is important to bring high blood pressure under control. Scientific studies suggest that dialy hibiscus tea may benefit people with high blood pressure. It is particularly effective that hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure in type 2 diabetics.

2. Benefit diabetics

Hibiscus tea can reduce LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol, and raise high-density lipoprotein levels in type 2 diabetes. This can slow down the progression of kidney disease in diabetic nephropathy.

3. Boost immune system

Patients with kidney disease often have poor immunity or immune system disorder. The high amount of vitamin C in hibiscus is considered as a great immune system booster. It has the ability to prevent against colds and flu. This can reduce frequent relapse of kidney disease.

4. Help digestion

Hibiscus can increase both urination and bowel movements. Since it has diuretic properties, it is also used to treat constipation.

From the above, diabetic nephropathy patients can drink hibiscus tea. Besides, hibiscus tea also contains many nutrients such as calories, total fat, total omega-3, total omega-6, fiber, protein, vitamin A, C, B1 , B2, coppers and zinc. This can supply more nutrients for injured kidneys to stimulate the self-healing ability of injured kidney tissues.


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