
Chinese traditional festivals - What are the benefits of eating Laba porridge

Laba porridge is not only custom and food, it is health products.

Qing Dynasty nutritionist Cao Yanshan essay "porridge spectrum", Laba porridge fitness nutrition features exhaustive, clear, conditioning nutrition, easy to absorb, is "diet" to share, and stomach, spleen, nourishing the heart, clearing the lungs, Yishen, Liver, Diabetes, eyesight, laxative, the role of soothe the nerves. These have all been confirmed by modern medicine. For older people, Laba porridge is also good food, but should also be careful not to drink. In fact, more than Laba, usually porridge, is also of great benefit to the elderly. Porridge varieties are quite large, vary, depending on the choice, as appropriate consumption.

 "Laba porridge," the main raw material for cereals, commonly used in rice, rice and barley. Rice with protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients, with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, spleen and stomach, and the five internal organs, Chufan thirst quencher, Yijing and other functions. Glutinous rice with the role of warm spleen Qi, suitable for people with spleen and stomach dysfunction, for Deficiency cold Lee, imaginary thirst, urine and some other adjuvant therapy adverse effects. Chinese medicine that barley spleen, lungs, heat, wetting function, regular consumption of chronic enteritis, dyspepsia embolism also have good effect. Rich in dietary fiber barley have the effect of preventing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.
Beans are "Laba porridge ingredients, commonly used soybeans, red beans. Soy contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotenoids, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc., is very nutritious and has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases, A variety of malignant tumors, prevention of osteoporosis and other health care functions. Chixiaodou contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and other Chinese medicine that this product has spleen dampness, benefits of water swelling, for spleen diarrhea and Edema has a role in adjuvant therapy.
Can not be underestimated "Laba porridge" in the therapeutic effect of nuts, peanuts and walnuts is an indispensable raw material. Peanut has "long fruit" reputation, with lungs, and the stomach, cough, diuretic, breast milk and other functions. Walnuts have kidney qi, brain puzzle, strong gluten and bones of the role, but also to increase appetite, Ukraine must germinal, walnut contains vitamin E is more recognized pharmaceutical anti-aging medicine.
If in the "Laba porridge" plus lamb, dog meat, chicken, etc., even more nutritious value of Laba porridge doubled. For hypertensive patients, may wish to add white radish in the porridge, celery, for patients with insomnia, if you add some longan in the porridge, Suanzaoren will play a very good heart and soothe the nerves, Polygonum, medlar with longevity The role of blood lipids also have an adjuvant role in regulation, is the elderly diet Jiapin. Oatmeal has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol level. After eating oatmeal, the blood sugar level can be slowed down. Adding oat to carbohydrate foods can inhibit the increase of blood sugar level. Therefore, for patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular diseases, Put some oats in it. Jujube is also a Qi nourishing, spleen diet Jiapin, the spleen and stomach, blood deficiency chlorosis and lung cough embolism have a certain effect.
Hypertension: barley to prevent high blood pressure
Commonly used rice, glutinous rice and barley. Rice with protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients, with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, spleen and stomach, and the five internal organs, Chufan thirst quencher, Yijing and other functions. Glutinous rice with the role of warm spleen Qi, suitable for people with spleen and stomach dysfunction, for Deficiency cold Lee, imaginary thirst, urine and some other adjuvant therapy adverse effects. Chinese medicine that barley spleen, lungs, heat, wetting function, regular consumption of chronic enteritis, dyspepsia embolism also have good effect. Rich in dietary fiber barley have the effect of preventing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.

Kidney loss: chestnuts can kidney Qi
Peanuts and walnuts are the indispensable ingredients for boiled Laba porridge. Peanut has "long fruit" reputation, with lungs, and the stomach, cough, diuretic, breast milk and other functions. Walnuts have kidney qi, brain puzzle, strong gluten and bones of the role, but also to increase appetite, Ukraine must germinal, walnut contains vitamin E is more recognized pharmaceutical anti-aging medicine. For patients with frequent insomnia, add some longan meat in the porridge, Suanzaoren will play a very good heart and soothe the nerves; lotus can qi and spleen; medlar has the role of longevity, but also have an auxiliary regulatory role in blood lipids , Is the elder's diet Jiapin; jujube is also a Qi nourishing, spleen diet Jiapin, on the spleen and stomach, blood deficiency chlorosis and lung deficiency cough embolism have a certain effect; pine nuts can nourish the heart and lung, through the large intestine , Chestnuts can kidney qi, governance waist and leg soreness.
Diabetes: Oats lower cholesterol levels
Oatmeal has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol level. After eating oatmeal, the blood sugar level can be slowed down. Adding oat to carbohydrate foods can inhibit the increase of blood sugar level. Therefore, for patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular diseases, Put some oats in it. Laba porridge in a variety of beans is good, make the protein complementary, and higher cellulose. Many studies have confirmed that food rich in dietary fiber can lower blood sugar, especially soluble fiber contained in oats, barley and some beans, can form viscous substances in the stomach, affecting the absorption and utilization of glucose, will not lead to postprandial blood glucose Suddenly rise. Some nuts, such as peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, dietary fiber content is also higher, but also contains adjustable blood lipids, lipid-lowering unsaturated fatty acids. Even with more starchy chestnuts, lotus seeds, real dietary fiber content are also between 1.2% -3%, the glycemic index is also far lower than the refined rice. Buckwheat contains chromium, insulin to enhance the role of the clinical treatment of diabetes for nutrition. Therefore, diabetic patients can choose more oats and buckwheat as the main ingredient. Diabetes patients eat Laba best not to put sugar, if you want to eat sweets, you can put some stevia sugar, xylitol sweetener.
Cardiovascular disease: soybeans lower blood cholesterol
Soy contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotenoids, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc., is very nutritious and has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular diseases, A variety of malignant tumors, prevention of osteoporosis and other health care functions. Chixiaodou contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and other Chinese medicine that this product has spleen dampness, benefits of water swelling, for spleen diarrhea and Edema has a role in adjuvant therapy. Mung beans have the effect of high blood pressure therapy.
Porridge oil: crush more porridge oil beauty
Many black foods are excellent beauty foods. Such as black rice, contains a variety of vitamins and zinc, iron, selenium and other nutrients. Chinese medicine believes that black rice can Yin and kidney, eyesight and blood circulation. Black beans high protein content, good quality, but also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and calcium, iron, carotene and B vitamins. The ratio of saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in edible oils has a great impact on human bodybuilding. Walnut contains beauty essential vitamin E, called the highest crown of beauty foods. The beauty of pine nuts is also very good.
Many crush like to eat laba porridge to beauty, but here there is a beauty secret, that is, do not give up porridge oil. Porridge oil is actually boiled porridge repeatedly while floating in the porridge that thick layer of liquid, also known as rice oil. Chinese medicine believes that porridge sweet sweet flat, its tonic is better than Rehmannia, daily if you can drink a bowl of rice porridge, black and thin without a hundred days to be fat.
Mothers: fragrant soft Laba best
Early pregnant women generally respond to severe early pregnancy, this time should choose easily digestible food to reduce vomiting, porridge is a good choice, not to mention fragrant waxy rotten Laba porridge. In the second trimester, fetal growth is accelerated and energy needs to be replenished. At the same time, the need for iron increases, while the third trimester of pregnancy needs to be supplemented with calcium. Therefore, for mothers and new mothers, the following foods can be considered more: brown rice contains more than 100 mg / kg of calcium, peanuts, soybeans, black beans, green beans, jujube are rich in calcium, soybeans and nuts It also contains a high iron.
Seniors: You can put more soy
The elderly should be diversified diet, eat more soybeans and their products, laba porridge meet these requirements. And Laba eat more at night, also in line with the diet of the elderly. Soy is rich in bioactive substances Soy isoflavones can inhibit lipid peroxidation in vivo, can prevent osteoporosis. Weakened gastrointestinal function in the elderly, laba porridge just soft rot easily digestible, together with the thickness with dietary fiber, can increase peristalsis, prevention of senile constipation have a role. In addition, due to porridge more water, dilute foods easily lead to hypersecretion of gastric acid, stimulate gastrointestinal pain. Therefore, people with poor stomach can put Laba congee slightly thicker, and it is best to eat Laba porridge at the same time eat dry foods, such as sesame seed, bread and so on.

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